Eclipse/Zend Studio, stop validation for parts of a project tree - eclipse

I have some external libraries that are showing 'warnings', I want to stop validation of this part of my project because it is interfering with actual warning messages from my source code. Is this possible?
I am using Zend Studio but it is based on eclipse so I think the same method will apply on both applications.

You can try to go to Preferences/Validation/HTML syntax validator for PHP files/ click on settings. Add first an exclude group and then add a rule with your library folder. This will work at least with pure PHP warnings. I have a similar question concerning DLTK warnings and also posted this question to ZS forums, but I have not too much hope from there.

I was having the same issue with a dependency we were pulling in and the previous answer didn't help (maybe because it changed in the last 7 years). I found a solution on the Zend Forums.
Word of caution: if your files are having errors, you probably should NOT preform these steps!
To summarize:
Right-click on the folder.
Click "User As Library Folder"


Create plug-in that creates a snapshot of the source code currently opened on editor - Eclipse CDT

I need to create a plug-in for Eclipse CDT that sends a "snapshot" of the source code of the currently opened editor each time the code is "built".
I am already capable of doing it each time the user presses a custom button created by me, but it would be great if it could be done when the "standard" "build" action is performed.
Do i need no create a plug-in of the type "builder"?
I am using Eclipse 4.4.0...
Can someone help me?! (Sorry for some english mistakes... :( )
One solution would be to create your own custom "Builder". Instead of actually building the code, it would invoke the functionality you already have.
For information on how to use the eclipse build system, please have a look here:
Also, this website goes into more details about building in eclipse: However, I think that the first one should do.
As a side note, this works with any kind of eclipse project (JDT and CDT). The build described there is common to all flavours.
Hope it helps,

Mark / highlight code in Eclipse (for code review)

In some cases I need to mark (several) lines of code in Eclipse. For example when reviewing, or when testing. Is there a feature or plug-in in Eclipse which can help me to that?
For now I'm just putting #REVIEWED or #TOBEREVIEWED on lines or around blocks. But that is a lot of work.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I'm aware of the Bookmark feature, but that seems to cover only 1 line.
EDIT2: I'm also aware of Task tags like TODO and FIXME, thanks E-Riz
You can use custom task tags in comments (the default is //TODO), which are automatically added to the Markers or Problems views in Eclipse. for example, you could create a custom task tag like //TO-REVIEW.
It's not exactly marking blocks of code, since it's essentially a marker for one line, but it is a convenient way to track and locate them. See the Eclipse Help page for more details.
Why not use some code review features of external server like GitHub?
I mean it could be nice to comment and discuss code blocks just within Eclipse,
but it is much overhead to develop and maintain comparing to web-based solution (that would be universal).
Then possibly such server has similar feature support as Eclipse plugin.
For example
if you use git, you can check GitHub and Eclipse EGit and Eclipse Mylyn tasks.
For perforce there is job concept (similar to issues).
So it leads to understanding that what you actually need is issue-tracker integrated into Eclipse that can conveniently point to code blocks. Again depends on your SCM.
You can us Eclipse plugin like Jupiter for code review. It will help to identify issues (if any) in code blocks with review comments without touching actual code.
The code review comments get stored in jupiter files in your respective project.
Developer can see those issues, fix and comment on them.

To modify a core eclipse plugin

In order to modify an eclipse plugin, what are the steps to find its editable code ?
I read and debug source provided with eclipse distribution but to try a fix in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation behavior I need to make it editable.
Well, the source repository is available at, the plugin compiled with the source should be available from the standard eclipse update site.
I'm guessing you are considering changing the source, recompiling and using your plugin instead of the standard one? There is a different way to change functionality, its with fragments. For example, look at a question I asked earlier, follow the links in my text and Andrews answer for more information.

Grouping Files in Project Explorer in Eclipse

I am newbie to Eclipse, I am planning to use it for AVR development with WinAVR and gcc.
The feature I am looking for is the grouping of different files in the project, like all headers together, all source files together and all files excluded from the build together etc.
I tried AVR Studio from Atmel, it has this grouping feature but it lacks several other features which Eclipse supports. Any help to configure Eclipse Project explorer to display the project files in this way would be appreciated and helpful for me to decide the IDE to use.
Note: I know that I can manually add different folders for each of these groups and move the files, but that moves the physical files, and breaks the relative path in the code, and other comilers/IDE's. I am looking for logical grouping of files.
Unfortunately there is no general way for a user to configure the grouping in the Project Explorer, the grouping is setup based on the code that controls the content (i.e. CDT, JDT, etc). I think it would be interesting to have this feature, but it's not clear the UI that can be used to specify it. You are welcome to submit an enhancement request to add this to the Eclipse Platform UI project. And giving an example of how it's done in another product would be helpful.
Thanks Francis, looking at your profile I think I found the right person to solve my issue :)
I have opened it as a bug (as I could not find a feature request in bugzila) Bug 296514 - Logical Grouping Files in Project Explorer in Eclipse
I have attcahed screenshots of both AVR Studio and Eclipse project explorer. That should give you an idea of what kind of UI features I am requesting. I can difinetely provide more information if you want.
I think what you are looking for can be done with Working Sets.

Problem with update site categories in Eclipse 3.4

I am using Eclipse 3.4 (ganymede official, not the service pack).
I have an update site that organizes features into categories; everything looks great in the editor and in the XML.
Once the site is online, accessing it in the usual manner tells me that all the features are "uncategorized". I've tried from multiple computers running 3.4 and the same problem persists.
What is curious is that I used Eclipse 3.3, and it saw the categories well, though of course it wasn't able to instlal the plugins which are made from 3.4.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a known problem?
It appears to be a known problem, due to the new 'p2' provisioning system.
See this discussion, and this bug. What it seems to say is... "stay put until 3.5M3, and then try it again".
This solution works for me:
Use the PDE update site project to create the site.xml and build your plugins. Make sure you set the category here.
Delete the artifacts.xml and content.xml created by the update site build.
Use the P2 Metadata Generator to generate your artifacts and content files. I use the compress option so I'm getting jars.
The update site should include: the site.xml, content & artifacts jars, features and plugins folders.
If you follow this procedure, it will work just fine in Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4. Naturally, you should automate this process with Ant.
Important notes:
I never got the metadata generator Ant task to work, so I invoke it in its' Java form (the second example in the link above).
Make sure you clear the artifacts and content xmls before the generation
Inputs: site.xml and built plugins/features folders
Specify the metadataRepositoryName which is the update site title (shown to the user in some cases)
I'll do my best to blog about it soon...
Let me know if you have any questions.
What seems to work for me is to put the tag, defining the category in the site.xml, before the tag including the other category tag. If you add the category with eclipse's editor after adding the feature, it'll have messed that up...
A no-brainer for most..but it can be a problem for newbies on Eclipse update sites: be sure to add your feauture as a child under the category: