How to find documentation for Map - scala

I'm trying to find documentation of the Map.toList method in Scala but looking at documentation this is a trait : . So how can I find the documentation for scala Map? WHen I instatiate a Map am I just instantiating the trait ?

Trait scala.collection.immutable.Map is a contract. It's valid for all implementations, so its documentation is a documentation for any immutable scala Map.
In current implementation method Map.apply (Map(a -> b, c -> d, ...)) creates HashMap for more than 4 elements.
There are also classes Map1 - Map4 for 1-4 elements. Also there is a singleton EmptyMap.
But this behavior could be changed in next scala versions in case there will be better implementation for general purpose.

It is defined in Predef. Also its source might be useful.

Traits cannot be instantiated. They are abstract by definition. If they're actually fully implemented, they can (appear to) be instantiated by creating an anonymous type at the point of instantiation:
val x = new FullyImplementedTraitName { }
As to your main question, the documentation for scala.collection.Map should tell you everything you need to know. When you have the full frameset for the ScalaDocs displayed the filter text field at the upper left allows you to narrow down the class and package list by entering a the name (or portion thereof) you're looking for.


When should I use an implicit class?

For me, I would use an implicit class under the following scenarios:
don't have access to the underlying type to be able to add the method I want.
the method I want doesn't make sense in a "global" sense.
i am splitting the functionality into another library of "extensions"
actually converting to a new type adds semantic/readability value (the new type actually means something)
However, I am fairly new to Scala (<6 months) and I'm noticing the developers around me are using implicit classes when it breaks the scenarios above. When I asked why, the answer was "because that's what I've always done".
So my question is, is there an official recommendation for when one should use an implicit class over a normal function added to the class definition? (I couldn't find anything here:
As per the SIP,
Motivation for the implicit class was that the popular extension method pattern, sometimes called the Pimp My Library pattern was used in Scala to extend pre-existing classes with new methods, fields, and interfaces.
There was also another common ‘extension’ use case known as type traits or type classes (see scala.math.Numeric). Type classes offered an alternative to pure inheritance hierarchies that was very similar to the extension method pattern.
The main drawback to both of these techniques was that they suffered the creation of an extra object at every invocation to gain the convenient syntax. This made these useful patterns unsuitable for use in performance-critical code. In these situations it was common to remove use of the pattern and resort to using an object with static helper methods.
And implicit class syntax was thus added to solve these issues.
The rock. They allow to make your own DSLs. Take a look to the Spray code, one of our classic and beloved projects:
trait TransformerPipelineSupport {
implicit class WithTransformation[A](value: A) {
def ~>[B](f: A ⇒ B): B = f(value)
The ~> allows to compose Spray directives... There are many more examples

Scala Style Guide: Why Mimic a function?

I’m reading the Scala style guide:
and they mention this:
Objects follow the class naming convention (camelCase with a
capital first letter) except when attempting to mimic a package or a
function. These situations don’t happen often, but can be expected in
general development.:
object ast {
sealed trait Expr
case class Plus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
object inc {
def apply(x: Int): Int = x + 1
I can think of maybe a few thin use cases for the "object ast". But I can't think of why anyone would want to "mimic a function" in the manner of "object inc". It feels a bit unconventional, and likely to confuse other developers.
Are there any example cases where the core Scala libraries do this? Or when would it be good practice to define a function like this?
As mentioned in the comments, one good example is shapeless.Poly functions.
A Poly function is a polymorphic version of a function. It needs to be represented as an object for three main reasons:
it contains multiple functions (to handle multiple cases, since they're polymorphic)
an object's companion object is the object itself. This allows for defining the various cases as implicit methods inside the object and have them picked up by the compiler
objects provide a stable identifier, so the compiler won't complain when passing the instance of the function to any of shapeless's methods
Technicalities aside, they're conceptually functions, hence the same naming style for regular functions is used.

Is it possible to achieve functionality provided by implicit classes via macros?

