How to write appropriate warning messages while writing Gradle plugin? - plugins

I am trying to write a Gradle plugin and I have a situation in which user specified bunch of files and when the file is not with specific extension then the warning has to be thrown, because these files can not be processed.
So I am wondering if there is a convention how to construct appropriate warning message, so the message to be clear and not to disappear in the thousands line of project log.
I think something like:
WARNING!!! The file ${file.getName()} is with incompatible extention type ${extention}. The appropriate extension is ${EXTETNIO_TYPE}. The current file will not be taken during the build."
But while looking in the Gradle code. Their warning messages are just the message without WARNING or anything else.
Please, give me your advises.

Warning messages are typically logged with log.warn(). However, if the files cannot be processed, it might be more appropriate to throw a GradleException. Warnings should be avoided whenever possible because they create noise, require the user to always check the command line output, and are easily overlooked.


Silence "unknown OID 17227: failed to recognize type of 'geography'. It will be treated as String."

I'm using columns of type "geography" for some few "point within polygon" queries. They are too few and too simple to bundle a GIS gem, I handle it all on the SQL level.
However, every time Rails boots (rake tasks, console etc), the following warning is spit:
unknown OID 17227: failed to recognize type of 'geography'. It will be treated as String.
I'm fine with "geography" being treated as "String", but the warning triggers warning mails every time a cronjob executes any rake task.
Any idea how I can silence this warning?
Thanks for your hints!
Looking at the source of ActiveRecord, I can answer the question myself:
The warning is hardcoded and therefore can't be silenced by AR configuration. However, RUBYOPT=-W0 gets rid of warnings altogether. This is a big chopper of course, but since I'm still getting those warnings in local development, I can live with a totally warning-less production system.
Since this is the first question/answer that appears given that the title is the error, I would recommend following this answer to fix it: What is the source of "unknown OID" errors in Rails?

VSTS Test fails but vstest.console passes; the assert executes before the code for some reason?

Well the system we have has a bunch of dependencies, but I'll try to summarize what's going on without divulging too much details.
Test assembly in the form of a .dll is the one being executed. A lot of these tests call an API.
In the problematic method, there's 2 API calls that have an await on them: one to write a record to that external interface, and another to extract all records and then read the last one in that external interface, both via API. The test is simply to check if writing the last record was successful in an end-to-end context, that's why there's both a write and then a read.
If we execute the test in Visual Studio, everything works as expected. I also tested it manually via command lining vstest.console.exe, and the expected results always come out as well.
However, when it comes to VS Test task in VSTS, it fails for some reason. We've been trying to figure it out, and eventually we reached the point where we printed the list from the 'read' part. It turns out the last record we inserted isn't in the data we pulled, but if we check the external interface via a different method, we confirmed that the write process actually happened. What gives? Why is VSTest getting like an outdated set of records?
We also noticed two things:
1.) For the tests that passed, none of the Console.WriteLine outputs appear in the logs. Only on Failed test do they do so.
2.) Even if our Data.Should.Be call is at the very end of the TestMethod, the logs report the fail BEFORE it prints out the lines! And even then, the printing should happen after reading the list of records, and yet when the prints do happen we're still missing the record we just wrote.
Is there like a bottom-to-top thing we're missing here? It really seems to me like VSTS vstest is executing the assert before the actual code. The order of TestMethods happen the right order though (the 4th test written top-to-bottom in the code is executed 4th rather than 4th to last) and we need them to happen in the right order because some of the later tests depend on the former tests succeeding.
Anything we're missing here? I'd put a source code but there's a bunch of things I need to scrub first if so.
Turns out we were sorely misunderstanding what 'await' does. We're using .Wait() instead for the culprit and will also go back through the other tests to check for quality.

