Recursive Workflow in Powershell - powershell

I'm trying to automate a lengthy process that can be broken down into several steps. (say Steps 1-5)
I have written a script that separates these into functions and call them sequentially.
However, we now have the additional requirement of making the script restartable. That is, if it fails in any one of the steps, rerunning the script would cause it to skip all completed steps and retry from the failed one.
Is this at all possible without referencing an external log file?
I've tried using workflows but it seems like recursion isn't supported.
Any ideas?

Some options aside from using a log file.
Use the registry
you can set a registry value to a number depending on what step you stopped on, this removes the need for a log file but is somewhat similar in terms of 'external' storage
Check the task status on each run
depending on the tasks you could have the script 'test', for example, step 3 to see if it has already been completed, then check step 4, 5 etc. until it encounters one it needs to run and continue from there, this may be impossible or require a lot of overhead code though for not much payoff.
Allow the user to continue from within the script.
this is probably the best way of doing it (aside from just using a log file), run the script in blocks, and when an error is encountered you can prompt the user to fix the issue before pressing 'enter' to re-run the previous script block, this makes it easy to provide information about what failed as well.
the main thing here is that once a script 'quits', in order to know what happened in it's last run it needs an external source of information, or to handle it in another way.


Function block not updating variable

Alright, so I'm learning codesys in school and I'm using Function-Blocks. However they didn't seem to update when updating local variables, so I made a test, the one you can see below.
As you can see, in the FB below, "GVL.sw1" becomes True, but "a" doesen't. Why does it not become True? I tested a friends code and his worked just fine, but mine doesen't...
Comment from reddit
You are showing the source code for a program called "main". You have
a task running called "Main_Task". The program and task are not
directly related.
Is "main" being called anywhere.
So i added main to the "main task" and it worked. I have no idea why it didn't work in the real assignment but maybe I'll solve it now that i have gotten this far.
In your example you have 2 programs (PRG): main and PLC_PRG.
Creating a program doesn't mean that it will be executed/run. For that you need to add the program to a Task in the Task Configuration. Each Task will be, by default, executed on every cycle according to the priority they are configured with (you could also have them be executed on an event and etc. instead). When a Task is executed, each program added to that Task will be executed in the order they are placed (you can reorder them any time).
With that said, if you look at your Task Configuration, the MainTask only has the program PLC_PRG added, so only that program will run. The main program that you are inspecting is never even run.

running Karma in a loop and programmatic access

It's a question more about the architecture of a program that runs karma in a CI pipeline.
I have a set of web components. They are using karma to run tests (following recommendations). Then I have my custom CI pipeline that allows to schedule a test of selected group of components.
When the test is scheduled it execute tests for each component one by one. However in my logs I am getting messages like
MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak
detected. 12 exit listeners added to [process]. Use
emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
or sometimes
listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use
which breaks the test (exists the process).
I can't really pinpoint the problem so I am guessing that I am not running the test in a correct way.
On the server I am using Server class to initialize the server, then I am calling start on the server. When the callback function passed to Server constructor is called I am assuming the server is stopped and I can start over with another component. But clearly it is not the case per errors I am getting.
So the question is what would be the right way of running Karma test in a loop, one by one, using node API instead of CLI.
To be specific of how I am running the tests.
I am:
Creating configuration by calling config.parseConfig where the argument is component's karma config file
Calling new Server(opts, (code) => {}) where opts are the one generated in step 1
Adding listeners for browser_complete and browser_error to generate a report and to store it into the data store
Cleaning up (removing reference for the server) when constructor callback is called
Getting next component from the queue and going back to #1
To answer my on question,
I have moved the whole logic of executing a single test to a child process and after the test finishes, but before the next test is run, I am making sure the child process is killed. No more error messages are showing up.

VSTS Test fails but vstest.console passes; the assert executes before the code for some reason?

Well the system we have has a bunch of dependencies, but I'll try to summarize what's going on without divulging too much details.
Test assembly in the form of a .dll is the one being executed. A lot of these tests call an API.
In the problematic method, there's 2 API calls that have an await on them: one to write a record to that external interface, and another to extract all records and then read the last one in that external interface, both via API. The test is simply to check if writing the last record was successful in an end-to-end context, that's why there's both a write and then a read.
If we execute the test in Visual Studio, everything works as expected. I also tested it manually via command lining vstest.console.exe, and the expected results always come out as well.
However, when it comes to VS Test task in VSTS, it fails for some reason. We've been trying to figure it out, and eventually we reached the point where we printed the list from the 'read' part. It turns out the last record we inserted isn't in the data we pulled, but if we check the external interface via a different method, we confirmed that the write process actually happened. What gives? Why is VSTest getting like an outdated set of records?
We also noticed two things:
1.) For the tests that passed, none of the Console.WriteLine outputs appear in the logs. Only on Failed test do they do so.
2.) Even if our Data.Should.Be call is at the very end of the TestMethod, the logs report the fail BEFORE it prints out the lines! And even then, the printing should happen after reading the list of records, and yet when the prints do happen we're still missing the record we just wrote.
Is there like a bottom-to-top thing we're missing here? It really seems to me like VSTS vstest is executing the assert before the actual code. The order of TestMethods happen the right order though (the 4th test written top-to-bottom in the code is executed 4th rather than 4th to last) and we need them to happen in the right order because some of the later tests depend on the former tests succeeding.
Anything we're missing here? I'd put a source code but there's a bunch of things I need to scrub first if so.
Turns out we were sorely misunderstanding what 'await' does. We're using .Wait() instead for the culprit and will also go back through the other tests to check for quality.

How to change process variable value through remote rest api call for current human task in jbpm 6.5.0Final

I have a many human task. After start the process i want to update some process variable value with rest API call that's relates to current task. If anyone knows how to do that commend bellow.
I try with /execute this is only start the task then how to update the process variable for already started process instance?
Based on the documentation
Here is how to do update the process variable. However, this will update an entire process rather than only that specific task.
server/containers/{id}/processes/instances/{pInstanceId}/variables - POST
If you want to update process variable from a task, you should do it during task completion. However, this requires you to have output variables from that task. Otherwise, it won't take any effect.
server/containers/{id}/tasks/{tInstanceId}/states/completed - PUT
Anyway, the full documentation of rest can be viewed in

pytest: are pytest_sessionstart() and pytest_sessionfinish() valid hooks?

are pytest_sessionstart(session) and pytest_sessionfinish(session) valid hooks? They are not described in dev hook docs or latest hook docs
What is the difference between them and pytest_configure(config)/pytest_unconfigure(config)?
In docs it is said:
pytest_configure(config)called after command line options have been parsed. and all plugins
and initial conftest files been loaded.
pytest_unconfigure(config) called before test process is exited.
Session is the same, right?
The bad news is that the situation with sessionstart/configure is not very well specified. Sessionstart in particular is not much documented because the semantics differ if one is in the xdist/distribution case or not. One can distinguish these situations but it's all a bit too complicated.
The good news is that pytest-2.3 should make things easier. If you define a #fixture with scope="session" you can implement a fixture that is called once per process within which test execute.
For distributed testing, this means once per test slave. For single-process testing, it means once for the whole test run. In either case, if you do a "--collectonly" run, or "-h" or other options that do not involve the running of tests, then fixture functions will not execute at all.
Hope this clarifies.