How to add operator for rapidminer - plugins

Thanks for reading my question. I am doing a project with Rapidminer, I have to add a new algorithm as a operator in Rapidminer, I'm just a beginner, I have been read some docs about this, but I still don't know how to do it, so I need your help to give some solutions.
What I know now, we have two solutions to add or change a operator
click right button on a operator which exist already in Rapidminer's operators.
import Rapidminer project in Eclipse
But, I just download Rapidminer, I didn't found the operation 'edit source code' when I clicked right button on a operator.
And if I import the project, whether I have to import the whole project on github? Or I just need import some jars.
Once I finish my 'operator', I just need to export the jar of my 'operator' and put it in the folder of 'plugin' in the location of installation Rapidminer? If just like what I say, It will be not easy for debug...?
Please give me some suggestions about my project as you can.
Thank you very much.

Just to summarize the suggested solution: the RapidMiner documentation page suggest How to extend RapidMiner, although the sources are no longer available (probably to be updated to RapidMiner 6). An alternative location for the sources is with the template project.
Here is the template: (according to this post.)


multiple projects jqassistant

I have multiple maven projects that are related to each other in Eclipse.
Now I need to check the projects e.g. for cyclic dependencies. What I have is a folder that contains the constraints in every single project.
Is there a possibility to check the rules (constraints) with jqassistant without putting them into a folder in each project ?
Maybe there is a way to define the rules in a root project and let the tool know which projects it has to search for.
thanks for help
PS: Sorry for my bad english :)
there's currently only one way to share rules between projects by creating a plugin, i.e. a JAR file containing rules.
The documentation provides examples for
The structure of such a plugin
How a plugin is used with jQAssistant.
Would that solve your problem?

NetBeans importing classes package problems

I have created a class in Java that I need to import into NetBeans and use in a GUI. What I have done so far is add the jar file containing the classes to the library in my project. I can look inside the jar file and see the classes I need inside the . I have looked around online and know that the best to way import these classes is to move them to another package that isn't the .
My problem is that I do not know how to do this. I saw that I can create a package in netbeans, but it is gray when it appears and I can't seem to do anything with it. I basically have no idea how to create packages that I can use to import classes If someone could please walk me through step by step I would greatly appreciate it. I have looked at the other posts on this site and other places online, but they seem to skip over somethings I am not sure about. My teacher didn't mention anything about packages either, so I am really in the dark.
You can copy your source files (*.java) in your project's src folder, then use refactoring to change the package.
Right-click your java file, then select Refactor > Move and type your new package name.

Files filter plugin in eclipse (in Package Explorer - Navigator)

I want to create a some custom filters for my eclipse project. I think this can be done extending a plugin.
For example .asm file should go to the ASM filter, .c files to the C filter, and so on.
All my input files are stored in the Source folder (on my computer).
But I need this filters only for a better file management, in the Package Explorer.
Please, if anybody have a starting point for this issue ... I will appreciate.
The sooner, the better :)
You might want to have a look at this:
Eclipse Common Navigator Framework
And read this tutorial to create a custom navigation:
Custom Navigator
(It's part 7, but in the beginning there is a lot of theory. just find your personal starting point)
I hope this is what you were looking for or that you can at least get something useful out of it...

Eclipse : Using same output folder for different projects

Following is a question that is posted on in April 2003. The original question is:
Hi all,
in eclipse i have created several java
projects representing different
modules for one web application. i'd
like to configure one output folder
for all of these projects. Any time i
build a subproject the content of the
output folder is deleted, so i loose
the classes of all other subprojects.
I think there must be a switch or
something like that to tell eclipse
not to clear the content of the output
folder when it builds a project - but
i just can't find it.
Thanks for your help!
I am trying to see if I could get a definitve answer for this question. I have tried to find out to see if this question has already been addressed and I was not able to find any except for the following answer:
Window-->Preferences-->Java-->Compiler-->Build Path
The above answer did not help me much.
Hmm... I think this approach will bring more trouble than it's worth. Sure it's a priori a quick and dirty fix to integrating your projects together but you are only pushing the problem forward. It is good practice to keep your modules as isolated as possible from each-other, trying to merge the compiled code in a single location is working against the way the IDE was designed and will only bring trouble.
I would recommend that you look into maven to build and package your modules. Then referencing them is just a matter of adding a declaration in the project that requires it and you are integrated. Of course you will need to learn it but it provides a good base of conventions that when followed yield almost effortless integration. Plus reusing some modules in another project becomes trivial so you gain in all fronts.
To answer the other question in the thread when they wish to make a tree of related projects it is possible though somewhat clumsy. Eclipse will always present projects as a flat list, however the folders can be arranged in a tree nonetheless. Just specify a custom location when creating a project or import the project from the sub-folder. Again here Maven can help a lot with it's concept of modules.
As eugener mentioned in his comment, there are plugins for maven that will make most of these tasks trivial. You may find all you are looking for just by exploring the gui, this said, reading the maven literature will give you good insight on how it works and what it can do for you.

Eclipse/Zend Studio, stop validation for parts of a project tree

I have some external libraries that are showing 'warnings', I want to stop validation of this part of my project because it is interfering with actual warning messages from my source code. Is this possible?
I am using Zend Studio but it is based on eclipse so I think the same method will apply on both applications.
You can try to go to Preferences/Validation/HTML syntax validator for PHP files/ click on settings. Add first an exclude group and then add a rule with your library folder. This will work at least with pure PHP warnings. I have a similar question concerning DLTK warnings and also posted this question to ZS forums, but I have not too much hope from there.
I was having the same issue with a dependency we were pulling in and the previous answer didn't help (maybe because it changed in the last 7 years). I found a solution on the Zend Forums.
Word of caution: if your files are having errors, you probably should NOT preform these steps!
To summarize:
Right-click on the folder.
Click "User As Library Folder"