Multiple TTPickerTextField in TTMessageController - iphone

Is there some way to use multiple instances of TTPickerTextField in one TTMessageController? I am currently only using the default "To" field with a .datasource, but I am unsure of how to add the others to the main controller.
Thanks for any help.

There is now a Sample app at GitHub under the Samples that shows a way to handle this.


Create a Block with data from database in Sulu

I need to build a block with data from (Symfony) Entity.
For example a carousel with last 3 item/record from database.
This block can appear in more than just a page.
I know that I can use a custom controller but is that the best technical choice ?
Do i need "Smart content" ? Read the doc but it's not clear
How i can do that ?
Thanks in advance.
Using a twig extension or a controller would definitely be the easiest way, because no sulu knowledge is required for that.
But the sulu way of solving that problem would be a custom SmartContentDataProvider. There are two main advantages of this method:
The content editor can further filter the result (in your case probably sorting and limiting)
The result is also displayed in the admin interface (Otherwise it would just be shown in the preview)
Our community is usually using our Slack channel or GitHub Discussions for support questions. Your questions will probably be answered a lot faster there, because there we can better track them.

using "add fetch request" in Xcodes UI

It seems that there is a convenient way to use fetch controllers using the UI of xcdatamodel. I tried to use it but could not figure out how you actually implement the fetch once I have created it. anyone have some experience with this? A link? And most of all, is it possible to comfortably add this to a fetchResultsController?
EDIT: the answer here core data simple fetch request template in swift helped me use the tool but I feel like it is not a full answer. (Thank you shallowThought)

Using overlayButtons on FusionCharts with javascript links

I would like to use a javascript function link such as 'link:j-myJS-data' for drill down type charts. I have everything working great to drill down but cannot figure out how to incorporate the overlayButton through the configureLink when drilling down. At present, I can drill down but cannot go back. Can anyone provide a basic example of how I may go about this? Is it even possible?
I thought I could add my own "Back" button to hande this as one option. I do not want to use a jsonURL as there is a lot of data and many paramertes need to be passed resutling in a long links and a lot of extra data in the JSON.
Thanks in advance.
There are multiple options available to create a drill-down chart with FusionCharts XT. Here is a table which explains all of them, with each one's syntax.
The method that you've used is the JavaScript function link. Using this one, you won't get an overlay button to go back to the parent chart.
The overlay button is available only when a LinkedChart is created.
So there are 2 ways that you could go about:
You could change all your charts to use the LinkedCharts technique. Here is a blog post detailing how LinkedCharts can be created using PHP + MySQL. If you aren't using PHP, the general idea shown still applies to any server-side environment.
You could create a separate button sitting near the chart, and this button would re-create the parent chart for you.
The button (which we call "overlay-button") can be made automatically visible using LinkedCharts alone.
However the overlay-button can be internally invoked using the charts' private API. Since these APIs are private, it may change between implementations and may not work as desired under certain circumstances. I would not recommend you to use this. If you are still interested in knowing more on this API, put in a comment and I will update this post.

Josh Smith's MVVM Demo App: Add commands to MainWindowViewModel's command list

I have a question concerning Josh Smith's famous demo app on MVVM.
I try building a "real" application around it to learn WPF.
He creates this CommandsList in the MainWindowViewModel containing 2 Commands (create new and view all customers). This list is readonly (why? any particular reason?).
I thougt it would be nice to add and remove some commands, depending on the workspace that is currently selected. Like edit or delete a customer when it has the focus and so on.
How would I accomplish this?! Can I just make it a normal list and add commands? Or bind the Commands-View to a commands list of the selected workspace instead of the MainWindow? How? Any other ways? Please share your ideas!
Thank you very much!
I write an article about defining the commands in the viewmodel and how you can then use all the possibilities of databinding to show your commands.
One of the possibilities mentioned was to
define a filtered version of the
command list “local menu commands” for
direct use in the view
Something similar is what I think you should do in your situation: write some filtered version of the command list and change it depending on your state.
The article also contains a link to a very simple demo application that shows only how this works so I think it could help you.
Take a look at this:
I use messages via Caliburn.

Add new field in existing built in Application of iPhone

Hope you all are fine and are in your best of moods.
I herewith one doubt to ask you, kindly help me by giving its solution.
I need to add one custom field in existing built in Contact Application of iPhone.
I mean i need to allow user to set different icon or Logo for different contact.
so i need to add one field namely icon or Logo in existing application.
But I don't know how to do this, weather it is possible or not or is there any alternate solution for that or not???
kindly post your Answers.
Thanks in Advance.
You cannot add fields to the built in Address Book datastore. You could perhaps achieve your goals by one of two solutions:
make a copy of the data and add your data to that. You will hit sync problems
Use some property (perhaps ABPropertyID) of the AB information to key a local database referencing your icons.
I'm assuming what you actually want to do is add an icon to the address book app - there is certainly no way to do that.