Plugin for adding content to blog post - plugins

I'm implementing a blog in my website and i'm looking for a plugin that will allow the users to style their posts. Like the bar here in stack overflow that lets me add images, links and such...
I'm not looking to integrate wordpress. I already have the blog engine implemented, and I'm just looking for this kind of plugin.
Anyone know about one?
Many thanks!

What you're looking for is a WYSIWYG editor that is embedable in your backend.
WYSIWYG is an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get". In computing, a WYSIWYG editor is a system in which content (text and graphics) displayed onscreen during editing appears in a form closely corresponding to its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product, which might be a printed document, web page, or slide presentation.
This way you can adapt a textarea to make it something like the editor you have on SO.
Try googling "embedable WYSIWYG editor":
You'll find tons of javascript plugins that give you these features.


Styling Help Framework

I've read the documentation and I can't figure out how to override the help system framework that eclipse generates (eg. Search Scope All Topics etc). It shows as a grey boring style, and the plugins seem to build it automatically. I can add css to the toc.xml which affects my pages, but not the frame that goes around it. Is there a guide for this?
The modernization of the help system which is still based on HTML frames and which is not responsive has not yet been implemented (see Eclipse bug 501718). Eclipse is open source and help is welcome. ;-)
However, it is possible to create your own responsive HTML 5 page with an iFrame for the content and which loads TOC elements, search results, etc. via JavaScript from the Eclipse help system as it is. In this way, I realized a search field with search suggestions and a preview (see my blog post: Like to pimp your help, eh?).

WYSIWYG javascript editor with page support

I'm looking for an WYSIWYG editor with page support (similar to word).
Extensibility would also be nice.
Can be a commercial solution as well.
Edit: Sorry about the ambiguation. By page support, I need an editor that will show me the pages as they would look like when the document that's edited will be printed out. I need page separation.
All solutions I found so far (ckEditor, tinyMCE) all do a great job at letting the user edit HTML, but they don't support this page separation.
Edit 2: This is something close to what I need, the problem is they are doing heavy server side processing, and have a really poor client side API:

Any decent "html design" plugin available for use in a website?

I have a need of allowing visitors to my site to create their own "popup" screens.
I would like to have a WYSIWYG like interface where they can add images, backgrounds, text and move it around, resize, etc. Kind of like building a PowerPoint slide really...
Is there any plugin that can offer such function?
I've been Googling like crazy but can only find "big" solutions which I can't incorporate in my own web-site or "desktop" versions...
Something like this:
Although as a jQuery plugin or other simple to adapt plugin framework.
Any ideas?

Any WYSIWYGs that use contentEditable rather than an iframe?

I am looking for a list of WYSIWYG editors that use contentEditable rather than a designMode iframe.
The reason I want this is that I want to have a few regions (divs) on my site that users can edit, and I want the styling (fonts, font colors, etc). to look the same in the edit area as it normally does. I don't want to have to apply a stylesheet to the WYSIWYG's iframe.
Anyone know of any light-weight, free/open-source ones?
It's not free but I personally feel that the Telerik RadEditor is hands down the best WYSIWYG around.
It's not free
It's .NET only
It allows you to style the editor to match your site exactly
It has some great asset management tools
It's super easy to configure.
Also if you can get away with a little less "fancy" I'd say that WMD is an awesome WYSIWY***M*** editor, and can be used across multiple development languages (It's what StackOverflow uses here on this site).
New ckeditor v4 beta has support for content-editable.
Looks like NicEdit uses contentEditable. YAY! THIS MAY WORK!
Another few to throw in there, although I've never used any of them in production so can't vouch for them:
Aloha Editor
Raptor Editor

highlight a text in web view

I am using a html page in the web view. I want to track the location of the html page when I tap on the webview.Basically I want to mark the selected text in the html page.Please help me out as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
You're gonna have to do some javascript injection on the loaded page if it's not your own html. The javascript needs to locate the tap location and change the CSS of the element(s) where the tap occurred to highlight it. You can't do this just from UIWebView alone.
the developer of iCab Mobile (a full-featured iphone web browser) has some good discussions of things they did along those lines.
There's quite a bit involved with stuff like this. You can google around for something like "iPhone hybrid application project". There's a few opensource items out there which would be useful for learning these techniques.
Also for future consideration, it's kind of rude to suggest someone should "help you out as soon as possible".