vbulletin membership list header change - vbulletin

I have a vbulletin website. I need to change the label "Posts" to "Forums". Just the label, not the functionality. If you need to see an example please visit this link, http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/memberlist.php . Here you can see "post" in the table header. I need to change that. It may be very simple, but i have no idea.

in the memberlist template i think your looking for
< vb:if condition="$show['searchcol']">< th>< span class="blocksubhead">{vb:rawphrase find_posts_user}
you want to change the {vb:rawphrase find_posts_user} to Forums
edit: sorry about the spaces in the vb code. it was trying to render it as HTML here.


Adding Templavoila template to Typo3 blog

I am pretty new to Typo3, and I am sorry if my question is too easy to answer =)
I'm using Templavoila and I installed the Typo3 Blog extension (T3G?) and I ticked the checkbox "Install and use the template provided by the extension" when setting up my first blog. I hardly managed to get a html only page with a sidebar and list of posts.
My problem is that I can't find a way to add a template or any CSS to that page. I'd like to fit it into the rest of my website with the logo, menu, etc… but after a day of searching and reading, I haven't find a solution to my problem.
Is the problem that I'm using Templavoila rather than FLUID?
Is there a way to add a TV template to my blog?
How can I add CSS to that page (I have tried page.includeCSS.style without success)?
Is it possible to fit that blog in the rest of the website?
I'm using : Typo3 7.6 - Typo3 Blog 7.6 - Templavoila! Plus 7.2
PS : Is it just me or is it pretty difficult for new people to make their way into Typo3 ? ^^ I'm probably just missing something obvious but there isn't much documentation or tutorials dedicated to beginners. I hope it get's easier =)
Templavoila (and Templavoila plus) operate its "magic" by its function to show the content; thus you don't need anymore the usual TypoScript:
page.10 < styles.content.get
Instead, the page content must be replaced with:
page.10 = USER
page.10.userFunc = tx_templavoilaplus_pi1->main_page
Be sure to enable the TemplaVoila page module to manage content with TemplaVoila.The reason is that the "bare" TYPO3 uses the colPos field to retrieve the content (e.g. styles.content.get means colPos=0) while as far as I remember TemplaVoila uses its own logic and the TemplaVoila page module is necessary (also, as far as I can remember,there is an option to map a TemplaVoila content container to the colPos but I could possibly be wrong).
This is only part of the answer I was looking for, and it was probably obvious (well not for me indeed).
In the options of the blog template (the Typoscript one) I had to uncheck all the checkboxes (Clear constants, clear setup, rootlevel).
I also deleted the page.10 < styles.content.get, if I don't I get all the content but again, HTML only.
I'm facing a new problem now. The list of posts is not showing. Only regular element like text elements are being displayed, the Templavoilà FCE aren't… It is worse for the blog posts, nothing at all is being displayed.
PS : Should I write a new question for this or is it okay to ask it here ?
as maintainer of the TemplaVoilà! Plus extension I'd like to help you. Till yet, I didn't tested the blog extension, but I'm willing to help you there.
Couls you please fill an issue report on https://github.com/pluspol-interactive/templavoilaplus/issues and add there a link to this discussion?
PS: I know, this isn't a answer to the question, but not enough reputation to add a comment.

Typo3: Post List

I'm working on a magazine webpage and the static version is pretty much ready by now.
Now I was wondering what would be the easiest way to create a post list, so a user can add a new post to that list.
For each post of that list, a page should be created, of course containing the text and images the user defines.
Also a goal would be, to be able to list all posts on one page where the user can click the one he want to read.
I've discovered the blog extension but I'm not sure if that is what I need.
The extension tx_news is probably good for you, hope it helps :)
You can have a look for the extension just_news: https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/just_news/

How to edit profile mybb forum

Making changes on this kind.
Specifically I would like to change this screen
I want to delete this field "Joined" and make couple more corrections?
How hard is to do this I searched on options on forum but I think I need to edit css or php file?
Am I right?
You need to edit :
Postbit template & Postbit_author_member

Is it possible to get the page number and line number in iPhone

Is it possible to get the page number and line number of particular text from doc/rtf/pdf in iPhone sdk?
Can QLPreviewController or UIDocumentInteractionController be of any help?
I am trying to create something like iAnnotate,Sente. Application where in user will be able to select some text and can add comments for selected text.
I have gone through the fastpdfkit api's which seems the only api which can be of some help.
Can you guys guide me in the right direction.
Go with this link, it will help you for PDF reader and you can see there how I am doing total page and current page.
If you're looking at doing this with PDF, RTF and DOC it might be best to approach it in a different way as they are all very different formats.
Instead - if you consider attaching comments to an area of the page as opposed to a specific text selection then all you need to know about the document is which page you're looking at. A much easier task. Then you get the user to 'drag out' a comments box for an area of that page. Think of them more like sticky-notes.
This way you can add comments to images as well as text and it allows a much more flexible system for support of other file formats in the future.
I realise this isn't I direct answer to the question, but thought it relevant enough to post.

Adding a custom css file to a Facebook "Activity Feed"

I would like to know if there is a way to add a custom css file to an activity feed (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/activity).
Ive tried adding a css="url.to.css" property, but it didnt work. Thanks
Use this way:
<fb:tag name='link'>
<fb:tag-attribute name='rel'>stylesheet</fb:tag-attribute>
<fb:tag-attribute name='href'>YOUR_FACEBOOK_CANVAS_PAGE/style.css</fb:tag-attribute>
<fb:tag-attribute name='type'>text/css</fb:tag-attribute>
<fb:tag-attribute name='media'>all</fb:tag-attribute>
It will be added to your page. Don't forget to edit URL.
I managed to customise an Activity plugin, after a great deal of effort.
You can see the result here:
Feel free to post a comment on that site, it exists purely for test purposes so I'm not fussed what goes up there provided its clean. Plus if you like the page it will show up as activity. Please don't feel obliged to though.
I explain how I achieved this in the blog article posted here:
To summarise briefly:
You cannot insert CSS into the activity plugin.
Rely on the fact it has a transparent background, and supply your own.
Turn off the header and supply your own.
You can specify a light or a dark font, a few fontfaces and a border colour, when you create the plugin.
If you read the blog article you will get a full explanation.