Bad HTTP Response code; Facebook likes don't post to facebook - facebook

I've created post-specific like buttons on my wordpress website. They appear to work on my site and record likers etc, but nothing posts to facebook. I've tried several wordpress plugins. and all gave the same result. Twitter is working just fine. Upon debugging in the facebook open graph, I get "Bad Response Code URL returned a bad HTTP response code." (more info in the debug link below). What am I missing? Thanks in advance!
The posts can be viewed at
You can check out my attempt at debugging here:

Despite the page URL loading in the browser, they are loading with a status code of 500 - Internal Server Error; which Facebook will reject. Since you are using PHP, the fastest solution may be to turn error reporting on, and display errors on. Or take a look at your logs to see what's causing the 500 error.
You can see that your page quits outputting code are about line 328, which looks like it may be an error in the wordpress theme files somewhere (maybe single.php?).
Hope this helps.

The other reason would be, Facebook cannot access your webpage. probably because of your DNS entries or your server is behind a firewall for example your company LAN. Solution: Fix your DNS or Firewall blockages and make sure public social medias like Facebook has access to your sites.

I had the same issue, but after I disabled my cache plugin "W3 Total Cache" everything worked fine .


Facebook 404 file or directory not found

I have an e-commerce website and I want to share a link on my Facebook profile.
When I do I get a 404 - File or Directory not found even though the URL is working properly when you click on it. Below is what I see exactly:
I have tried:
To post the URL with https:// or without
None of these solutions work!
The Sharing debugger shows this error:
But I don't understand how the error is legit since I have the parameters it's asking on my Page's Header tags.
What exactly is wrong?
I had the same problem at some point and the issue was that the team who manages our server had blocked the bots of Facebook and other search engines from entering our website and they forgot to undo this! Have a look if this is the reason in your occasion.

Facebook Not Scraping URL Properly (Blocked URL) On Fresh URL's

I have started to experience a really strange problem with Facebook link scraping/caching which seems random in nature.
On brand new posts when I go to check: with my new URL I get a message saying 'Cannot scrape: URL blocked'
We have literally been sharing URL's to Facebook for YEARS with no problem whatsoever. All open graph tags are present and working fine.
What is really weird is if I just manually press the 'scrape again' button it grabs all the bits properly and says everything is fine. It's always just the first attempt.
I have also tried manually calling the scrap API instead of letting Facebook do it when someone shares the URL for the first time and still sometimes (not always) it returns empty (just 'id' and 'url' returned) indicating the URL was blocked.
What's going on here it's driving me mad? We are nowhere near our API limits if maybe that was the issue...
Why would it say blocked first go on the debug page then literally 2 seconds later you press 'scrape again' and it works fine.
Just to note sometimes when it says blocked it still shows maybe the image in the link preview but no title or description. It's like it's grabbed some tags but then given up. Very strange...
I have checked our access logs and I can see 'Facebot' accessing our site fine.
Hope someone can help, I am really hoping this is some weird Facebook bug as I can't see any change in our code base that would effect this.
Facebook does not return anything helpful when this happens even with the API. I have no way in contacting Facebook direct either. If we are somehow getting blocked I would love to know why and fix that issue. But it's impossible to debug at the moment.
Just to note I have 3 sites all running the same code base (WordPress environment). They are all experiencing this issue. All been running fine for many years.
This was to do with rate limiting that was not visible in the Facebook APP dashboard. Helpful...
Full details here:
Solution for your problem: You can use Facebook image button after adding link on Facebook news feed, like shown in iamge
second thing upload image on othe site and give the image path to your website and then put it on your news feed, you can get definitely positive result using this two methods.
also refer this image
thanks hope this two will work for your problem

Failed to get composer template data

Few of our websites like,, and having problem post any article to Facebook. When I test any URLs of these websites in Facebook Debugger, it gave me warning messages said that Failed to get composer template data. and Critical Errors That Must Be Fixed. I have no idea what causing this as other of our websites are working fine.
It's an actual Facebook bug, which is being fixed right now:
In summary, you can fix this by making sure that article:author only contains Facebook user IDs or Facebook profile URLs.

(#100) link URL is not properly formatted when posting to a facebook page

I am trying to post a URL to a facebook page. using PHP SDK.
I am able to post successfully from my localhost. But on the live server, I get the result "Sorry, something went wrong".
when running the code from live server, I have no problem obtaining access_token to post to the page.
Only the posting will not work.
I tried to post the link manually using the graph api explorer. and found that
I am ABLE to post a message successfully via the graph api explorer.
I am NOT able to post a URL via the graph api explorer. I get the error
"(#100) link URL is not properly formatted"
I do encode the link that i am trying to post. and they are valid, existing links.
I even tried using , and it would return the same error.
Some Other information
The code is executed from
I have added the domain name to "App Domains" field.
Sandbox Mode is On.
When I tested from my local, I was able to post 25 links to the
page.[after which it was giving errors]. When things were not
working at the live server, I came back to locahost to again test
with 25 links and more and found things to be working fine from
localhost. I wonder if I hit some limit or my application has been
black listed.
Anyone has got any ideas?
I took the URL that was used by the live server (to post link to the facebook page) , and used fiddler to post it from my local machine. and it worked.
so i am wondering whats preventing the code from working successfully from the server?
I tried the same code from another domain and it worked.
I am yet to find out if it was not working because of the way the 1st domain was sending CURL requests, or if the domain was blacklisted for posting too much in the past.
either way, facebooks error messages are not at all helpful!
If you're using your own wall, notice the difference between:
"me/feed" and "me/photos" url. The first one doesn't work!!!
I also tried the same thing but unfortunately it works for online images but not for local ones. i.e
'picture' => class_exists('CurlFile', false) ?
new CURLFile($photo, 'image/jpg') : "#{$photo}",
will not work, but
'picture' => "",
will work
I also had some problems with this. Weirdly enough it only worked when I sent the url to the picture without any URL encoding via the POST request to the Graph API.
Try the link without the quotation marks "". I was stuck as you but not any more without the quotation marks.

The facebook debugger is giving 500 error

The facebook debugger is giving 500 error for your webpage. It is unable to get my og metatags values. However, og metatags are present in the web page:
Take a look at your IIS configuration. Something in there is refusing connections from anything that isn't a web browser.
Your page returns a 500 error for the W3C validator also.
For me it was because when Facebook, Google or other robots access the page, they don't send a language like a browser does, and in the code we were using the browser language to determine the content language.
I want to share my experience about this facebook debugger 500 error. I was getting this error without any explanation on facebook debugger. I checked my server side and domain records, tried what I found on internet with no luck. It took me long time to discover the problem.
Problem was I was sharing url within a restricted area in my website while sharing for first time. Let me explain, I have a test page in my cms, before I publish anything, I test if everything's ok. I realised whenever I test a content, facebook tries to crawl site, but it's in a restricted area. So I moved anything about facebook from my test page.