Email form disabled when the plugin fires - plugins

I've register my plugin step with the following information
Eventing Pipeline state of execution:- Post operation
Execution mode:- Synchronous
Deployment:- Server
My Plugin is collecting description of email entity, making the doc file of that description and then downloading the file.
Now the problem is that when the plugin triggers it work fine as it have too but the email form is get disabled.
I want to seek your kind suggestion and helps in this manner.

If you do not want your form to halt/disable
Change the plugin mode from:
Execution Mode: Synchronous to Asynchronous
It will call the registered plugin in a queue and the form will not be disabled.


How to properly send event parameters with Facebook Server Events

I am setting Facebook Pixel for the first time with the Conversions API and all my TestEvents are correct and I am receiving the events I am supposed to. But in every event under "Overview" I have this error:
No event parameters were detected. Use Test events to view the parameters of an individual event trigger.
I am new to this so I don't even know if this is an error or if it should work like that.
I am having a similar problem.
I am sending Custom Events. The Pixel and Server events are successfully deduplicating. Custom parameters are within both tags, however while the custom parameters are successfully being sent (& are hence visible in Events Manager Test Events) by the Pixel tags, the custom parameters are missing when viewing the Server Events in Test Events.
I have used both Custom HTML tags originally, and now the Facebook tag template, but and have endlessly tweaked the settings, but just cannot resolve this.
Let me know if you made progress!
Here are some good links that may help you

How do I correctly Implement an event on successful form Submission using Google Tag Manager and Sitecore's Web Forms for Marketers?

I am attempting to track successful form Submissions using an event in Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager. My current setup successfully tracks when users submit the form. However, the event still fires even when the form submission is invalid and does not submit (ie a user hasn't filled out all of the required fields, clicks the submit button, the form attempts to validate, but comes back to the user with errors instead of submitting). I have the Check Validation feature on my listener checked which theoretically should keep the tag from firing if the form submission is prevented, so it's not the obvious error.
The form in question is created with Sitecore's Web Forms for Marketers. Colleagues of mine have had similar unsolved issues with their WFFM forms.
This particular form is used to gate content so that only users who fill out the form will have access to the content resource. So for example if I go to I will be redirected to where if I fill out all of my information correctly and submit it I will then be redirected to the resource that I was originally attempting to view at
Here's my setup:
Tag 1
Name: Form Submission Listener
Type: Form Submit Listener
Wait For Tags: Checked
Max Wait Time: 2000 milliseconds
Check Validation: Checked
No advanced Settings
Firing Rule: On form pages by URL
Tag 2
Name: Event Form Submission
Type: Universal Analytics
Tracking ID: UA-.....
Enable Display Advertising Features: Checked
Track Type: Event
Category: Form
Action: Submission
Label: {{Form resource URL}}
Non-Interaction Hit: False
No More Settings
No Advanced Settings
Firing Rules: {{event}} equals gtm.formSubmit
Theoretically the Check Validation check box should prevent the tag from firing if the form does not successfully submit, but in the case of this form it does not. The tag fires regardless of whether the form submits or not.
Apologies that I cannot link to the form as it is for a client and behind security.
We were able to find an answer to our question via the Sitecore forums, but I wanted to pass it along for your benefit.
From Sitecore:
The Web Forms module provides the double level validation, 1-client validation, 2-server validation.
By default, the client validation is disable for the Required Field validator. So, when you press Submit, the form posts to the server, and returns with the validation error. It's a possible reason why Google Analytics considers that as a form submit.
Find the following item in the Master database:
/sitecore/system/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers/Settings/System/System Validation/NotEmpty
Find the "Enable Client Script" checkbox and enable it.
Save and publish the item.
Check whether the issue was fixed.
This fixed the issue for all of our text based fields. It did not fix the issue for the one checkbox on the form. I've followed up with sitecore on this, but I figured that I'd update here in the meantime.
With only the checkbox remaining I was also able to use a a macro and add to my original firing rule in google tag manager so that the event would not fire if the checkbox was not checked.
I created a Custom Javascript Macro called Radio Button Checked (not sure it's the best, but it worked), and added a new condition to my original Form Submission Rule: {{Radio Button Checked}} equals true
The macro:
function() {
var radioName = "radioButtonName";
try {
var buttons = document.getElementsByName(radioName);
for (var i = 0;i < buttons.length;i++){
if(buttons[i].checked) {
return true;
} catch(e) {}
return false;
EDIT: Sitecore got back to me about the checkbox issue.
From Sitecore:
Currently the CheckBox field type doesn't have the client-side validation. I registered it as a bug for the WFFM module. I'll let you know as soon as it's fixed.
They let me know also that this isn't something that will be fixed near-term so I need to continue using my GTM workaround for the check box field.
The Google Chrome plugin "Tag Assistant" is super helpful in debugging these sorts of issues. It will show you what (if any) structural or implementation issues exist on a given page that might be preventing your intended tracking behavior (
My gut feel is that this issue is not specifically related to WFFM, but may be due to the implementation of the Tag Manager code on the page. I seem to recall having an issue like this when the Tag Manager include code gets dumped inside the auto-generated .NET tag when using WebForms in general. Google's docs ( say to put it immediately after the opening tag, and I recall that being my issue with tracking form submits.
This is all from memory, so I could be wrong, but it's something else to check.
Good luck!

