Eclipse keyboard shortcuts won't work - eclipse

I am using Eclipse Juno, and none of my keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Crtl + *) function at all. I checked in preferences and they're all still set they just don't do anything. This is really annoying, particularly with very commonly used ones like undo and redo. Does anyone have any ideas on how to possibly fix this? Thanks!

The problem's solution ended up being pretty simple, kind of similar to the question linked by #Apprentice but not quite, apparently whoever had been using the program before me linked CTRL+Z to another command as well as undo, so I went to (Window->Preferences->General->Keys) and unlinked it manually, now it appears to work.

One of the common issues (if you're using Windows) is accidental swtich of keyboard layout by pressing [ctrl]+[shift]. You can try using this combination again to see if it helps.
If it doesn't, you may want to have a look at this question: Undo shortcut not working in Eclipse


VSCode some shortcuts not working properly

latest version 1.40.1 on Windows 7 x64. I am developing in Java.
The most common shortcut, "go to definition" F12 and "auto fix" ctrl+dot
I tested it on another computer with 1.40.1. It works properly.
I have follow the key binding troubleshooting guide. When I record my key ctrl+dot.
It shows ctrl+oem_period. Looks like the OS is sending the correct keys to VSCode.
I couldn't find a way to reset VSCode key bindings and do not know what is actually causing this.
What should I do next? Completely reinstall everything is the last resort.
With the command Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting, you can see which command is linked to a shortcut. It could happen that an extension is overriding the expected behaviour.
For example, I had an extension overriding the shortcut to reopen a closed tab, which didn't work anymore.
This resolves my issue:
Change your "keyboard.dispatch" to keyCode in the file settings.json
"keyboard.dispatch": "keyCode"
Your operating system keyboard shortcut is overriding the vscode shortcut. You should check your operating system shortcut key instead.
Just restarted the Visual Studio Code and the keys are working fine.
I was facing the same problem after I updated my Intel Graphics Command Center using Windows Updates.
The Add One Cursor Above/Below shortcuts were not working for me.
I started the Intel Graphics Command Center, and then went to System > Hotkeys tab, Enabled System Hotkeys as shown in the picture below.
I flipped my screen a couple of times using the keyboard shortcuts and then disabled once again.
Then switched back to VSCode and the keyboard shortcuts were working!!
In my case, "cmd+k cmd+0" which helps to fold all regions was not working.
Another extension was using the same shortcut. I followed the steps below to fix it.
Here are the steps to fix this
Press "cmd+shift+p" to open command palette
Type "Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts" and hit enter
Press "option+cmd+k" to start recording keys.
Press the short cut keys that are not working (in my case "cmd+k cmd+0" ). This will list all the instances of that shortcut keys. And there are probably multiple instances of the same keybindings with some of them being used by an "Extension" as shown under the "Source" column.
Remove that and keep only that instance which says "Default" under "Source" column.
Now, you should able to use the default keyboard shortcuts.
Resolved :
Facing similar issue. Several keyboard shortcuts stop working when code starts running.
In my case it was happening because of notepad++ extension. Disabling that extension resolves the issue.
Sometimes this can happen because of change in environment variables. Please check if any recent program installations has made that change
You may also need to check the when clause of the Keybinding. In my case, I was struggling with why "Command+R" wasn't reloading the window on my Mac. By right-clicking on the row of the relevant command in Keyboard Shortcuts, then clicking "Change When Expression" and removing the expression completely, the keybinding now works as expected.
Try turning on Num Lock, it worked for me.
Extensions you add to VSCode also can override the ordinary behavior of shortcuts. I faced to this problem, I've noticed that the ordinary shortcut command + L which selects the whole line, does not work, and the reason was Live Server extension, which overrides that shortcut, after its deletion shortcut became work properly
I have tried many methods to solve this problem ,not every problem of mine got solved so I use this method after I cant find the solution.
you can first uninstall the VS code and then delete the .vscode file from C=>user=>admin=>.vscode
after that reinstall vscode ,from my end its working fine after doing this.
My issue is niche but never know, might help someone - YouTube Music Desktop player app was hijacking cmd, shift + l for me.
In my case, my Ctrl keys were mapped to the Toggle extension and this extension could not overwrite one of my settings in the settings.json because I had pending changes that hadn't been saved. Once I saved the file, I was able to use the toggle keyboard binding again. I used the guidance from Martin above to determine the cause of the issue.
99% works.
Forget everything that may overrides your keyboard shortcuts. The problems is your keybindings.json file, if you fix it you'll fix your problem.
I found the solution and I've explained it in the following link:
Why vscode shortcuts don't work properly?
Woo, found my issue was Razor Naga stuff. After I updated some of the Razor apps (it has Synapse, Cortex, etc), this issue started happening. Now, I saw these apps are running in the background although I am not using the devices at this time, and once I quit them, VSCode went back to normal thankfully.
In my case, I have installed some "vim keyboard extensions" and others. so I have uninstalled all the extensions related to the "keyboard" i.e. "vim keyboard extension" and now it is working fine. it is recommended to check if you have downloaded any extensions for the "keyboard" in the extensions and uninstall it. It might solve the issue.
This worked for me to fix CTRL+Space "Trigger Suggest". First I found and disabled this setting in: System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Input Sources
Then I followed #ryandidevar's instructions and replaced everything for Mac:
Finally, I set "Trigger Suggest" in VSCode > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts to: CTRL+§ (which is right next to my "Z" key). CTRL+Space just would not be accepted under any circumstance. Now hitting CTRL+§ finally brings up the suggestions!
MacOS users,
This is a default macOS shortcut. VSCode is never getting the meta+shift+L message from your OS. Your OS is hijacking it. You need to disable it.
System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > uncheck: Search with Google
This is a default macOS shortcut, you can disable it at System Settings | Keyboard | Shortcuts | Services| Search with Google.
I just deleted folder in %APPDATA%\Code\ resets whole vs code and fixed my problem with alt + b and other vs code shorcuts not working
For me, It is the keyboard layout setting that causes this. Use English US keyboard setting.

