worklight design window not displaying anything - eclipse

Eclipse Juno 1.10.2.v2
JQuery 1.3.2
The design window is not displaying anything either on adding the jquery mobile widgets or even no default visible app name that shows when you enter the design mode.
PS: i have entered in the design mode. The mobile navigation tools are also not visible.
Please help. Thank you in advance.

This used to be a problem with jQuery Mobile 1.3.2 when used in a Worklight project.
You can use either 1.3.1 or the latest 1.4.x release of jQuery Mobile and the various views in Eclipse will display appropriately.
For some background: IBM Worklight - jQuery palette does not show up


GWT 2.7.0: Why I have to move my mouse in browser's client area to see actual loaded page?

I'm developing a webapp prototype using GWT 2.7.0 and Vaadin-Polymer-Elements and I'm wondering about the page loading behaviour. The browser window remains white, until I move with my mouse cursor over it?! Even after packaging and deploying the app to an application server, this behaviour persists. Only if I have the chrome developer console open, the page shows up in milliseconds... To reproduce this, simply follow the GWT Polymer tutorial steps.
Any suggestions how to change this are appreciated.

Inner browser in Worklight App using JQuery Mobile

I want to use an inner-browser to open a webpage inside the JQueryMobile based Worklight App. Right now I am pushing user out of App to the external Safari browser on iPhone.
I do not have much experience in JQuery Mobile.
Kindly suggest how i can achieve this? Or better workaround.
This has got nothing to do with jQuery Mobile.
Make use of Cordova's InAppBrowser (requires Cordova 2.3 so be sure to use Worklight 5.0.6).

How do I test web pages opened in an Eclipse internal browser view.

We are developing an Eclipse plugin that opens web pages in a view using the Eclipse web browser (typically IE on Windows).
Are there any testing tools that support Eclipse (to drive the parts using Eclipse/RCP) and also able to drive the web browser views.
At a minimum I'd want to be able to get elements by ID or xpath, and to send click events to elements in the browser.
We know Quick Test Pro doesnt do this, and can't see anything that explicitly supports Eclipse web browser views.
You can check with QFS , we used this tool for SWT/JFace UI automation and this tool also supports web. You can to check if this supports your test case.

how to run sencha touch code in eclipse

I am about to step into a new domain named "sencha touch 2.0".I am not familiar with this . Earlier I had used "Eclipse" IDE for creating web pages.I tried to use the same for creating html pages using sencha framework but it doesn't seem to work.I have searched a lot on the internet about how to run a web page which has sencha touch framework on eclipse but did not find antyhing that would help me.So please can someone tell me how do i use eclipse to run sencha touch code.Any help is really appreciated ,thanks.
what exactly you mean when you say you want to run sencha touch on Eclipse ? Eclipse use inbuilt browser to run webpages, sencha touch only works with webkit browsers and Eclipse uses mozilla'a as inbuilt rendering engine. That's why you can't see the UI in Eclipse. you can open that page in Chrome and it ll work fine.

Dojo mobile Drag & drop

I need to create a web app that woks with drag and drop,
in mobile devices, but i can't find documentation in dojo that mentioned that functionality in devices.
if anyone knows any documentation or examples, would appreciate the help.
this is the library
am using the version 1.6 of dojo