LaunchImages XCode 5 - catalog

I declared the LaunchImages and icons but there were errors when validating the archive. So I used the asset catalogs and the errors disappeared. as far as good but the app does not show any LaunchImage when running it on my iPhone 4S.
What might be the problem?


flash builder Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5, Application Loader, ERROR

I am using flash builder 4.6 , Air 18.0 on windows 7.
I am receiving this error :
Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image with the -568h size modifier immediately following the portion of the launch image's filename. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images by reviewing the 'iOS Human Interface Guidelines' at ' IconsImages/IconsImages.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH14-SW5' and the 'iOS App Programming Guide' at ' gGuide/App-RelatedResources/App-RelatedResources.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH6- S W12'.
I packed all type of style one by one Default-568h#2x.png Default.png, Default-568h#2x~iPhone.png etc but eror is not going.
what i do to remove error. I packed up images and images one by one on splashimage... default page.
Now i am confuse may be this is Air error or apple error, or my flash builder error.
please can you assit.
with regards.
My problem solved. Actually Default-568h#2x.png in wrong place. i put every where then problem solve. I don't know which place it accept. I hate iphone development, development is ok but uploading and waiting time is hell. Like iphone has paradis ticket ...

iOS Localize Splash Screen in Xcode 4.6

I found a bug in Xcode 4.6 during the App Store submission process.
The problem is from May 1, 2013, Apple reject applications that doesn't support retina display and iPhone 5.
To understand if an application is optimized for iPhone 5 the process looks into the launch image section in the settings:
The problem born when you try to localize the splash screen: to localize splash screen you must drag the image NOT in the launch images section, but in the supporting file folder in project navigator. Then localize the image and call it Default.png (and with other appropriate name for iPhone 5 and iPad). This procedure cause the launch images sections are blank even if all works fine: in the device you can see the correct splash based on device language.
But, because Apple looks into this section to understand if an app is optimized for iPhone 5 you can't able to publish the app and the process returns you this error: iPhone 5 optimization required.
This is a bug in Xcode because the process I mentioned works fine...
Has anyone have encountered this problem and found a solution to it?
please check this:
" can also localize your application icons and launch images by placing files with the same name in your language-specific project directories. Even if you provide localized versions, however, you should always include a default version of these files at the top-level of your application bundle. The default version is used in situations where a specific localization is not available..." from Apple
I had the same problem, and I have solved it using UILaunchImageFile key in the app Info.plist and renaming the splash images, check the documentation for a more complete explanation

How to remove iPhone 5 compatibility from Xcode project?

Accidentally I allowed Xcode to add the iPhone 5 launch image for a massive app project where I don't want to adapt to iPhone 5 just yet.
I deleted the launch image but the simulator keeps launching it in enlarged iPhone 5 mode. I couldn't find a key in infoplist either. How can I completely remove iPhone 5 support?
The following worked for me.
Remove the file from Xcode.
Delete the file from your Finder folder.
Empty the trash.
Clean your Xcode project.
Delete App from device and simulator.
I think if you delete Default-568h#2x.png from your project then it will remove the iPhone 5 full screen features.
Remove armv7s in Build Setting Architecture and remove the Retina 4Inch Image in Summary of your Target Clean Build. Then Your Application will start support for 3.5 Inch screen only

Why my Xcode4.5 doesnt have a iphoneretinasimulator with 4 inch?

I have downloaded xcode 4.5 from ios dev center.(dnt know is it the way).I got a dmg file.when i clicked on it to install it has only one xcode setup is there(nothing like samples,simulator folders which normally has).i inatalled it run my application .but when i got the simulator it has hardware options as ipad,ipad retina,iphone,iphone retina3.5,iphone retina 4 inch.only.the normal iphone simulator has the same screen reselution as 320, the retina display has only the changed reselution screen.Is it correct.Can any body used this can guide me?
If you mean that there is no low resolution Simulator, thats right. If you want a smaller Simulator, you can type CMD-3.

App Icon not changing when app version is updated in iOS 5 simulator

I recently started using Xcode 4.2 and the iOS 5 simulator. When I update an older version of my app pre-installed in the simulator, it updates the app just fine but the app icon is not updated. Even with cleaning and building the app ahead of time (sometimes a couple of times) this seems to be the case. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
EDIT: Still the same problem, but when I quit the simulator and start it again (NOT deleting the app), the icon is updated. That's a little encouraging at least. Has anyone else experienced this?
I've had this problem for a while and cleaning the project didn't work either. I finally found a trick to do this. It works at least in iOS 6, I'm not sure in previous versions. The trick is to simply move the app to a folder. The moment you move it there it should display the new icon, and then you can move it out again.
Despite others' answers, it would appear that your problem is a bug.
It would probably be wise to report this. Otherwise, try making a new project and trying again.
Hope all goes as planned.
Theres a new category in the plist file called Icons Files (iOS 5.0). Try adding those file names to your target info like so:
In this tab:
The names and size much also be exact. See this Apple Technical Q&A #1686:
57x57 - Icon.png
114x114 - Icon#2x.png
72x72 - Icon-72.png
50x50 - Icon-Small-50.png
29x29 - Icon-Small.png
58x58 - Icon-Small#2x.png
I ran into a similar problem after renaming the app and adding the Icon files category as described in one of the other answers. No icon would show up in either simulator or device. Tried a clean build as well as restarting simulator and Xcode, no success
The solution for me was to drag the icons from my Resources to the two empty wells under App Icons located under Targets -> Summary. After that my icons showed up in both simulator and device. I´m running Xcode 4.3.1
this works for me.
In iOS Simulator :
iOS Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings
Be aware that it removes all things from the simulator to the trash... but it does work.
Make sure of icons sizes are right at the Image Asset folder