Using vscode, i am driven crazy by annoying pop hint every time when i hit Space key, How to solve this problem?

i am driven crazy by annoying pop hint every time when I hit Space key. As shown below:
Now, how to find out which extension or pop snippet hint is causing the issue when I hit space key and which one to disable it ?
There are two ways to solve this issue.
Method 1:
In VSCODE. click File > preferences > keyboard shortcuts and search for space you could see space might be wrongly assigned to some intelli sense. Click on that particular keyboard shortcut. Double click the stroke and change the shortcut.
Method 2:
Very expensive way.
Disable all extensions first and try the space keystroke then try enabling one by one. You will definitely find the culprit.
Hope it helps
I solved it eventually by disable all snippet extend one bye one, then the latest extensions, found out the cause is extension.
It drives me crazy too. I just turned off Editor: Suggest On Trigger Characters and it seems to be working for me!

Exact duplicate shortcut from Eclipse in Intellij IDEA

I am an eclipse-only programmer.
Now the time has come that I want to try out intellij IDEA to see if it may even suit me better than eclipse does now.
I have some essential shortcuts which I need to work exactly the same as I am used to. And as far as I see, that's not possible. But maybe you guys know it better.
1) Moving lines up and down
In Eclipse I use ALT + UP and ALT + DOWN:
the alt up/down could be done by IDEAs "move down/up" commands in "other":
but they behave differently. Unfortunately "too smart" I'd say... as they keep track of blank lines and skip these, and even carry comments with it. I simply want to move only the selected line, up or down, simple as that.
results in
and when moving it up or down in Eclipse. In Intellij IDEA this happens:
2) Duplicate Lines up and down
In Eclipse I got these shortcuts, on copying up and the other copying down:
In Intellij IDEA I'd use the "Duplicate Entire Lines" under "Editor Actions", and this suits me very well. BUT: I only can use one direction, up or down, as this command only exists once. I need both... :(
Thanks for any help!
IntelliJ IDEA has Move Line Up/Down and Move Statement Up/Down actions. The latter is smart, the former is dumb. Assign shortcuts and use whatever you prefer.
Vote for this request or use this third-party plug-in.
Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA to allow copy lines and block of code like in
Eclipse IDE (Ctrl+Alt+UP and Ctrl+Alt+Down).

Ctrl button doesn't work in Eclipse

I use Ubuntu (64 bit). I saw some discussions about Ctrl+Space, but in my case I can't do Ctrl+S, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Shift+F and, probably, something else (all these cases work fine in other programs, so it's not a keyboard problem). It doesn't work, then it does, then it doesn't again. Is there a way to fix that? Thanks in advance.
I am also using 64-bit Ubuntu (12.04 now, 11.10 before that) and Eclipse. I was having similar problems like what you are describing, until I realized that keyboard input method/layout settings actually matter in Ubuntu (while it does not in Mac OS or Windows) while using copy/paste. If you are using two keyboard layouts (e.g. I am using English and Bulgarian), Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V will not work with the non-English layout. If it does no work, double-check the current keyboard layout.
It took me awhile to figure that out - hope it would help you too.
I've solved the same problem rebuilding my workspace CTRL + B on Windows
Similar problem
Looks like there are some key combination which screw up with the focus in the eclipse editor. Try using the shortcut for Focus Return

Really weird eclipse keyboard behavior/bug?

