highlight a text in web view - iphone

I am using a html page in the web view. I want to track the location of the html page when I tap on the webview.Basically I want to mark the selected text in the html page.Please help me out as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.

You're gonna have to do some javascript injection on the loaded page if it's not your own html. The javascript needs to locate the tap location and change the CSS of the element(s) where the tap occurred to highlight it. You can't do this just from UIWebView alone.
the developer of iCab Mobile (a full-featured iphone web browser) has some good discussions of things they did along those lines.
There's quite a bit involved with stuff like this. You can google around for something like "iPhone hybrid application project". There's a few opensource items out there which would be useful for learning these techniques.
Also for future consideration, it's kind of rude to suggest someone should "help you out as soon as possible".


Integrate Text Editor With IPad App - Objective C

I have an app for a text editor developed by OMNI Group. I need to integrate this text editor with one of my other apps. I have no idea as to how should I do it. Can someone provide me any directions as to how should I begin with it. I googled a lot but could not find much help. Thanks and regards.
1: Assuming that your text editor is an online editor living in a browser, simply implement a UIWebView and it should just work. For example, an editable <textarea> is rendered without problems in a UIWebView.
If you need other special features you have implemented with javascript and the like you need to test if they work in the UIWebView.
2: If, however, the text editor is already working in another iOS app, simply copy the classes that you are using to implement the editor into your new project and use them in an equivalent way, tweaking where necessary. If you followed the programming principle of incapsulation this should be a breeze.

Best practices for designing GUI in GWT

I have recently started studying Google Web Toolkit. I have went through some walkthroughs, and I think I understand the basics and the idea. However, I have some questions on the overall architecture and design of the applications.
Let's start with the GUI. I want to build a "common" web application, where the user first sees a login page. After successful login, the user is redirected to some kind of index page and a menu is added. I created a new LoginComposite for the login page, and tried to design a nice looking HTML table using the GWT Designer. However, I find that really hard to do, as you cannot set any individual properties on the individual cells (TDs)? There's no way to specify colspan or rowspan, and I can't set any padding or margin on the cells themselves. In short, I know exactly how I would have written the HTML code, but I can't translate that to the designer. Is that just me?
Also, I am wondering about the best practice for code layout and design. I went through the StockWatcher tutorial, but that's really not a very realistic web application. For example, I would like to know how I should design different forms (should each be in a own class inheriting the Composite-class)? How should I switch between forms (for example, first a list view, then a form for editing a chosen item from the list, then a totally different page)? If I have one Composite for each page, and instantiate them when needed in my EntryPoint, would that mean that the client will download all the JavaScript for all those Composites at page load? Should I stick with only one HTML page, or should I have many?
These are questions not really covered by any GWT tutorial. If anyone know a good example of a "real" web application built using GWT, I would love to see it.
Thanks for your input!
There are a whole bunch of resources in Google IO talks. For example:
Also, don't expect to be able to edit absolutely everything if you are using the GUI to build your GWT app. Good luck!

HTML pages in iPhone apps. Where to start?

I'm looking to create a small reference app. It has a UItabBar and 4 views that each load a UITableView which can be drilled down to display, essentially a page of information and pictures, like a book.
If I want to make the page a little more stylised than just using labels and image views, the common consensus seems to be to create HTML pages and load them in a web view.
Being new to this, please could someone give me some direction on where to even begin with this? As I understand it, I essentially need to develop a web page with a text editor, and then what? Actualy upload online and create a public website? It's a little confusing, and as I'm not a developer, a little disheartening to think I'll now have to learn HTML as well as Obj-C to create a simple app.
I'm sure there are some great tools or alternatives out there and if someone could recommend such avenues I'd be incredibly grateful.
Kind regards,
If you want to display HTML pages in a UIWebView you can store them in your bundle and display them from there (so no need to put the pages online). It is best though to stick with the UI controls that Apple provides you with. If you need more customization try subclassing some of the standard controls.
If you customize your UI too much it will just confuse the user and degrade their experience.

Access to hyperlink in a pdf(iPhone)?

I am working on a small app, which can open a pdf. My question is, if it is possible to access a hyperlink from a pdf? Because when am trying to click on hyperlink nothing is happening and it's not redirecting me to the link. I tried searching a lot but didn't got any luck on this. Am expecting a quick response as my work is getting delayed because of this issue. If it's possible then what would be the approach? Right now am using UIWebView to open the pdf. Any sample app or code will be of great help.
Thanks for your time .
The only way I know is to use a third party library (or perhaps parse the PDF yourself), find the links, get their rects and catch user taps and compare that to the list of link/hyperlinks/gotos for that particular page.
Unfortunatelly - nothing in the SDK that can help. You can search for a opensource pdf library, like muPDF for instance.
There is a reason why not many applications have that functionality :D

Web search in an iPhone app

I've got experience in C/C++ and am trying to now learn Objective-C for iPhone development. I have very little web design experience.
I'm trying to create an app for a friend's site that accesses a search feature from a website and then display the results in a UITableView. For example, (this isn't the site I'll be using, but...) using the stackoverflow search function and then being able to format the results (https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=iphone+web+search) in cells. I'd like to leave out the rest of the content on the page.
I've only been able to find info about reading xml or rss search results. Otherwise, I could use UIWebView, but that displays the entire site. Are there other classes that I should look into for doing this? Any help would be very, very much appreciated!
The iPhone SDK doesn't include Cocoa libraries for parsing HTML. Just NSXMLParser, which isn't a good tool for what you want to do. (It will choke on valid HTML that isn't valid XML.)
This page is probably a good first place to look. The author says, "For scraping/reading a webpage, XPath is the best choice. It is faster and less memory intensive then NSXMLParser, and very concise. My experience with it has been positive."