How can I change the color of comments for groovy files in Eclipse?
The option is not available in the preference/editor settings.
Edit: I use Eclipse Kepler 4.3.1
Change the color in Java syntax coloring option in Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Syntax Coloring > Comments, it will change Groovy's too.
Worked fine on Eclipse Juno.
I am using Eclipse Version: 2022-06, with Jdk 1.8 (instead of default jre, which was also not working for showing java doc suggestions) I have tried all the Windows--> Preferences --> Java --> Content Assist but its not working. Please check the following Images and help.
Eclipse Editor
If you're facing this issue only when trying to use autocomplete for
Try 'sysout' instead and then press ctrl+space.
after i installed snipmatch plugin to eclipse mars, i could not see code assist proposals in eclipse. i want to see code proposals from code recommenders plugin. it is very usable.
after installed the plugin, it can be seen as below.
after hitting ctrl + space, it can be seen as below.
i could not configure eclipse to see proposals. by the way snipmatch plugin works in eclipse. how can i correct this ?
I am a committer of the Code Recommenders project. This happens because of our change for Bug 470372. In order to prevent errors when working with other Java editors, we disable Code Recommenders proposals for editors other than the standard Java Editor.
Since you installed the newest version of Snipmatch, you also updated to the newest version of Code Recommenders, which includes this change.
In your case, you opened the Java File with Window Builder, which includes a Java Editor.
If you open it in the standard Java Editor instead (Right Click > Open With > Java Editor) and try content assist, I believe you will see the proposals again.
Another workaround would be to disable Code Recommenders and use the standard JDT proposals. They won't give you proposals with percentages, but at least you'll have them. To do so, go to Preferences > Code Recommenders > Completions and uncheck Enable Code Recommenders code completion.
I have opened Bug 474318 to track this issue with Code Recommenders and WindowBuilder.
I am trying to add CFeclipse highlighting to *.js files but it is not working in the Luna version of Eclipse I try going to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Content Types and adding it there but the syntax highlighting does not appear. Any ideas?
Personally, I find the JavaScript syntax highlighting for CFEclipse deficient. I greatly prefer the syntax highlighting provided by JavaScript Development Tools, part of the Eclipse Web Developer Tools package provided by Eclipse Web Tools Platform.
Eclipse Juno (from the Ubuntu repo) (3.8.1) looks fine:
Eclipse Kepler (download from Eclipse website) looks broken:
How do I fix my Window drawing for Kepler (and preferably make it look as compact as Juno)?
Simply change the appearance in Windows > Preferences > General > Appearance.
Restart eclipse.
You can also use colour theme plug-in. It only changes the text in editors i.e syntax highlighter.
Look at these links for new themes.
How can I change Eclipse theme?
Creating eclipse themes
In previous versions of Eclipse (like Helios), the snippets where in
Window > Show View > General > Snippets.
Now it seems that I can't find them anywhere.
They are still under
Window > Show View > General > Snippets.
but if you can't see them, you need to install the "Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools".
Check the screen below: