Inner browser in Worklight App using JQuery Mobile - iphone

I want to use an inner-browser to open a webpage inside the JQueryMobile based Worklight App. Right now I am pushing user out of App to the external Safari browser on iPhone.
I do not have much experience in JQuery Mobile.
Kindly suggest how i can achieve this? Or better workaround.

This has got nothing to do with jQuery Mobile.
Make use of Cordova's InAppBrowser (requires Cordova 2.3 so be sure to use Worklight 5.0.6).


Desktop Application with Ionic framework

is there anyone who will help me about ionic framework.
I want to know that can we develop desktop and mobile application both with single codebase in ionic framework.
I want to know that can we develop desktop and mobile application both with single codebase in ionic framework.
Yes, this is exactly the purpose of Ionic.
Check out what is Ionic.
Yes, however you will find a few Ionic components do not provide an ideal user experience on the desktop. For example, ion-datetime should probably work as a dialog on a large screen, instead uses a mobile and touch only friendly slide-up UI with selection characteristics that make number choice with a mouse quite difficult.
Give Electron a try, on youtube search with: Ionic Framework with Electron for building Desktop Application.

Can we use phonegap/Ionic hybride app for mobile website

Does phonegap or Ionic framework can be used for mobile website.
Actually I am planing to build mobile app. But confused to pick one of them (phonegap/Ionic).
So, please guide me which one is better. And please guide which one is best for both mobile app and mobile website.
Yes you can. In ionic2 you can do
ionic platform add browser
ionic build browser
Example of website using ionic
At first Phonegap is now called Cordova.
Cordova builds an native App using HTML, Javascript and CSS.
With the ionic framework you can Create and Design "Apps" with HTML, Typescript and Sass. Ionic is perfect if you want your App our mobile website to look like an normal native App. Ionic uses Cordova to build the App. I used Ionic myself to build a website.
Ionic gives you the option to build for a browser (ionic build browser).
Then you get the computed HTML, Javascript and CSS.
Please excuse my English, i´m from Germany ;)

How to make a plugin like app in iphone

I want to make an plugin like app in iphone for mobile web browser, in which i want to use safari (or any browser) current link and also link which is present on the web page, when i click on it my app should invoke for using targeted link.
I know plugins are not supported in mobile browser,
Can anybody have any solution without jailbreak?
Thanks in advance.

i had an jquery page , i want to add it to the android activity,how it could be done?

I am new to android developement.i had created one page in jquery using html and css and i want to add it to the android activity but i am unable to do it,can anyone please provide me proper code for it?
If you're talking about how to make a hybrid app (using HTML/CSS/Javascript to make an application but still have native Android functionality) I would take a look into Phonegap. Just follow the directions and it lets you upload HTML/CSS and your AndroidActivity simply has to open it. Hope this helps.

Add PhoneGap to existing native app

I have an existing objectiveC native app for iPhone. Can i add a button in native app so that clicking on to that will bring up phonegap UI (ie, which use phonegap framework). Is there any way to acheive this.
As much as I know/explored -
On click of a button you can open up an HTML page in your web view(as we do it while building a PhoneGap app.).
But if you want to open the same Native App to get converted in PhoneGap app that's not going to work for sure.
Hope it helps. :)