DB when upgrade openfire - chat

i have a openfire server version 3.9.3 with Monitoring plugin version 1.4.4. I want to upgrade to newest version(openfire 4.1.6 and monitor plugin 1.5.7). Can i use current database for new version(openfire and plugin)?. does it lost any data?
Thanks in advance!

When a newer version of Openfire starts, it will automatically update the database. Your data will be safe. You should, of course, create backups, just in case.


AWS RDS PostgreSQL Upgrade from 9.6.22 to 10.17

Good day. I just finished upgrading my AWS RDS database engine from 9.6.22 to 10.17. I used these steps to make the upgrade using the AWS Console:
Create snapshot of target database to upgrade
Restore snapshot
Upgrade the restored snapshot's (which is now a new instance) DB Engine version.
After I did all of this, everything seems fine but when I access the database, this warning message appears
WARNING: psql major version 9.6, server major version 10.
Some psql features might not work.
I did not continue on my testing because I want to know what is the meaning of this first. Because I am fairly new in AWS as a whole. Thanks!
The meaning is that just because you are connecting to an upgraded database on some machine run by Amazon, the PostgreSQL installation on your local machine was not magically updated. psql from version 9.6 doesn't know what metadata tables were changed in v10, what features were removed and so on.
It would be a good idea to install a more recent version of PostgreSQL on your machine. By the way, upgrading to v10 was not the smartest move, as that version will go out of support in less than a year. You should upgrade to the latest version that your service provider offers.
The client program psql you are using to connect to the database is from an older version than the database it is connecting to. Some of the introspection features might not work. For example, psql from 9.6 won't know how to do tab completion for commands that were added to the server after 9.6.
This is generally not a major problem for psql (unless the server wants to use SCRAM authentication), but for optimal experience it would be good to install a newer client. Other tools like pg_dimp might not with at all against a server newer than they are.

Find and Update XMPP version on ubuntu server running Openfire

This question may sound absurd as I am totally new to XMPP & Openfire. I have a setup of Openfire 4.2.3 in Ubuntu 18.0.4 LTS that being used in my android chat app. During testing I received a Timeout error. While investigating the issue I found the solution rely on the XMPP updated version, check this link for more info.
Well I tried my best to find out my XMPP version and how to update it. Unfortunately I didn't find anything on it. So, I have two obvious questions here:
How to check XMPP version my Openfire is running on?
How to update XMPP version on my existing Openfire setup?
Since you are able to use the web-interface, just log in. On the start page look for the server properties. Theres the version.
For upgrading follow these steps:
To stop openfire on ubuntu: /etc/init.d/openfire stop;
Backup copy of the openfire installation directory: /usr/share/openfire;
Backup Openfire Base in Postgres: If you use the pgAdmin application, right-click on openfire base and click “Backup”. To run backup, it can be with own postgres as user. I recommend tar format, and encoding “SQL_ASCII”.
To install the new version: you can actually use the “dpkg -i” command, you will be asked if you want to keep your current version (choose this one), but you will still upgrade (option N or O - keep your currently -installed version).
On the java, has a statement informing that from version 4.3 will be necessary Java 8 installed.
Source: https://discourse.igniterealtime.org/t/update-openfire-4-1-6-to-4-2-1-in-ubuntu-server/80336
And if you really meant the "XMPP-Version". There is not really such a thing. XMPP is implemented to a different extend on different server-providers. Some have more extensions, some less.
To see which ones you have, refer to the wikipedia site:

Postgres version compatibility

I was using PostgresSQL version 9.6 with JDBC driver 9.4-1206-jdbc42 to connect to Java. I was using the SimpleJDBCCall of Springs to connect to the database.
However, after the upgrade of PostgreSQL to 10.5, we are unable to use the SimpleJDBCCall API. Any light on this issue will be of great help.
You should never use a version of the JDBC driver that is older than the PostgreSQL server release.
The recommendation is to always use the latest driver version. A new driver will know how to talk to an old server, while an old driver might not know how to talk to a new server.

upgrade mongo 2.0.0 to 3.0.0 directly

I have a production mongoDB 2.0 server running on a single machine. I need to upgrade it to the latest version. Would it be possible to just restore the dump from old server into the new server? Or would I have to do it one upgrade at a time?
No, in the general case, absolutely not. Best practice is to upgrade through each major version, following the upgrade instructions in each set of release notes. You can do this without downtime if you are running a replica set, at least from 2.4 -> 3.0 (I'm not as familiar with 2.0 and 2.2 since they are ancient).

Migrating Postgresql 9.1 to 9.2 from an old server to a new server

In my old server, Postgresql 9.1 is installed and it contains a large scale of data. Now, I have got a new server and installed the latest version of Postgresql which is 9.2. I want to migrate the whole data from the old server to the new server. I looked at Postgresql documentation and there is a command to upgrade but it seems to explain upgrading in the same server. How could I approach for this matter?
I would be very careful about changing both hardware and major versions of PostgreSQL at the same time. If something goes wrong, it will greatly complicate figuring out what the problem is.
I do this as a two step process, first restore the database to the new server as the same version, then run pg_upgrade. That means you have to have both versions of the software installed on the new server simultaneously.
Dump the database with pg_dump and load it at the new server with psql. I think pg_upgrade is better as an in place procedure.