magento: products not showing up on the frontend : no code - categories

I'm still new to learning Magento. I only followed a tutorial but it's not working. I added a new product and associated it to all categories just as a test. The tutorial would show the image of the product once he clicks on a subcategory but mine didn't.
It gives me this error:
The requested URL /magento/sample-sub-cat-1-tutorials/sample-sub-category-2.html was not found on this server.
What is wrong? I'm doing everything in the admin panel without coding as a start.

That is an error page returned by your web server software, not a Magento-handled 404 page. Try adding index.php before your url string i.e.; if that works, you need to check server rewrites (System > Configuration > Web > Search Engines Optimization) or check that rewriting is available for your web server software.


New Coldfusion11 site doesn't display .cfm pages. Displays index.cfm properly

I am getting a 500 Internal error when trying to load any .cfm page that isn't Index.cfm on my new coldfusion site. This is with 8.5. I went through and created the new site based on previously built sites (I am new and still learning CF and web development) and I have got the Index.cfm to go live, but when I add any files like test.cfm I cannot display them as a new page.
I can however load .html files like test.html and I can call to .cfm pages with cfinclude (I have a header, footer, and form in the index all called upon with cfinclude)
I don't know if I have missed something entirely while setting up this site, or if there is a simple setting I've missed, but any and all help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
500 Internal server error

Error Handling in CQ5.6.1

I am working on a CQ 5.6.1 project. I am trying to find how to redirect the 404 error to a custom error page specific to my application. From reading various articles on error handling, I find that the /apps/sling/servlet/errorhandler/404.jsp is the one that handles 404 error. Since there are multiple projects deployed in the CQ, I need to show an error page I create under the project. That is, 404 error from the project1 must be redirected to a custom error page under project1. I was thinking that I should include the redirection code into the /apps/sling/servlet/errorhandler/404.jsp. Is this the right approach or is there a better way to automatically redirect to my projects error page?
This is the right approach. You don't have to create such a custom handler manually - ACS AEM Commons already provides a Error Page Handler supporting many sites.

Manadev SEO Layered Navigation Plus issue in magento 1.7

I am using SEO Layered Navigation Plus < > in Magento 1.7. Few days age, I have put some demo products and it was working fine but when my site goes to live server and I have deleted all the products then it is not working.
Suppose, I have a attribute "Color" with two option White, block etc. Now I click on white then the products are not filtering but the url is changing. Now the strange thing is - After that, if I am refreshing the page then it will redirect to 404 error page.
Please, help me out.
I think you should check the following:
Make sure you unsecure, secure base URL is pointing correctly to your live website and try to flush your Magento cache storage.
Are you using the latest version of the extension ?, maybe you should check for any new updates, the last version was 3.10.

Redirects in Ektron 8.6.1

Has anyone played with the new redirect feature in Ektron 8.6?
We tested it (in 8.6.0) before upgrading and were happy with it. But when it came time to do the upgrade, Ektron had released 8.6.1, so we upgraded directly to that.
Now we are having trouble with the redirect feature. (Yes, we should have tested everything again in 8.6.1 before upgrading)
Now if we try to add a redirect rule for an existing page in the CMS, it does not work.
But if we create a redirect rule for a page the does not exist, then try to hit that address, the redirect works fine.
We need the redirects to work for existing pages in the CMS.
To clarify what "working" and "not working" means...
If I have an existing page in the CMS with manual alias of "/erc/lucien.apsx", I can create an entry in the redirect table like this...
Adding this entry generates no errors, but when I visit the page, all I see is the regular old page I created. NOT the Google site it should be redirecting to. I do not get any 404 errors.
But if I create a redirect entry for a page that does not already exist, like this...
It works perfectly. If I try to visit the /erc/fake.apsx address, I end up on the Google site, as expected.
(FYI, we create a "fake" page in the CMS for external content so we can attach metadata to it and make it searchable in taxonomies, but then provide a link to the "real" page. I want to use redirects here so users don't have to do this extra click)
I suspect it might be cache related -- the original URL gets cached as an alias, then subsequent requests to that URL are redirected to the quicklink without the need for a db look up. When you add the redirect, it’s probably not clearing the old item from the cache. I'd try an IIS reset after you add the URL redirect and see if that clears up the issue.
An "outside the box" (of Ektron) answer to this is to place the redirect at the web server rather than in the Aliases section of the Ektron CMS.
The server I work on uses IIS and I have this set up for several pages.

How to redirect 404

For example in past my website look like this:
Now look like this:
How can i redirect people who search for a specific tag to my new link?
From "" to ""
I'm not so good with coding so based to my examples can somebody make the code that need to be inserted in htaccess file pls.
This are the examples of links:
That redirecting is called URL Rewriting, and is usually done via a .htaccess file for Apache, or with magic if you're using Lighttpd.
I would take a look at this website, which more or less explains how to do it (assuming you're running Apache):
The specific details depend on the web server being used (IIS, Apache, etc.) but basically you could configure those to redirect to a specific web page and extract the keyword from the original URL and place it in the query string parameter list.
For example, in IIS you would do the following:
Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager
Select your web site from the list and right-click to go Properties.
The Custom Errors tab is where you will see a list of HTTP errors.
Select the "404" page and "Edit Properties" to point this to a web page of your choosing.
The last step is where you will plug in your custom code that will handle the redirect.