Service Unavailable (503) No TypoScript template found - typo3

I tried to install the introduction package in Typo3 cms.
But I receive the following error:
Service Unavailable (503) No TypoScript template found!

You might need to include the package into your core template in Typo3.
Whenever you are using a new package/extension which having template files, you are needed to added those in your root template.
Go to Template Menu in the typo3 backend
Select the root page from the treelist on the left side panel (it might be Congratulations).
Choose the info/modify from the top list
click on Edit the whole template record button.
Choose the includeTab
Add the package related to it.


Typo3 V9 Backendmodule View not found

I try to write an backend module, i start up with the ext_tables.php and so an, i create an Controller that called correctly. When i click on my module in the backend i get an error:
The technical reason is: No template was found. View could not be resolved for action "list" in class "Trendsetzer\Statistik\Controller\StatController".
In the Typoscript Browser i checked the paths and all setted correctly: EXT:ts_statistik/Resources/Private/Templates/ why they dont find the template file?
how can i show in which path they try to find the file?
For frontend and backend you have 2 different typoscript paths.
plugin.tx_myext for frontend modules and module.tx_myext for backend modules.
When I started creating extensions, I often miss adding the typoscript to my root template.
You can add this by Module "Template" -> Your Root Page -> Edit the whole template record -> Tab "Includes" -> Include static (from extensions)
Solution found, the namespace was incorrect: for extensions with underscore the namespace for extensionsn like foo_bar must be Vendor\FooBar\...
hope this helps anyone

TYPO3 Service Unavailable (503)

I installed a copy of a TYPO3 project. So, I'm using an existing TYPO3 database.
When running the home page of the site, I get the 'standard error':
Service Unavailable (503)
The page is not configured! [type=0][]. This means that there is no TypoScript object of type PAGE with typeNum=0 configured.
More information regarding this error might be available online.
which refers to following site:
But when I modify the setup of the template of the root as given in the link. I get an empty page with "HELLO WORLD" and the whole website is gone.
The old root setup code was:
config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0 = page:description = page:keywords
How can I solve this problem without losing the rest of the website? Using TYPO3 8.7
Addition to the db install I also copied the extension folders to the typo3conf/ext folder and edited the PackageStates.php with the path to the extensions.
I see the extensions in the extensions tab the status is 'local'.
1st: make sure you have the correct configuration of all domains (as it is a copy it can not run with the same domain, otherwise you will switch between servers unpredictably.
2nd: enter list mode and look for multiple template records in your web root page. Multiple records will result in ignoring all but one record. maybe you just edit the wrong one. Normally the content is not lost but only inaccessible for the moment.
3rd: have you activated all the extensions which are active in the source installation? especially any site extension, which probably include the configuration for the TypoScript page object.
4th: you can use the TSOB (TypoScript Object Browser) and the template analyzer to view the active or resulting typoscript.

class.tslib_pibase.php not found in my TYPO3 6.2.9

I want to include PHP code in my TYPO3, I found php_page_content, I installed the extension that I found here .
The installation went fine, no error, then I cleared my cache.
After addind a PHP content in my page
Then I got a fatal error saying :
PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required
on line 30
I checked and I found no class.tslib_pibase.php in my TYPO3!!! How can I manage this ?
PS: I tried to use the extension Page PHP Content Element but it didn't work for me, I install and I find no PHP script in the content list to include.
You can find the solution here
In your class.tx_pagephpcontent_pi1.php on line 30
You can replace this
require_once(PATH_tslib . 'class.tslib_pibase.php');
if (!class_exists('tslib_pibase')) require_once(PATH_tslib . 'class.tslib_pibase.php');
This works for both Typo3 4.x and 6.2
I think that the extension is outdated and no compatible with TYPO3 6.2.
It gives no error just because in the file ext_emconf.php there is no constraint about the CMS version (!)
About the other extension you cited: I was able to make it work with these steps (TYPO3 6.2.30:
Install Extension
TS Setup > edit whole template record > include static from extension > include "Page PHP Content Element
Create a Sysfolder (like "phpscripts")
go to "phpscripts" > list view > create new > "Page PHP Content Element > P H P Content"
insert some code (like the one you provided) and save
go to a page > create new content element > tab "Plugins > "General
After you insert the element, edit it, tab "Plugin" > from the
"selected plugin" dropdown, select "Page PHP content"
Tab Behavior > Record storage page > select the sysfolder
Save and preview
I am sorry, but I was not able to figure out how to select a single record from the sysfolder :(
You can install the extension migration_core or the extension compatibility6.
migration_core contains a Migrations/Code/ folder with class alias mappers. Every reference to the class "tslib_pibase" will be automatically referred to "\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin::class". It is sufficient to have it installed. However compatibility6 is not recommended, because it also contains other changes which have drawbacks.
If you still have the same error message, then open the TYPO3 Install Tool first tab "Important actions".
Dump Autoload Information
[Create autoload information for extensions]
This (re-)dumps autoload information for all active third party extensions.

Add a template from a non-storefront cartridge to Demandware Content Slot Configuration?

I'm using the Demandware Business Manager to create a new content slot configuration for a pre-existing content slot following the Demandware DiD Instructor Guide (pg. 152). My issue is that I'm being told to add a content slot configuration to "merchant-product" using a template that is in the "training" cartridge. However, when I try to add a template, the pop up (from clicking [...]) only allows me to view templates that are within the storefront cartridge.
This template is in the "training" cartridge because the instructions indicated to put it in the "training" cartridge instead of the "storefront" cartridge. I have included the "training" cartridge in my site settings as per the instructions. Why does this cartridge not appear as an available cartridge to use templates from?
How do I add this (non-storefront) cartridge in so that I may use a template from it?
Please follow the instruction below.
Go to your Sandbox - Business Manager.
On the left nav, navigate to Sites -> Manage Sites -> [Select your
Site/Store Name e.g. SiteGenesis]
Click on it, then you will see some tabs some as General, Settings,
Cache, and Security.
Go click Settings tab.
On the Cartridges text field, you will something like this:
Add your cartridge name having this separation of colon symbol.
Saves Changes and apply.
Make sure to clean your cache after doing this.
Try again to access your cartridge outside of storefront app and let me know.
To solve please copy slots folder under templates/default/ folder.

Init a new project by using Mean.Io

I have created a new Mean project. Now I would create my own project. I have realized that I should create a new package. I have execute the command mean package myOwnPackage and a new package has been added to the folder packages. Inside that one there are other package. I don't understand how to run the project through grunt that show only my application instead of the built in packages articles
In packages folder, delete /packages/articles, when grunt, you will see your package name in navigation bar. system, access and users cannot be delete, or it will cause errors.
mean init - looks like you did that.
delete the 'articles' package, it's an example
customize your app:
These templates load your Angular app into the browser.
- packages/system/server/views/index.html - this extends default.html.
- packages/system/server/views/layouts/default.html - this is the bottom-most template in your app.
- packages/system/server/views/includes/foot.html,head.html - these are used by default.html to build a homepage. Note that head.html is head tag not menu.
Now Browser has loaded your app. It's an angular app, so angular starts to change the DOM of the loaded page.
- packages/system/public/views/index.html - This is what angular puts on the \ route
- packages/system/public/views/header.html - This is what angular puts in the menu
Does that answer your question?
If you want to make a black website, figure out where you want the black to be.