How to customize vrapper block indentation? - eclipse

I know it is possible to increase or decrease indentation of a block using n>> like in Vim. This used to work on Vrapper in my environment until recently, but now it is no longer smart, converting tabs to spaces, and not respecting my default tab width.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin, and making .vrapperrc look similar to my .vimrc. Neither attempts made any difference.

A friend helped out with a suggestion that worked. It had nothing to do with smartindent, or shiftwidth. Apparently :set expandtab is the default setting. Using :set noexpandtab took care of this for me.
(I use tabs, not spaces, let us not do that war. :-)

I have found similar behaviour with vrapper. As #romainl suggested, I took a look at the issue tracker and found this issue.
Using set sw=4 resolved my indenting issue.

I also use Eclipse + pydev + vrapper, set sw=4 is the perfect solution to the problem. And tabs is not recommended by python.


VSCode Comments aren't inline

I use VSCode and I think its a great editor, but when I write a comment in html it drops to a new line under what I'm commenting which is really irritating.
If I comment a closing div I want it next to the closing div not under it.
I have uninstalled prettier but that made no difference.
Is what I want even possible in VSCode?
Any advise would be appreciated because I am so irritated that I am considering using a different editor (I'm on a Mac just in case it matters).
Thanks in advance.
This was a problem for me too, as were other new line / white space related HTML issues.
Assuming you are not using any formatters besides the native VSCode HTML language features (you said you uninstalled prettier, but you didn't mention whether you were using something else),
there is a setting HTML white space which you can set to preserve to leave your comments untouched.
Note that you may need to go into settings and check what is being used as the HTML default formatter

Eclipse keyboard shortcuts won't work

I am using Eclipse Juno, and none of my keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Crtl + *) function at all. I checked in preferences and they're all still set they just don't do anything. This is really annoying, particularly with very commonly used ones like undo and redo. Does anyone have any ideas on how to possibly fix this? Thanks!
The problem's solution ended up being pretty simple, kind of similar to the question linked by #Apprentice but not quite, apparently whoever had been using the program before me linked CTRL+Z to another command as well as undo, so I went to (Window->Preferences->General->Keys) and unlinked it manually, now it appears to work.
One of the common issues (if you're using Windows) is accidental swtich of keyboard layout by pressing [ctrl]+[shift]. You can try using this combination again to see if it helps.
If it doesn't, you may want to have a look at this question: Undo shortcut not working in Eclipse

Issue with editor highlighting in Eclipse

I have an issue after switching to running Ubuntu when developing instead of Windows.
When I ran Eclipse in Windows, I could find the software market thing and get good and easy-to-use color themes from there to install. Since I couldn't find anything of this on my Ubuntu version, I decided to edit it all manually.
Here is my issue: I was able to adjust the color of the 'mark occurrences'-function that highlights all the all the places where a code piece occurs, but my program does something else to the place where variables are first declared. I took a simple screen shot that displays the problem:
When I disable 'mark occurrences', the super-bright highlighting on variable declarations do not go away, so it's not part of the same setting. I also can't find where I change the color of this, because it's quite annoying not to be able to read what's written due to the coloring of that highlight.
Do you know how I can disable this extra-marking of declarations? Or at least change the color of it? I can't find anything when googling it, but maybe I'm just searching for the wrong things.
Thanks in advance and sorry for this very long post!
I would recommend installing a new version of Eclipse on Ubuntu.
I'm developing on Kubuntu and have no issues. Make sure you delete all previous settings before reinstalling. Default settings should have them enabled.

