building NuGet package; want to add content to disk, but not solution - nuget

I am building a NuGet package. I want to add content that will be written to disk, but not added to the project. I've looked at many websites and the available documentation, but nothing is jumping out at me.
I suspect I could achieve this in a round about scripting way, but would prefer a simpler solution.


Is there a way to export Flutterflow code to flutter?

I'm using the free version of Flutterflow and I'm trying to copy paste the code manually (as exporting requires premium). However, I'm skeptical because some import statements require flutterflow packages, which I can't directly download. Is this going to be a problem? Is there any other way?
Unfortunately, these files are 100% needed in order to build your flutter app. It is part of the business model of FlutterFlow to hide the source code for these modules.
In the free version of FlutterFlow, it is not possible to view or download these dependencies. So sadly, there is no comfortable way. I assume that FlutterFlow would intentionally like to keep you away from reproducing these dependencies in order to grow their business model.
During my research, I stumbled upon the GitHub project FlutterFlow/flutterflow-ui which claims to provide the missing dependencies. You can install it via the package flutterflow_ui.
You could install it by adding this to your pubspec.yaml
flutterflow_ui: ^0.1.0+4
However, I have no information on the authenticity and license of this package. So be careful when adding it to your project. You will also need to replace all the relative imports ../flutter_flow/.. after installation.

Full build of modernizr3?

I'm using modernizr in my MVC application, and I'd like to use the inputformaction detect added in Modernizr v3. The latest version available on nuget is 2.8.3. So that means I need to add it independently from nuget. There doesn't seem to be any official full build.
The only thing I can find on their website is Download, which prompts me to create a custom build. If I select the features I'm using now, then I'll need to come back to this website every time I want a new detect, and remember all the options I chose last time. That's not really practical. I've also found that you can make custom builds using a node package and a .json definition file. I don't really feel like installing node just for this if I can avoid it.
All I want is a complete build of modernizr. Is there any way to do it other than writing a script to check all the checkboxes on their download page?
There is no such thing as a "complete" build of Modernizr. While it may be a minor inconvenience for you to rebuild when you need new detects, it can cost your users tons of time and money downloading and running javascript that is completely unneeded. There are a bunch of tools that will automate the custom build for you (bower, npm, grunt-modernizr, gulp-modernizr).
If you want a build that contains all of the options - which again is huge and horrible on perf, you can use

How to find a class in a list of Nuget packages

My team is using more and more NuGet packages as a way to break the system into smaller pieces and share things between parts. We have adopted a sort of SRP principle for packaging, creating small and hopefully cohesive packages that do just one thing (logging, auditing, security stuff, etc).
Ideally they should be so cohesive and self-contained that it would be straightforward to know what package will contain what you need. However we are not yet there and sometimes is difficult to know what package you should add to access some functionality.
My question is: is there any way to publish and navigate package content information? Like, for instance, in MSDN you can see what assembly contains a class. Would it be possible to know something like that, at the package level?
It's a very localised version, but there is a package searcher for the ASP.NET 5 packages hosted on NuGet. It might be possible to host a version that looks at a wider scope at some point.
The closest functionality I can think of is implemented in ReSharper. However it can only search the packages in issue on GitHub). Since packages don't expose type info, JetBrains built a custom index and that's the only data source it can query.

Is TFS Source Control really feasible for Dynamics CRM?

I'd really like to get a CRM solution under source control but there are a lot of issues. I was excited to see the SolutionPackager tool - thinking MS finally gave us a way to do this. However the tools to export the solution, extract it to files and check it into source control are not integrated. I'm working on a C# project that ties everything together because it's easier to work with the APIs in a single C# solution than deal with a combination of command line utilities such as tf.exe, PowerShell commandlets and plain old .cmd files.
Source files for plugins and Silverlight pages are easy to deal with but I'm looking to get all of the customizations under source control. SolutionPackager works well for tracking customizations made in the CRM interface, but fails in a lot of other areas. I want to create VS solutions for my web resources and reports but I have issues with the VS project and solution structures. SolutionPackager expects to find things where it puts them for repackaging and I'm sure it would not like to see a bunch of .sln, .csproj and .vspscc files interspersed with them.
I figured putting the VS solutions in a separate folder would be the answer but it's not easy. If I create a project for my web resources and try to put my existing .html, .css and .js files into it it wants to copy those into the project folder. I have to remember to use "Add As Link" each time. Worse yet, if I try to do the same with SSRS reports, the "Add As Link" feature isn't even available.
Has anyone done this successfully? I'm open to any suggestions.
I have seen below link but i have not get chance to implement it.when i have try it will post information.

Why does NuGet put packages at the "solution level"?

When you add a nuget package to a project it puts the assemblies in a /packages folder at the solution level.
I know that there are ways to change this, but I'm wondering why this is the default location, as it seems very unhelpful for these reasons:
1) If you have a project that is part of multiple solutions, the /packages folder won't necessarily be where you the project expects it.
2) You are expected to manually check it into source control for other team members, which is much less convenient than if it was part of the project that needs it.
3) If you move the project somewhere else on the file system or to a different machine that doesn't have the full code base, it won't find the /packages folder where it expects to.
It seems all of these would be resolved if NuGet just used a /packages folder inside the project, not the solution. And that seems like a much more logical place to put packages that the project relies on anyway.
So... I'm assuming that there were/are some good reasons for doing it at the solution level, and I'm hoping someone can enlighten me.
You should have a read at this, that explains how to use nuget without commiting packages to your source control, and by side effect solve points 1 and 3 of your question :
I think it's to save disk space. If you had a large solution with 50 projects and you used a package in every one of those, you would end up with 50 copies of that package, binaries and all. Whereas keeping them at solution level is far more efficient in that respect.
In terms of source control, you shouldn't be putting your actual packages folder in there. Just add the packages.config file and either do what David Ebbo suggests in the blog post mentioned by mathieu or create a simple batch file to download all your packages based on the packages.config files it can find.
It's not much effort to create your own company nuget feed, so you can keep your private packages in there.