Has Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource dropped support for Channels? - event-log

I've just upgraded my service to use the latest NuGet ETW package, previously using the beta version. However, it seems channel support has been dropped from the event source.
Does anyone have an idea what has happened here?


Upgrade path for service fabric from 5.7.198 to 6.0

Recently we started getting a message on the Azure portal that our SF version on the cluster we use will become unsupported (5.7.198). Which I interpret as that we need to upgrade to 6.0.
Has anyone done such an upgrade on a prod system with real customers and data that should be kept safe?
Is there an upgrade we should follow (i.e. go through intermediate versions)
Any issues that I should expect?

DB when upgrade openfire

i have a openfire server version 3.9.3 with Monitoring plugin version 1.4.4. I want to upgrade to newest version(openfire 4.1.6 and monitor plugin 1.5.7). Can i use current database for new version(openfire and plugin)?. does it lost any data?
Thanks in advance!
When a newer version of Openfire starts, it will automatically update the database. Your data will be safe. You should, of course, create backups, just in case.

Where is SignalR 0.5.3?

On multiple sources in internet i see that SignalR 0.5.3 is released, i even find the screenshot of NuGet Manager which has v 0.5.3 on it.
But in my Nuget manages there is only v 0.5.2 and here also latest is 0.5.2.
So, the question is where do i get the latest SignalR?
It seems like 0.5.3 is on the gallery, just hasn't been tagged as the newest release.
Try running this in the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package SignalR -Version 0.5.3
However, I suspect that 0.5.3 has been pulled because of a problem (?) since the official SignalR web site says 0.5.2 is the latest. It might also be that they are going to rename the NuGet package to Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.

How to upgrade Fuse Servicemix 4.2.0 to 4.4.0

Has any one attempted this before? I would like to know how to upgrade from 4.2 to 4.4 bearing in mind that there are exisiting services on the latter, which I hope will still work on the newly upgraded 4.4.
FuseSource offers migration guides. If you are a FuseSource subscriber then I suggest to use that channel to help with the upgrade.

Vignette V8 Upgrade

Vignette upgrades are usually not straightforward. You basically have to do a new installation and migrate over all of your customizations etc. Does anyone know if the upcoming V8 version is easier to upgrade or if its easier to upgrade from a certain previous version compared to earlier version. So I can upgrade to an earlier version (say 7.6) and then hopefully its easier?
Vignette v8 is officially not out yet, its only been soft released to some selected clients. My guess is that the upgrade will not be very straightforward but I've no concrete information on that.
During the wait you might also be interested in an open source alternative of Vignette v8 freely available: Sense/Net 6.0 http://blog.sensenet.hu/post/2009/08/05/An-Open-Source-Alternative-for-Vignette-v8.aspx
I have finally found the answer. You do need to upgrade to 7.6 before upgrading to 8.0 from an earlier version.