Plugins required for jenkins to plot graphs and to show log/result - perl

I'm very new to jenkins. I'm using Jenkins & Robot. Currently, I've written script in perl. Now i'm able to generate 'Xml' file. And also I've generated 'log.html' and 'result.html' .
I need some interpreter to show these reports on jenkins & also charts as well.
I need your help in this.

Install HTML publisher plugin plugin
Refer HTML Publisher Plugin
To display the html in browser
From your job
Select Add Post-build Action->Publish Html Reports
Specify the html path in Html Directory to archieve section
Specify the html to be displayed in IndexPages


SPFx web part with TinyMCE self-hosted does not render in packaged solution

I have an SPFx web part which contains TinyMCE self-hosted component. The webpart's editor component in RichEditor.tsx file returns node with 'tinymceScriptSrc' property. The tinymceScriptSrc has value to tinymce.min.js file.
This works as expected while executing in workbench but does not turn up in packaged solution.
Executed gulp serve command and the webpart shows TinyMCE component in workbench.aspx. However, it does not appear in a webpart from packaged solution.

How to add custom Dashlets

I'm a SugarCRM Professional (v10.2) admin with the instance hosted on SugarCloud.
I want to add some additional Dashlets to the instance that aren't available out of the box.
I've created a basic 'Hello World' Dashlet and have the PHP, JS, and HBS saved locally right now.
How do I get the PHP, JS and HBS into my SugarCloud instance?
I have tried typing the following into browser:
But I cannot access this directory.
Any help is appreciated.
For cloud versions a package must be build
Here you can read how to build a package and copy your files

asciidoc, doctoolchain, target github readme.adoc - how to export asciidoc file containing includes into ONE file without include?

GitHub supports asciidoc readme files, but it looks like "include" is not supported.
I want to use doctoolchain which can render and export to html and pdf (and maybe into other formats). This tool works great.
I could use to show the generated html file from the GitHub repository.
But I think it would be a good idea to have the result also as one (1) readme.adoc file.
How to export into one (1) asciidoc file, which I could use as it is as readme file so that github will render it and show? Best would be to use doctoolchain, when this tool will render my documentation it could also generate the one-file-asciidoc-documentation.
I think internally asciidoctor collects and merge all these "include" files. So maybe this file is already available in any place? The doctoolchain build folder contains only the target files.
You are right there is a long dicussion why includeis not supported by github.
You can achieve your goal with doctoolChain and pandoc( Following steps are required:
configure your docDir/Config.groovy
inputFiles should have docbook defined
inputFiles = [[file: 'yourfile', formats['docbook']]]
run the doctoolchain task generateDocbook - it creates ???.xml file somewhere in docDir/build
generate from the generated docbook again an asciidoctor file - `pandoc <FILENAME_OF_GENERATED_DOCBOOK.XML> -f docbook -t asciidoctor -o <FILENAME_OF_ASCIIDOCTOR_WHICH_HAS_EVERYTHING>
make sure it runs automatically and you commit it regulary
now you are ready
This script can be used to resolve includes and to generate one (1) output file:
some information about the script and possible next steps you can read here:
AsciiDoc Backend (AsciiDoc 2 AsciiDoc) for preprocessing
to use it, ruby and asciidoc must be installed:

QAF Dashboard.html is empty

I have downloaded the QAF Maven project and imported into Eclipse. I have created BDD test case for one of the RESTFull service and I am able to run it as TestNG Test. I see the result folder created with the date and timestamp created under test-results folder. When I try to refresh the Dashboard.html I don't see any results and it’s empty.
Please let me know if I have to update my POM or any other property file.
Try opening dashboard.htm in firefox.
You need to open local dashboard.htm in Firfox (prefered), Edge or Safari. If you are opening in chrome you need to set allow file access from file. If dashboard.htm served through http server, for example jenkins then you can open in any browser.

How to add a dynamic content to Jenkins build email

My automation scripts generates a Test Cycle Name where the latest test results are located. How do I add the information about the Test Cycle Name in the Jenkins build success email?
have a look at Email-ext plugin .
for the Test Cycle Name
it could be stored in property file ,and read from EnvInject Plugin
it could call some rest-api to store/read it.