Recursive Workflow in Powershell

I'm trying to automate a lengthy process that can be broken down into several steps. (say Steps 1-5)
I have written a script that separates these into functions and call them sequentially.
However, we now have the additional requirement of making the script restartable. That is, if it fails in any one of the steps, rerunning the script would cause it to skip all completed steps and retry from the failed one.
Is this at all possible without referencing an external log file?
I've tried using workflows but it seems like recursion isn't supported.
Any ideas?
Some options aside from using a log file.
Use the registry
you can set a registry value to a number depending on what step you stopped on, this removes the need for a log file but is somewhat similar in terms of 'external' storage
Check the task status on each run
depending on the tasks you could have the script 'test', for example, step 3 to see if it has already been completed, then check step 4, 5 etc. until it encounters one it needs to run and continue from there, this may be impossible or require a lot of overhead code though for not much payoff.
Allow the user to continue from within the script.
this is probably the best way of doing it (aside from just using a log file), run the script in blocks, and when an error is encountered you can prompt the user to fix the issue before pressing 'enter' to re-run the previous script block, this makes it easy to provide information about what failed as well.
the main thing here is that once a script 'quits', in order to know what happened in it's last run it needs an external source of information, or to handle it in another way.

Why does Matlab standalone application exit with error "TooManyOutputs"?

I have created a standalone application in Matlab, actually it works, it displays the desired output but it closes immediately, not even enough time to examine the output and read the error message on DOS (standalone mode) that says:
Warning: 1 visible figure(s) exist at MCR Termination
If your application has terminated unexpectedly, please note that
applications generated by the MATLAB Compiler terminate when there are no
visible figure windows. See the documentation for WaitForFiguresToDie and
WAITFORCALLBACKS for more information.
Any help would be appreciated.
Looking at the first line of your message, TooManyOutputs suggests that you have an assignment somewhere of the form
[a b] = somefunction(parameters)
so you want the outputs of somefunction to be put in a and b, but somefunction only returns one parameter. This bug causes your program to terminate, and then MCR realizes the program exits without closing your figure window, causing the later error messages.
If I'm right about TooManyOutputs, you should already have that error message when running your code directly in Matlab; have you tried that before creating a standalone application?
If this doesn't help, you should probably post some of your code to make it clearer where the problem could come from.

Why am I getting a buffer overrun error with this line of code?

I only have 1 line of code, and this is:
pcrecpp::RE re("abc");
inside a function OnBnClickedButtonGo(). And this function fails in Release mode, but it works OK in debug mode.
(I am using Visual Studio 8 on Windows XP.)
The error message is:
A buffer overrun has occurred in testregex.exe which has corrupted the program's
internal state. Press Break to debug the program or Continue to terminate
the program.
For more details please see Help topic 'How to debug Buffer Overrun Issues'.
I suspect it is its destructor, which is invisible and implied... but I don't know really.
PS: I am statically linking to the PCRE lib version 7.8.
PS2: Not very relevant, but may help some people who have trouble linking to the PCRE library (it took me hours to sort it out): include the line #define PCRE_STATIC.
I had the same error message in my case. In debug is everything fine, but in release I get the error message. I have a native C/C++ library like native.dll. I have created a mixed unmanaged/managed C++ library, which is a wrapper for that library to .net. Somewhere in this mixed.dll I have an unmanaged function signature declaration, like:
typedef void ( *FunctionOnStartSend)();
for this the I get the message, but if I add a "magic word" there then there is no error message:
typedef void (__stdcall *FunctionOnStartSend)();
If it's happening only in release mode, it's possible that something is getting "optimized" out. Try doing something more than just the one liner, like a Match() and maybe even printing out the matches.
Here is my fresh history:
About a month ago I've got a strange link failure of the VS2008 and that day I dug that setting _SECURE_SCL=0 may help (see link text). And it helped. That day it helped me and I just propagated this setting to all the libs we build at team -- that's because MS says that two libs built with different _SECURE_SCL are incompartible.
Time passed and three days ago I've got a bug when VS2008 says that error message that we see in the first post. And there are no help from the debugger because it overruns only in Release build. I've spend almost 2 days pump'n'jump'n the code of the libs and the overrun was flawed from line to line. Finally I started checking build settings line by line and figured the diff in this setting!
Why, oh why Microsoft guys can't embed some small check in dynamic loader code to test that the library currently running and the one going to be dynamically loaded are incompartible?! Some pice of code that save people's time. Blah!