Gigantic Tabs in Eclipse on Ubuntu

EDIT: For anyone coming to this question through searching, you can install a Gnome Theme called Clearlooks Compact to shorten your tabs in Eclipse. This will free up a lot of screen space. You can also check out the answer below to learn how to make the tabs more horizontally compact.
Short version: How do I make a short version of Eclipse's tabs & toolbars in Ubuntu?
I've been looking around for a fix to this on Google, but to no avail. With any GTK theme, I still have this same issue and it's very, very annoying--to the point where I've stopped using Eclipse in favor of gEdit. However, after running pylint from a terminal too. many. times. I've decided I need to find a solution to this issues with Eclipse so I can have PyDev back. Here's what the tabs look like:
alt text
As you can see, not only are the tabs exaggerated, but the toolbar is, too: so is the toolbar on the bottom; so are the tabs in the bottom pane. Overall, it's eating up a lot of screen space, which is a hard item to come by on a 17" screen. Any suggestions/fixes?
This can be solved changing your GTK settings;
gedit ~/.gtkrc-2.0
Then add this;
style "gtkcompact" {
class "GtkWidget" style "gtkcompact"
borrowed from
In addition to #Varun Mehta answer, I recommend the following tips for Eclipse 4 (Juno), whose interface is partially dictated and configurable by CSS rules:
In YourEclipseDir/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.x.y.v2012zzzzzzzz/css, edit:
... and adjust those files. I use the following set of tweaks:
set all the margin-* and padding to 0
set swt-shadow-visible: false everywhere you find it, to get rid of those huge shadows
set .MPartStack {font-size} to something smaller than 12
Finally, remember you can disable the toolbar. In 4.0, its state wasn't remembered across sessions, but it seems like the issue is solved in 4.2.1
Bonus resources: Eclipse4/CSS will get you started on Eclipse4 CSS, E4/CSS/SWT Mapping lists other interesting CSS attributes, and CSS Spy will help you inspect the UI.
Screenshot of what I end up with:
EDIT: see also How to remove the close (×) button from Eclipse Juno tabs?
In Addition to Ronans answer, it is possible to change the height of the tabs directly in Eclipse Juno.
edit the css file of your current style (e.g. e4_default_gtk.css) and add
CTabFolder {
tab-height: 16px;
Note: CTabFolder ... not add this to CTabFolder Canvas!
I too have suffered from this quite a bit, before I found the solution by changing the general appearance of my IDE.
You can try and customize the look-and-feel or you Eclipse Environment from,
Go to : Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance.
try setting,
Current Presentation to " Default ".
Enable " Traditional Style Tabs " (for rectangular tabs.)
Disable Animation ( if you don't like swoosh effect.)
Note: the Default Eclipse 4 just got a bit better with bug 420238 closed:
[CSS] Reduce whitespace usage in the default Eclipse themes
See Lars Vogel's article about it:
If you fire up the next Eclipse 4.4 milestone build, Eclipse uses much less whitespace and leaves more space for the important content.
(That would be 4.4 M5)
While this is on a technical level a trivial change, I hope that this will improve the initial perception people have in using Eclipse.
A big thanks to Daniel Rolka, Robin Stocker and Dani Megert for doing the majority of the work and a big thanks all involved parties in the Bug report to get this change accepted.
If you really want to make the tabs nice an' short, take a gander at Clearlooks Compact.
I preferred to just hit the whole IDE with a splash of "meh," so here's what I ended up with.

Zenburn for Netbeans

Is there a Zenburn theme for Netbeans?
You can try Aloha color theme for Netbeans. It's similar to Zenburn.
UPDATE: for NetBeans 6.9 - zenburn color scheme
I had set one up manually for it, just like I did with a bunch of other editors/IDEs. Then eventually I just gave up and started using gvim for everything. Things are much easier now.
In all seriousness, when I was trying to do it for Netbeans, there seemed to be some limitations as to what you could change in the colors/syntax-highlighting. Though I don't recall specific examples offhand, there were a few things I couldn't get quite right, and it used to bother me.
If you want a color reference though, I have one on my wiki, for when I used to set up Zenburn in random editors, feel free to use it:
Oh how I wish there was, however it is possible to change the colors manually.
Preferences > Fonts & Colors > Syntax