Drupal email file attachment on form submit - email

I have a form built into a block on one of my content types, the content type has a file connected to the node.
I currently have a form the will send an email to the address you put in with a default message (ie if you put into the form, me#myemail.com, this email will receive a message saying "thank you for your interest.. ..please find your document attached" etc) However I'm struggling when it comes to attaching the file attachment of that node to the form, I have downloaded the mimemail module but there isn't a lot of documentation on how to do it.
(I apologise for repeating this question from the Drupal specific SO but this area seems to get more traffic)

Firstly, I would recommend you transition to webform rather than your own bespoke solution - as great and admirable as that is.
In looking around for a webform strategy to test and recommend, I found something that should do the job for you.
Have a look at this tutorial.


Where can I find the template of the email that is sent with the Invoice to a customer?

The customer in Netsuite gets an email with the generated invoice attached as a pdf. The requirement is to change the body of the email. I am unable to locate the template that has this info to modify. Please advise.
The current body of the email is:
"Please open the attached file to view your Invoice.
To view the attachment, you first need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it yet, visit Adobe's Web site http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html to download it."
`Customize-->Transaction Forms-->Whichever invoice form you're using`.
Under this form you should be able to choose which email template to send.
To find this email template,
Customize-->Transaction form PDF/HTML layouts
Under this menu you should be able to select and customize the email template however you want. Make sure the template you edit corresponds to the template that is showing on the form.
You may need to or have the desire to enable advanced/PDF/HTML templates, which allows you to edit and customize forms in a much more robust fasion using HTML/XML/CSS, Freemarker, and BFO. (See suiteanswers: 48703)
I know the original post is several years old, but I too found myself searching for answers recently in stackoverflow so I thought I would post the answer to this questioon.
Use the global search bar to type in Email Template. You can customize from there. I've attached a screenshot that replaces the generic message
"Please open the attached file to view your Invoice.
To view the attachment, you first need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it yet, visit Adobe's Web site http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html to download it."
It has been awhile since I found and got this email template to work, so it is possible there may be another section where you have to set the preference to use this customized email template.

Is there a way to embed an iframe in an email with text that updates?

I want to embed an iframe inside an email that contains the 10 most recent chat messages. Is there a way to make this iframe dynamic so that it always shows the latest 10 chats regardless of when the email is opened? If the iframe is not the correct way to do this, is there a better way?
You can implement an iframe into the email - but your mail will be recognized as spam by many providers.
You should try to render your content dynamically into an image and implement that image into the email.
There kind of is a solution. It is using Dynamic CSS with a fallback of a Dynamic image to pull the information. It is not elegant really as for some clients (e.g. Outlook) this is not available at all and will only display initial information. It also utilizes a link for a style sheet which also severely limits which clients this will work in.
The fall back dynamic image is a bit more comprehensive in client support, but much harder to maintain as you will need to build something that programatically pulls the tweets (HTML webpage potentially) and then also have something that creates and hosts an image for the email to pull. This is not a short, simple thing to set up and may not be worth the required back end work for a simple email.
See this link for a bit more in-depth info on how this can be done for adding a live twitter feed into an email: https://litmus.com/blog/how-to-code-a-live-dynamic-twitter-feed-in-html-email
Since there was no accepted answer i thought i would give my input as well.
Litmus had done something similar for their live twitter feed in emails sometime ago.
The method i can think off is to create a PHP page which takes 10 images and makes it into 1. PHP can have a loop that checks for increments from a specific number and if it exists then add to that 1 image. When there is a new chat image added, PHP will disregard the last one and add the new in the loop.
For anyone reading this in 2022, this is possible with AMP.
Instead of an iframe, you can create a dynamic email easily.
check out amp.dev
Note: AMP is not supported by many email clients

Email tracking tools, How it works?

Did you work with email tracking tools like "GetNotify.com"?
I want to know how it works, with details.
In my opinion we have to create a php code that contains img tag, but I don't know how can I attach this on email content.
According to this FAQ entry, they insert an invisible image into the e-mail.
The idea behind this technique is that, upon e-mail opening, that image is downloaded from their server, providing them the IP address and the timestamp. Although, relying on the image being fetched, this service fails as soon as the image is not fetched (which you can configure many e-mail clients to do). EDIT: There is also a FAQ entry on that topic.
Inserting such an image into an e-mail is fairly simple: You need to get the e-mail html content and insert a new node. This is the second drawback: It fails when you use text messages. Instead, you would have to create a new HTML message.

FormMail.pl 1.93 Multiple URl contact Form

I am using FormMail.pl version 1.93 for form submission. I have asked this question before for FormMail 3.14m1 but now I am using FormMail.pl version 1.93
I have a single contact-us form and what I would like to do is use this single form such as contactus.html (not multiple copies of this form) everywhere on my website as my site has different contact-us sections based on the department.
Let's say the contact-us form for marketing should email to technical#mydomain.com, contact-us form for sales should email to sales#mydomain.com, HR's contact-us form should email to hr#mydomain.com.
How can I use the single form while redirecting the submission to the appropriate department email address?
I am using FormMail.pl Version 1.93 for email submission
FormMail 1.93 seems to be the version from Matt's Script Archive. The programs from that site are badly written, potentially buggy and (as you have, no doubt, discovered for yourself) unsupported. Even Matt Wright himself no longer recommends their use.
You would be better advised to use the versions from the nms project. It sounds like you were using nms' version 3.14m1, but stopped for some reason. Why is that?
No matter which version you use, your problem is basically the same. In pretty much any version of FormMail the email recipient is either hard-coded in the program or derived from a form input (often a hidden form input) on the HTML page. If you're using the same installation of the program for different email addresses you can't hard-code the address within the program (for, hopefully, obvious reasons). So you're left with getting the address from the HTML page.
But you say you want to use the same form for different contact addresses. I'm not sure how you think this is going to work. How does the form know how it is being used? Are you perhaps embedding the form within various pages using iframes? I suppose it might be possible to change the value of the recipient form input depending on how the form is being accessed. You'd need to do this with Javascript.
The recommended way to approach this is to have a single copy of the FormMail program which is called from several different HTML forms.