Implement Inbox Functionality in custom cq component?

We want to develop a smooth-flowing workflow experience (but still use workflows). Currently, a user needs to use the sidekick to initiate the workflow, then to the inbox, which takes them back to the page to use the sidekick again. When they go to the inbox, they need to restrict to the model and path of the page. It would be nice for the user to only have to go to the content page and from there, launch the different workflow forms that need to happen, like a little "inbox" right on the page that is subject to the workflow.
I have written a custom component that can initiate the custom workflow. The custom component can also query the WorkFlowSession and obtain any active WorkItems for the current page that the component resides (using the WorkItemFilter interface). What I want to do is provide a link to the user to the next step in the workflow from the custom component, just like the inbox does.
Here is an example output from an WorkItem instance toString method:
21.05.2014 09:45:29.300 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0 [1400679929160] GET /content/test/mailing1.html HTTP/1.1] org.rand.whatcounts.EmailCampaignCoordinator Found workitem: -----------------------------
WorkItem Id: /etc/workflow/instances/2014-05-21/model_1400679794564399000/workItems/node4_etc_workflow_instances_2014-05-21_model_1400679794564399000
Workflow Id: /etc/workflow/instances/2014-05-21/model_1400679794564399000
Payload: /content/test/mailing1
Payload Type: JCR_PATH
key = historyEntryPath value = /etc/workflow/instances/2014-05-21/model_1400679794564399000/history/1400679924113
key = comment value =
My hope is that by using the workflow api items, I can create the link that the user could click on to proceed in the workflow (just like the inbox).
Thanks for listening!
There are two ways to implement this
Java-Based Solution
I was able to figure out one way by looking at
The important part of this jsp is that, given a workItem instance, you can get the path for your next step using the JcrPathBuilderManager:
Using this, I was able to output a link to the next step in the workflow to the user (without having user go to their inbox).
Javascript/JSON Based Solution
I didn't go far with this solution (I didn't write any js) but this was my fall back position if I didn't find the java-solution listed above. Once could implement custom JS in CQ Component that would call the json feed for the user inbox, do some client side filtering (to restrict it to only items related to current page). The URL to the feed is

Expression Engine using the Champagne Extension troubleshooting

I have an issue in Expression Engine using the Champagne Extension where it won't allow me to send out campaigns. This extension utilizes api to send out mass emails.
The Error I get is "HTML Content URL Required" when I try to send out campaigns form the back end of the Expression Engine Install.
What could be causing this issue that relates to the expression engine install?
This error is received anytime the URL to your html or text content is not visible. More often this is seen when someone forget to include the text version. A good way to test is to click the preview HTML/TEXT button and make sure both give you the correct results.
They cannot be blank.
For an alternative solution, be sure to checkout my add-on Postmaster. It allows clients to publish email campaigns just by creating a new entry. You can setup any number of configuration, so you can even send draft email to a test subscriber list. And since everything is within channel entries, you can use whatever fieldtypes you like, and it works with MailChimp as well as CampaignMonitor.

