Facebook link preview not showing for a phpBB3 forum post - facebook

I have this forum running on phpBB3 forum software. It is working fine by itself. But when I try to add a forum post link on facebook, it does not show preview of the page. When I tried this with facebook debugger (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/), it shows me RNF error (HTTP 404) for my post because it does not append required parameters to the URL.
This is what I see on the facebook debugger page -
Scrape Information
Response Code 404
Fetched URL http://mysite.tld/forums/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=25
Canonical URL http://mysite.tld/forums/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=25
Final URL http://mysite.tld/forums/viewtopic.php
Is there a way to tell facebook to consider the query parameters of the URL as well?
I did try adding og:XXX tags in the header but it didn't help in any way and I continue to see 404 errors in facebook debugger.
I do not think adding tags is a problem because I tried this URL in facebook debugger and it could feth the title and all other details correctly for this URL.
And I see that these forums do not have any face og:XXX tags here.
What might be causing problem for my forums and how can I fix it?
Any pointers, inputs would be highly appreciated!
- Manish
I have already searched the questions here, and didn't find any pointer. I have already done my homework regarding facebook debugger and link preview, so not sure why it has been voted down.

I have figured it out. As it turned out - the bots didn't have the cookie set and hence were getting HTTP 404 response (a possible bug in custom style: fresco). Once I realized that this problem was due to cookies, I edited all the bots (ACP >> General >> Spiders/Robots) to use default phpBB style prosilver. Once that was fixed, facebook started showing link previews properly!


Facebook 404 file or directory not found

I have an e-commerce website and I want to share a link on my Facebook profile.
When I do I get a 404 - File or Directory not found even though the URL is working properly when you click on it. Below is what I see exactly:
I have tried:
To post the URL with https:// or without
None of these solutions work!
The Sharing debugger shows this error:
But I don't understand how the error is legit since I have the parameters it's asking on my Page's Header tags.
What exactly is wrong?
I had the same problem at some point and the issue was that the team who manages our server had blocked the bots of Facebook and other search engines from entering our website and they forgot to undo this! Have a look if this is the reason in your occasion.

Bad HTTP Response code; Facebook likes don't post to facebook

I've created post-specific like buttons on my wordpress website. They appear to work on my site and record likers etc, but nothing posts to facebook. I've tried several wordpress plugins. and all gave the same result. Twitter is working just fine. Upon debugging in the facebook open graph, I get "Bad Response Code URL returned a bad HTTP response code." (more info in the debug link below). What am I missing? Thanks in advance!
The posts can be viewed at http://www.nebulusentertainment.com/news.
You can check out my attempt at debugging here:
Despite the page URL loading in the browser, they are loading with a status code of 500 - Internal Server Error; which Facebook will reject. Since you are using PHP, the fastest solution may be to turn error reporting on, and display errors on. Or take a look at your logs to see what's causing the 500 error.
You can see that your page quits outputting code are about line 328, which looks like it may be an error in the wordpress theme files somewhere (maybe single.php?).
Hope this helps.
The other reason would be, Facebook cannot access your webpage. probably because of your DNS entries or your server is behind a firewall for example your company LAN. Solution: Fix your DNS or Firewall blockages and make sure public social medias like Facebook has access to your sites.
I had the same issue, but after I disabled my cache plugin "W3 Total Cache" everything worked fine .

Unable to scrape website: URL returned a bad HTTP response code

I noticed that this has been asked before, but no one else has yet to receive an answer, so I'll try my best to ask too.
In the last several months, my Wordpress website, http://geekvision.tv/ , has been undetectable by Facebook's debugger. I managed to get my homepage to work once or twice, but ALL of my posts are completely unregistered with the debugger, coming back saying that the og:url is not explicitely provided. For a link to a post on the site, you can find it here: http://geekvision.tv/2013/03/a-message-to-video-game-pirates/
The Facebook debugger returns the following error for your homepage:
The object at 'http://geekvision.tv' previously had type 'article' and
cannot be changed to an object of type 'website' to avoid data
corruption of existing actions.
Try changing the og type back to <meta property="og:type" content="article">
For your other article, your webserver is returning a 404 error (despite then sending the full article). You should fix this response header before getting Facebook to scrape your other pages.
I find that if I use Chrome instead of Safari Facebook is able to scrape the images and does well. It's a simple answer to a problem I have been having for the last 4 months. Hope this helps.

No Title - Wordpress facebook share

I have created my website using wordpress 3.4.1 and, I tried sharing my webpage in facebook. I do not get any thumbnail or the basic blog description in the facebook post. Instead I get "No Title". I know this question has been asked a number of times in wordpress forums. But, most of them are leading to dead ends. Can some one help me in this regard.
PS: I tried using the facebook debugger (http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) I get the following
Error Parsing URL: Error parsing input URL, no data was scraped.
You need to add OpenGraph tags to your page, or even easier, finf a WordPress plugin to do it for you. Run the page through the debugger again and the issues should be fixed.
Just like what Niraj said you need to make sure you have the open graph meta tags on your blog. Here is a plugin which will add them http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/facebook-open-graph-meta/.

facebook does not see my domain

I've been having issues recently with setting up links between Facebook and a website I've developed - www.newcarpromotions.co.uk. After some digging around, and advise on this forum, Ive used the following link to see what Facebook thinks of my domain:-
What it returns is as follows:-
"Error Parsing URL Error parsing input URL, no data was scraped"
Now Ive tried all my other domains which return all the correct information as you would expect.
Has anyone seen this before? It looks like Facebook doesn't think my domain exists! If that's the case any idea how I can get this resolved?
According to this post (Linter gives "Error parsing URL" error) it seems that the facebook object debugger can return that error if it fails to parse your page somehow. I'm suggesting that facebook can get to your website but is failing for a different reason. You may want to look at your request logs to verify that facebook is hitting your site.
If worse comes to worse you can open a bug here: http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/