I am using Helios on Mac Snow Leopard. I don't know why but all of a sudden my arrow keys and delete button start not working only on Eclipse (so Eclipse ignores them) but the rest of the buttons works just fine. There is no exception/error thrown anywhere on the screen. I don't exactly know how to reproduce this malfunctioning.
All I can say, I am having exactly the same problem with this guy down here. Bad thing about it, the post sent in year 2002:s
Is there any one of you having the same issue? Any suggestions?
Please mark "me too" on this bug report hoping that it will be fixed soon.
I was able to "restore" arrow and backspace keys by "Refreshing" the project.
UPDATE: 7/11/2017 I've not had this problem reoccur in a couple of years now. Either Eclipse fixed the problems or a more recent version of Mac OSX has fixed something. For the record I'm running Eclipse 4.5.2 on OSX 10.11.6.
UPDATE: 4/29/2011 Now it looks like this is not a Workspace or keyboard preferences issue at all. This just happened again but restoring from older Workspaces did not fix the issue. I finally had to reboot my Mac which seemed to resolve things. I'm going to try a restart in the future immediately if I see this again. I've submitted this bug with Eclipse. Please add a "me too" comment to the bug if it has not been fixed and you can reproduce this on your system.
I also have heard that on Macs, you can solve this by getting the unit to sleep either by closing the laptop lid or pulling the Apple menu down to sleep, wait a few seconds, and then starting it again. I've not tried this yet.
BTW, when this happens refreshing and other mechanisms have not worked.
UPDATE: 4/13/2011 Although the below instructions did fix my keyboard issues, I discovered other problems with my configuration and was finally forced to recover my Workspace from backups.
NOTE: This is not recommended but is here for information purposes. Typically these keys are handled by the native widget and are not defined.
So I just had the same problem under Eclipse 3.6.2.r362 on Mac OSX 10.6.7. Delete to the left and arrows not working. They worked in other applications. Option-Arrows worked fine to move a selection around. Arrows worked in the keyboard preferences window. Switching to another application and back didn't work. Restarting eclipse made no difference. Switching keyboard schemes from Emacs -> Default -> Emacs didn't work. Pressing all of the modifier keys did nothing. I tried all of the following and nothing works: Rebuilding the project, refreshing the source, restarting Eclipse.
Finally, I was able to fix this by going to the Preferences -> General -> Keys and resetting each of the bindings for the following keys. The bindings for each of the keys were blank.
Delete Previous to backspace
Line Up to up arrow
Line Down to down arrow
Previous Column to left arrow
Next Column to right arrow
This worked but then I noticed that all of the emacs key bindings were screwed. I thought they worked before so I'm not sure when this happened. I had to restore default key bindings (after writing down the ones that I had customized) and then restore my customized settings.
Makes me wonder what other key bindings have been reset and what did it. Frustrating but at least I can get back to coding.
If you see the same symptoms on Eclipse Windows, just press all your mouse buttons (including the wheel if you have one) at the same time together, and that seems to fix it.
Same weird problem, this worked for me: I just figured out that if I switch editor and then back again, backspace starts working again. (source)
For me, the root cause was my mouse.
Backspace and navigation keys did not work. I could fix this temporarily by manually setting the key bindings as described on this page.
The root cause and permanent solution was fixing the stuck 3rd mouse button on my Evoluent Vertical Grip mouse. Since I never used that button, I didn't notice that it was permanently engaged, probably from the mouse sliding off the desk on to the ground one too many times. Once I was able to get the button unstuck, the problem was solved immediately.
This was really frustrating. I spent weeks wondering why it was happening and sporadically searching the web for answers. Of course I had a temporary solution, but the fact that it kept happening was annoying. I tried reinstalling Eclipse from scratch, trying different versions and switching workspaces, but nothing worked. I'm surprised it ended up being a stuck mouse button after all that.
Also check that someone has not installed the vrapper plugin so that Eclipse accepts vi/vim like commands. If this is the case pressing i allows you access the editor window. If you are unaware that a work college has installed it (glares at someone) it can be a right $%#&$#! If installed there will be a V icon in the top toolbar. This plugin can be removed by going to the directory where Eclipse is installed in a term window and running
find . -name '\*vrapper\*' -exec rm -rf {} \;
It is that or tax you brain but supposedly increase your productively by learning all the Vim commands. Hope this helps someone...
In Windows and Linux environments I have experienced such issues when the system believes a modifier key is pressed. By pressing and releasing all modifier keys the issues often perish. However, on OSX I did not experience such issues, so this might be entirely wrong.