Magento Strange Redirect Behaviour on OnePage Checkout

My Magento Verison is -
I am having two problems:
1) When I am going through various steps of Onepage checkout (registration, billing, shipping, and payment tabs), sometimes during this process I am redirected to the cart page. There is no error, no exception, no report gets generated in var/report. I dont know how to debug it. Aren’t there any logs I can look for?
2) In same Onepage Checkout process after clicking on place the order (last step) , some times it redirects to the cart page, sends an email saying that the order failed with the message:
Quote totals must be collected before this operation.
To resolve it I commented this line in prepareRecurringPaymentProfiles in the file magento/app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php, which solved the problem:
throw new Exception("Quote totals must be collected before this operation.");
I dont know if these 2 problems are related or not. But I am not having the 2nd problem now but having 1st one quite frequent. What could be the reason and how to resolve it?
further update-I checked the firebug trace, It is 500 internal server error which comes sometimes in any of the step in one page checkout. I was able to dig down into savebillingaction, saveshippingaction functions in onepagecontroller.php and found that error comes when $this->getRequest()->isPost() is blank , If it is 1 then it goes ahead, and goes to the next step else it redirects to cart, No I dont know why this is not 1 or is it because ajax is not able to send post data but I checked XHR request, Ajax send the post data every time (checked with firebug extension). Can Someone tell me What I could do next to troubleshoot. Where I can look for these Ajax Calls?
Shipping.phtml (any step.phtml) has JS at the bottom , How does it call OnePagecontroller saveshippingaction function ?
Since it's internal server error, try to access the error log of the server. Will tell you where is the problem. I' ve had the same problem in 1.7.0. In my example the problem was at /app/code/core/Mage/Usa/Model/Shipping/Carrier/Fedex.php
For anyone else coming across the "Quote totals must be collected before this operation." error, check your Apache logs for the reason of the 500 internal server error. If it's something like this:
mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 40 seconds
Premature end of script headers: index.php
process 26126 graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL
..PHP is taking too long to respond. Usually its the onepage/checkout saveOrder action because it's quite heavy and often needs to connect to third party services (payment gateways, newsletter services like mailchimp, etc.). These calls to third party services can take a while, depending on the network state and might be the reason of PHP timing out.
You can start by increasing the timeout, but it's not a good permanent solution because you want to find out why this is happening in the first place.
New Relic is a good tool to monitor these calls (and a good tool to monitor your Magento store in general).
Firstly, commenting an error message is almost never the way to solve a problem, as you are just covering up some issue that may have severe consequences for your system.
Nailing down errors like this can be hard, but there are a few places to look first:
Did you install this system on a lower version and then upgrade? If so, how?
Are you using any extensions that modify the sales/checkout portion of the site?
Have you overridden any of the models concerned with this part of the site?
Have you changed the JS or HTML for the checkout?
If one of those is the case, you should review those changes for bugs. If not, try turning on the default theme for the site and checking out again. If the bug disappears, there is a problem with the theme that you are using. If it still appears, the problem is in code.
In that latter case, use Firebug to verify that the offending page requests result in Magento sending back "redirect" commands to the frontend. If that isn't the case, it may be some kind of JS error, but more likely you are ending up with invalid data in the system somewhere that causes Magento to choke during checkout.
Also (just thought of this, haven't tried it), try the multi-address checkout. As I recall, it uses regular page posts, and may even have more useful messaging than the OnePage checkout. Please edit your post with your findings from the above so that we can help more if that doesn't do it.
Hope that helps!
Just in case someone gets the "Quote totals must be collected before this operation." error, and none of these solutions fixes their particular problem, I'll mention that mine was an issue with this:
var params = Form.serialize(payment.form);
There was a JS error unique to this site which was clearing the Payment form and preventing JS from reading it's contents. The module or theme that you use will differ, but check to make sure that the payment form can serialize correctly. If not, then that could be your problem.
I had the very same problem on my store Princessly:
It takes about 20 to 130 seconds or even longer for "Submitting order information ..." to go through and redirect to the payment gateway such as PayPal, if at all, after clicking the Place Order button, last step of one page checkout.
If it doesn't go through, very probably because something timed out since it took too long, it will redirect back to shopping cart, leaving the customer an empty cart and a Pending Payment order, OR, it will give the exception of:
Quote totals must be collected before this operation.
Since obviously, well, something timed out and the script ends before quote totals are collected (which is just my theory), thus sending the Payment Transaction Failed Reminder email.
After 12 hours of research and debug, I finally found the culprit and the solution.
Magento enables RSS stock and new order notification by default, so every time Place Order is pressed ('sales/order' resources are then saved), cache is refreshed so RSS will be published. Cache cleaning can be very time-expensive for Magento. Therefore the solution is simple. Just disable RSS notification for save of 'sales/order' resources.
Find /app/code/core/Mage/Rss/etc/config.xml and locate this block:
Simply remove or comment it out and refresh Magento cache in System => Cache Management => Select All => Submit.
Now it only takes 1 second or even less for my store to go through Place Order and redirect to payment gateway.