Cognos - How to send report embedded in email? - email

I'm trying to embed a Cognos report in an email message body, with no luck.
I've tried IBM official solution and to unmark "Include a link to the report" and "Attach the report" in the email options and it didn't work. I've also tried to embed the report using html tag, but the mail client (Outlook) does not support iframe.
Google searches didn't show anything useful. Does anyone here have another idea without using external tool?

If you attach an HTML output of the report to an email in Event Studio, it's displayed in the email body.

the solution to this is very weird but believe me if you leave the email message body blank ,when you are specifying the to and cc, the subject of the mail etc and chose to attach the report ,the report is displayed in the body of the message when delivered..If you type even a single word in the message body of the schedule then the email is attached.Also only HTML formats are embedded rest all get attached.
i hope this helps .It has always worked for me.

You should clear the "link to report" but most important LEAVE THE BODY BLANK.
It is stated here: IBM LINK

if you are using ReportOutput() function, you are likely to get an individual email for each output type.


Where can I find the template of the email that is sent with the Invoice to a customer?

The customer in Netsuite gets an email with the generated invoice attached as a pdf. The requirement is to change the body of the email. I am unable to locate the template that has this info to modify. Please advise.
The current body of the email is:
"Please open the attached file to view your Invoice.
To view the attachment, you first need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it yet, visit Adobe's Web site to download it."
`Customize-->Transaction Forms-->Whichever invoice form you're using`.
Under this form you should be able to choose which email template to send.
To find this email template,
Customize-->Transaction form PDF/HTML layouts
Under this menu you should be able to select and customize the email template however you want. Make sure the template you edit corresponds to the template that is showing on the form.
You may need to or have the desire to enable advanced/PDF/HTML templates, which allows you to edit and customize forms in a much more robust fasion using HTML/XML/CSS, Freemarker, and BFO. (See suiteanswers: 48703)
I know the original post is several years old, but I too found myself searching for answers recently in stackoverflow so I thought I would post the answer to this questioon.
Use the global search bar to type in Email Template. You can customize from there. I've attached a screenshot that replaces the generic message
"Please open the attached file to view your Invoice.
To view the attachment, you first need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it yet, visit Adobe's Web site to download it."
It has been awhile since I found and got this email template to work, so it is possible there may be another section where you have to set the preference to use this customized email template.

URL encoding issue in email campaigns

Sitefinity CMS for my specific problem, but could be general too.
I have an email message which has an unsubscribe link in it like this:
To Unsubscribe: Click or copy paste the following link in your browser.{|MailingList.Title|}&SubscriptionEmail={|Subscriber.Email|}
{|MailingList.Title|} and {|Subscriber.Email|} are sitefinity CMS subscriber fields. When I send out an email these two fields resolve to their respective values. Hence, the URL I get in an email is as following for example.
The user can click on it and unsubscribe from the mailing list.
My Problem:
If the mailing list name has a space in it, the link that appears on the email is broken at the first occurance of the space(link the link shown below breaks immediately =my) and hence clicking it is like clicking a invalid URL. mailing List&
I dont understand why the space in the URL doesnt resolve to a %20.
My Trial:
I changed the order of the querystrings to see if it works(mailinglist was the last string originally, I put it in the middle)
I am fine if the URL does not get resolved into a link at all, just forcing the users to copy paste the entire URL. But, I was not able to do it as well.
I have read in microsoft forums that OUTLOOK resolves the spacing issue, when the URL is surrounded by < and > like this :
URL here:
But the URL doesnt even show up in the email just like it is not showing up here above this line.
Tested on OUTLOOK, GMAIL, YAHOOMAIL, MICROSOFT MAIL. The link is broken in all email clients.
Any suggestions on what is the best solution for this?

Drupal email file attachment on form submit

I have a form built into a block on one of my content types, the content type has a file connected to the node.
I currently have a form the will send an email to the address you put in with a default message (ie if you put into the form,, this email will receive a message saying "thank you for your interest.. ..please find your document attached" etc) However I'm struggling when it comes to attaching the file attachment of that node to the form, I have downloaded the mimemail module but there isn't a lot of documentation on how to do it.
(I apologise for repeating this question from the Drupal specific SO but this area seems to get more traffic)
Firstly, I would recommend you transition to webform rather than your own bespoke solution - as great and admirable as that is.
In looking around for a webform strategy to test and recommend, I found something that should do the job for you.
Have a look at this tutorial.

Disable moving to Outlook in SSRS?

I have a SQL Server Reporting Services report where one of the columns has user ids in email address format. When I export this report to PDF format and click on the user id it moves to Outlook.
I have read about disabling hyperlinks and used both:
(=IIFGlobals!RenderFormat.Name, "",Nothing)
=IIf(Globals!RenderFormat.IsInteractive, "", Nothing)
But neither is working. Is there any other way to do it?
If I understand your situation correctly, you have a report that displays some email addresses and when the report is rendered as a PDF document the email addresses appear as clickable links. When a user clicks one of the email address in the PDF document, the link launches Microsoft Outlook (to create a new email message).
Unfortunately I think this is a feature of PDF documents, or at least the PDFs generated by Reporting Services. The email address seems to be automatically identified as such and a link created in the document - I can't see any way to control this from within the report code.
The only thing I can suggest is to insert a space into the address to stop the PDF renderer identifying it and creating a link, e.g. > #

Magento Transactional Email Links prefixed with x-msg

Send out a Magento transactional email with a link back to the website with a variable on the end of the url.
I pass a variable into Magento’s transactional email called link and display it using the following code in the email template.
<p>link = {{var link}}</p>
click here
The link is displayed correctly in the p tags e.g.
However when i move the mouse over a tag i get the following link which prevents the link in the email from working:
I have tried this in Mac Mail and Hotmail and get the same result.
The url i am passing into the email needs to be dynamic and cannot be hard coded.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Turns out I had a funny double quote around the link.