We are pretty familiar with implicits in Scala for now, but macros are pretty undiscovered area (at least for me) and, despite the presence of some great articles by Eugene Burmako, it is still not an easy material to just dive in.
In this particular question I'd like to find out if there is a possibility to achieve the analogous to the following code functionality using just macros:
implicit class Nonsense(val s: String) {
def ##(i:Int) = s.charAt(i)
So "asd" ## 0 will return 'a', for example. Can I implement macros that use infix notation? The reason to this is I'm writing a DSL for some already existing project and implicits allow making the API clear and concise, but whenever I write a new implicit class, I feel like introducing a new speed-reducing factor. And yes, I do know about value classes and stuff, I just think it would be really great if my DSL transformed into the underlying library API calls during compilation rather than in runtime.
TL;DR: can I replace implicits with macros while not changing the API? Can I write macros in infix form? Is there something even more suitable for this case? Is the trouble worth it?
UPD. To those advocating the value classes: in my case I have a little more than just a simple wrapper - they are often stacked. For example, I have an implicit class that takes some parameters, returns a lambda wrapping this parameters (i.e. partial function), and the second implicit class that is made specifically for wrapping this type of functions. I can achieve something like this:
a --> x ==> b
where first class wraps a and adds --> method, and the second one wraps the return type of a --> x and defines ==>(b). Plus it may really be the case when user creates considerable amount of objects in this fashion. I just don't know if this will be efficient, so if you could tell me that value classes cover this case - I'd be really glad to know that.
Back in the day (2.10.0-RC1) I had trouble using implicit classes for macros (sorry, I don't recollect why exactly) but the solution was to use:
an implicit def macro to convert to a class
define the infix operator as a def macro in that class
So something like the following might work for you:
implicit def toNonsense(s:String): Nonsense = macro ...
class Nonsense(...){
def ##(...):... = macro ...
That was pretty painful to implement. That being said, macro have become easier to implement since.
If you want to check what I did, because I'm not sure that applies to what you want to do, refer to this excerpt of my code (non-idiomatic style).
I won't address the relevance of that here, as it's been commented by others.

Common in scala's Array and List

I'm new to scala(just start learning it), but have figured out smth strange for me: there are classes Array and List, they both have such methods/functions as foreach, forall, map etc. But any of these methods aren't inherited from some special class(trait). From java perspective if Array and List provide some contract, that contract have to be declared in interface and partially implemented in abstract classes. Why do in scala each type(Array and List) declares own set of methods? Why do not they have some common type?
But any of these methods aren't inherited from some special class(trait)
That simply not true.
If you open scaladoc and lookup say .map method of Array and List and then click on it you'll see where it is defined:
For list:
For array:
See also info about Traversable and Iterable both of which define most of the contracts in scala collections (but some collections may re-implement methods defined in Traversable/Iterable, e.g. for efficiency).
You may also want to look at relations between collections (scroll to the two diagrams) in general.
I'll extend om-nom-nom answer here.
Scala doesn't have an Array -- that's Java Array, and Java Array doesn't implement any interface. In fact, it isn't even a proper class, if I'm not mistaken, and it certainly is implemented through special mechanisms at the bytecode level.
On Scala, however, everything is a class -- an Int (Java's int) is a class, and so is Array. But in these cases, where the actual class comes from Java, Scala is limited by the type hierarchy provided by Java.
Now, going back to foreach, map, etc, they are not methods present in Java. However, Scala allows one to add implicit conversions from one class to another, and, through that mechanism, add methods. When you call arr.foreach(println), what is really done is Predef.refArrayOps(arr).foreach(println), which means foreach belongs to the ArrayOps class -- as you can see in the scaladoc documentation.

Scala Case Class Map Expansion

In groovy one can do:
class Foo {
Integer a,b
Map map = [a:1,b:2]
def foo = new Foo(map) // map expanded, object created
I understand that Scala is not in any sense of the word, Groovy, but am wondering if map expansion in this context is supported
Simplistically, I tried and failed with:
case class Foo(a:Int, b:Int)
val map = Map("a"-> 1, "b"-> 2)
Foo(map: _*) // no dice, always applied to first property
A related thread that shows possible solutions to the problem.
Now, from what I've been able to dig up, as of Scala 2.9.1 at least, reflection in regard to case classes is basically a no-op. The net effect then appears to be that one is forced into some form of manual object creation, which, given the power of Scala, is somewhat ironic.
I should mention that the use case involves the servlet request parameters map. Specifically, using Lift, Play, Spray, Scalatra, etc., I would like to take the sanitized params map (filtered via routing layer) and bind it to a target case class instance without needing to manually create the object, nor specify its types. This would require "reliable" reflection and implicits like "str2Date" to handle type conversion errors.
Perhaps in 2.10 with the new reflection library, implementing the above will be cake. Only 2 months into Scala, so just scratching the surface; I do not see any straightforward way to pull this off right now (for seasoned Scala developers, maybe doable)
Well, the good news is that Scala's Product interface, implemented by all case classes, actually doesn't make this very hard to do. I'm the author of a Scala serialization library called Salat that supplies some utilities for using pickled Scala signatures to get typed field information - check out some of the utilities in the salat-util package.
Actually, I think this is something that Salat should do - what a good idea.
Re: D.C. Sobral's point about the impossibility of verifying params at compile time - point taken, but in practice this should work at runtime just like deserializing anything else with no guarantees about structure, like JSON or a Mongo DBObject. Also, Salat has utilities to leverage default args where supplied.
This is not possible, because it is impossible to verify at compile time that all parameters were passed in that map.