Email-Ext plugin does not work for custom groovy templates - email

I have installed Email-ext plugin version 2.30.2 in jenkins server (version is 1.520) . I am using custom groovy template to send a html content type in the email notifications.Though i have placed the template under JENKINS_HOME\email-templates still I am not getting HTML content in emails.
Under Jenkins -> Configuration , i have properly mentioned the SMTP server details and other fields , for the "Default Content" field I have mentioned ${SCRIPT,template="groovy-ABCD.template"

Check that the 'Default Content Type' is HTML (text/html) in the master configuration. If it is set correctly there check the configuration of the specific job to make sure that it is set to 'Default Content Type.'
If the master is set to plain text either change the content type to HTML or change the specific job content type to HTML.


Deploy parcel to GitHub Pages

I have started a project with parcel. Locally it works perfectly but when I want to deploy the page to GitHub Pages I have some issues.
Once compiled and uploaded, the browser tries to look for a css and js file that do not exist and does not take the styles created in /dist.
Code image of index.html
File it tries to find
Another error is this:
Refused to apply style from ''
because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME
type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
How do I configure parcel to take the files from /dist when deploying?

SPFx web part with TinyMCE self-hosted does not render in packaged solution

I have an SPFx web part which contains TinyMCE self-hosted component. The webpart's editor component in RichEditor.tsx file returns node with 'tinymceScriptSrc' property. The tinymceScriptSrc has value to tinymce.min.js file.
This works as expected while executing in workbench but does not turn up in packaged solution.
Executed gulp serve command and the webpart shows TinyMCE component in workbench.aspx. However, it does not appear in a webpart from packaged solution.

Service Unavailable (503) No TypoScript template found

I tried to install the introduction package in Typo3 cms.
But I receive the following error:
Service Unavailable (503) No TypoScript template found!
You might need to include the package into your core template in Typo3.
Whenever you are using a new package/extension which having template files, you are needed to added those in your root template.
Go to Template Menu in the typo3 backend
Select the root page from the treelist on the left side panel (it might be Congratulations).
Choose the info/modify from the top list
click on Edit the whole template record button.
Choose the includeTab
Add the package related to it.

Jenkins & email-ext questions

I've been looking into using the email-ext plugin for our Jenkins/DotCi setup, however i can't seem to find any resource on which where we should be storing our templates for the email?
I can modify the templates listed "/src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/emailext/templates" to contain the information i want to have sent.
Does the email template live in the root similar to the .ci.yml file?
You can find "Extended E-mail Notification" under the "Manage Jenkins" -> "Configure System"
There you can find all the configuration settings for this plugin - including "Default Content"
The templates go into JENKINS_HOME\email-templates
To check that it is configured right, go to a project that you have run at least once and click on 'Email Template Testing' in the sidebar. Type in the full name of your template file.
If the file can't be found you will get an error in red beneath the input box. Otherwise you are good to go.

Plugins required for jenkins to plot graphs and to show log/result

I'm very new to jenkins. I'm using Jenkins & Robot. Currently, I've written script in perl. Now i'm able to generate 'Xml' file. And also I've generated 'log.html' and 'result.html' .
I need some interpreter to show these reports on jenkins & also charts as well.
I need your help in this.
Install HTML publisher plugin plugin
Refer HTML Publisher Plugin
To display the html in browser
From your job
Select Add Post-build Action->Publish Html Reports
Specify the html path in Html Directory to archieve section
Specify the html to be displayed in IndexPages