Magento 1.7 language switcher on category page removes store code from URL - magento-1.7

I have read a lot about the issue on stack but could not find a similar issue.
On magento 1.7
The language switcher on a my category pages removes store code from URL's.
while it should be
Strangely enough, this does not happen with products
Another maybe related issue is that on my store home I also get an error upon language switch
--> which through .htaccess redirects to
when I use the language switch there
--> gives me
"There was no Home CMS page configured or found"
while going to works just fine.
My configuration
Add storecode to URL's - Yes
mod-rewrite enabled


Page redirects automatically to front page

I have a page in two languages, Norwegian and English. The English page, when applying &L=1, only redirects to front page. I have no idea what's wrong.
I tried enable Development settings, but no error. Also I disabled all content elements on page but no change. I disabled RealURL, no change.
TYPO3 6.2.29
maybe you build wrong links in your language switcher.
disable realurl and have a look what links are generated. you probably miss the uid of the current page in the parameter.
how do you generate the language switcher link? language menu?
enhance your question with your configuration.

TinyMCE Links incorrect on save

I have a Plone 4.3.3 site. My logged in URL is different than the non-logged in URL. For example, the anonymous URL would be When logged in, the URL is
When I create a link on a page and click save, if I view the page anonymously, the link is incorrect, displaying as the https version. However, if I go back and just open the page and click save, the link will be fixed and when view anonymously, it is fine.
These are internal links within the site and the site is not set to use UID's.
Any thoughts?
there is a bug report for this issue and it should have been fixed recently according to the comments there
afaics 1.3.7 already contains this changes, so try to pin that version in your buildout

Joomla 3.2 mod_login redirect after login not resolving item translated with falang

I have a login module which redirects to selected menu item after successful login.
Menu item is translated with falang. Login module also, having the same menu item selected.
When in primary laguage everything works as expected.
When in secondary language (falang translation) - login redirects to homepage in primary language.
I have tried setting the same alias for translation, leaving the menu item untranslated - still the same happens.
Login form has a proper redirect url, when echoed it's index.php?Itemid=168, which is the correct menu item id.
When I try accessing it directly it shows the appropriate page but using primary language, regardless of currently used language.
When I add &lang=xx at the end, it shows the page using secondary language.
When tried generating redirect url for login form this way - again redirects to home page in primary language.
Any idea?
Joomla 3.2.0
Falang 1.3.1
Search Engine Friendly urls turned on, no url rewriting or anything other than this used.
You need to go to plugin manager --> System - Language Filter and then disable "Automatic Language Change".

Manadev SEO Layered Navigation Plus issue in magento 1.7

I am using SEO Layered Navigation Plus < > in Magento 1.7. Few days age, I have put some demo products and it was working fine but when my site goes to live server and I have deleted all the products then it is not working.
Suppose, I have a attribute "Color" with two option White, block etc. Now I click on white then the products are not filtering but the url is changing. Now the strange thing is - After that, if I am refreshing the page then it will redirect to 404 error page.
Please, help me out.
I think you should check the following:
Make sure you unsecure, secure base URL is pointing correctly to your live website and try to flush your Magento cache storage.
Are you using the latest version of the extension ?, maybe you should check for any new updates, the last version was 3.10.

magento: products not showing up on the frontend : no code

I'm still new to learning Magento. I only followed a tutorial but it's not working. I added a new product and associated it to all categories just as a test. The tutorial would show the image of the product once he clicks on a subcategory but mine didn't.
It gives me this error:
The requested URL /magento/sample-sub-cat-1-tutorials/sample-sub-category-2.html was not found on this server.
What is wrong? I'm doing everything in the admin panel without coding as a start.
That is an error page returned by your web server software, not a Magento-handled 404 page. Try adding index.php before your url string i.e.; if that works, you need to check server rewrites (System > Configuration > Web > Search Engines Optimization) or check that rewriting is available for your web server software.