If the simple idea does not solve the issue, you could try to start a new workspace to see whether some preference causes the issue; or you could download a new Helios instance to check whether its working. I know, these are all serious issues, but may locate the problem.
Otherwise, you shall take a look at the question asked not long ago about keyboard issues, maybe there is some hint how to solve it.
I had the same problem with the "Delete" key in Eclipse 3.7.0 on Windows Vista. Suddenly the key stopped working and I couldn't figure out why. Recently I found a way to fix it when the problem occurs - it works for me every time:
In a code editor window in Eclipse, hoover on some method or variable or what have you, until the popup window appears with "Press 'F2' for focus" in the lower right corner. Click the popup window to switch focus, then click the editor window again so the pop-up disappears, and voilà, the Delete key works again.
Had this same issue. Turned out to be my middle button on my wireless mouse being pushed in my laptop bag. Normally I turn my mouse off, but this time I forgot. Glad that other people had this problem, otherwise I'd still be looking for the cause.
I have encountered this problem for years. It happens so infrequently however, that I almost always forget what I did to solve it. Restarting fixes it most of the time i think, and a few times "refreshing" worked, but nothing works 100% of the time.
In any case, someone on the bug report suggested just putting MacBook in Sleep cycle. This worked like a charm for me, so putting it out there for future reference.
Incidentally, I have experienced similar behavior with other applications, in particular Firefox. My thought is that it has to do with key bindings in general, and any application that provides overrides for defaults in the OS (this is a pretty huge assumption, so take with a correspondingly large grain of salt). I have also had this happen to me in Xcode, but a simple restart of the application fixes, whereas with Eclipse that wasn't sufficient most of the time.
Using eclipse JUNO on Win XP I also experience this issue.
Restarting the workbench using File > Restart does not work, but closing eclipse and starting again with -clean at the command prompt the keys start functioning again, without restart windows.
Note - Just found this fix elsewhere - you can fix this on Mac OSX by force-killing finder. That worked for me perfectly. Didn't need to restart!
For some odd reason, opening the preferences window and closing it right away, solves this problem for me (other solutions here didn't work).
Just in case this helps someone... I accidentally got things working again by doing the following:
Opened the offending file from the command line (I used 'vi').
Made the edit I wanted to make and saved the file.
Went back into Eclipse to refresh and redeploy my app.
As soon as the editor (this was a JSP file, btw) refreshed, I once again had full use of arrow, delete, etc.
MacBook Pro 10.6.8, Eclipse Helios all of a sudden delete and arrows no longer work. Reboot worked for me.
I am also facing the same problem. In my case only the delete key is not working. I am using eclipse helios in ubuntu. The solutions given here are not working. However, restarting solves the issue.
I have the suspicion that this happens after updating Java on my Mac. So after updating Java it seems to be a good idea to reboot the machine always.
I got this same problem when I started using JRobot. In one piece of code I pressed the mouse but did not release. By releasing the mouse in a later piece of code I managed to solve the issue. You can recreate this problem using the code below. Release the mouse button to solve the issue.
Robot robot;
try {
robot = new Robot();
} catch (AWTException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Pressing left and right mouse buttons simultaneosly multiple times worked for me.
Using eclipse Luna (4.4) on Redhat and viewing via Xming (Windows 7, 64-bit), I could not use backspace, arrows, delete or even enter, but alphanumeric worked. This problem was not intermittent, but always there from the start. For me, I found that setting a break-point in the code, running and allowing eclipse to switch perspectives fixed it every time. Hope it helps someone else as the above suggestions (ie switching editors, changing key mappings, refreshing and restarting eclipse) did not work for me.
One interesting diagnostic of the problem I had was that going to the screen where you change the key-mappings, I was able to use the delete key. But not in java files or untitled text files.
I'm using Eclipse Luna and Windows 7, but guess it works in all kinds as well.
In Eclipse, go to tab Window->preferences->General->keys
Then, find the Command "Delete" and "Delete Previous" in the list, and check if
they are assign with something or not. If it is assign with the wrong key, click in "Unbind Command".
Just select the command that you want to change and press the key that you want to be on the "binding" field.
I think it works for Next, Next Column, Previous, Previous Column, Line Up, Line Down, or whatelse you want!!
Had, similar problem with not working “enter” and “delete”, none of above methods helped me – to fix problem I had to switch to default java formatter (one I was using somehow stopped working)
For me it was that the keyboard layout accidentally changed to vietnamese language and there are inherent key mapping combinations that create trouble when editing.