What are some ways to protect emails on websites from spambots? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I'm creating a public internet facing website which contains the email address of their salespeople.
What kind of programming options do I have to generate the "mailto" and display the email from that address but limit the spambots from picking up the address?
Recaptcha has an excellent capture based email protection. You can see it implemented at the bottom of any page in my website using the Site Feedback link.
I know that Facebook does it by displaying an image instead of text. Sure, they could use OCR on the image, but why bother for just one email address?
If you really didn't want spam bots to get an email address, the best way is to never show it to anyone. Show a link to "Contact this person" which brings up a form. On the server side, send the contents of that form to the recipient, with a reply-to of the sender's email address. Include a little blurb at the bottom of their message that "if this email is spam, please 'click here' to block this user", which will then block the IP of the sender. I've used this method on a number of occasions and have never had a single complaint.
You can obfuscate it but IMHO whatever you do, one day spammers will get your email address. The future is in spam filters, not trying to keep email addresses secret.
What I have done in the past is use javascript to build the mailto: link. This is nice for the users because they can just click on the link and I don't know of any spambots that take the time to execute javascript yet.
I think I got the idea from Jakob Nielsen's useit.com website.
In the page header I have this piece of javascript:
<script name="mailto" language="JavaScript">
function load()
c1 = "bcl"
c2 = "brian"
c3 = "lane"
c4 = "com"
// Fill in the addresses
document.getElementById("contact1").innerHTML = "" + c1 + "#" + c2 + c3 + "." + c4 + "";
Tell it to load it when the page loads:
<body onload="load()">
And then in the body of the page I put a link to a spamtrap:
<span id="contact1">spam#brianlane.com</span>
If this is not a static HTML page, but a ASP.NET, JSP, Coldfusion, or PHP page then you could have a drop down box with a list of all your sales people, a text box for comments, and a "Contact Us" (ie, Submit button). When the button is clicked, it will call a server-side code which creates the email and sends it to your local mail server for delivery. The outside world will never know the email address of your sales people, nor the email format (ie, firstname.lastname#yourcompany.com) of your company.
Have a look at PrivateDaddy - I think it does exactly what you're looking for: fully automatic, unobtrusive email cloaking that even works with browsers where JavaScript support is disabled. You can get it here (free of course)
I have a solution, well, more of a theory.
Problem is, the bots parse the page. they can get the text. even if it's being put
into the page in some sophisticated way through Javascript.
So, just you CSS3 pseudo element! it won't be a link, but your email will be visible, and will never be an actual text. something like this:
.email::after{ content:'myemail#gmail.com'; }
Again, it's a theory, I've no idea how far these evil people can go to get it, but I think this be pretty safe.
Update (JULY 19')
I now in the opinion this isn't a problem since email servers have become good at filtering spam and there's no reason to make any elaborate tricks to "protect" email text on webpages.
You can use something like email obfuscation
This is a difficult problem. If you post an e-mail such that it can be parsed by a web browser so that it's clickable, then it can be parsed by a spambot. If it's not clickable (e.g. if it's an image), it's more difficult for users. On one side is perfect, seamless experience for users and on the other side is perfect spam-blocking. A simple CSS or javascript to take in an email address as separate tokens is usually better than nothing, though.
You could only show a part of the e-mail address "us...#mail.com" as a link that redirects to a captcha, then display the full e-mail address like Google Groups does.
We used to do classic ASP string cat for email addresses, the grand idea being that spambots read source, but don't parse server-side code. I have NO idea if that actually works.
Would something that I wrote work for you?
...and you could see the demo here:
It works with mailto, so it's convenient for users, but spambots won't be able to pick up which is your requirements. It'll be obvious once you spend 1 minute looking at the demo.
I got the same problem too and i came up with a quick but effective method to help my website out.
Basically bots just read the content of the web page but in 99.999% they do not trigger events, it would require a great amount of dedication and work, things hacker don't usually do in favor of bigger numbers and quicker effects.
So i came up with this function:
function emptyMail() {
let mail = document.querySelector('#your_mail');
let mailValue = mail.href;
mail.href = "";
mail.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
mail.href= mailValue;
This worked for me i hope it can help you too.
I see the mailto: protocol almost dead anyway... It is convenient, but too easy to parse and gather.
Plus it has its downsides: if you are on a Web cafe, it won't work because it will call whatever default e-mail client it has (if it has any!) and it is not set up on your account. Same if you use exclusively online e-mail managers...
A possible workaround is to decorate e-mails, relying on users to type or correct them: foo (at) example.com or foo-NOSPAM#REMOVE-THIS-example.com are common schemes (hoping spammers doesn't try to decipher these common schemes!), graphical e-mail addresses are another way.
Or, as pointed out, if you can, the best option is to have a contact form, with some reasonable form of protection against robots, that would be usable from everywhere. Although people might be defiant on forms asking for e-mails (for response!), so a disclaimer might be useful too... :-)