AIR Mobile Live channel DVR URL not working on iPhone but it works on all android phones? - iphone

I am using open source strobe media player to build an Adobe AIR app which streams live channels. It works fine on android phones but it displays just a single frame and gets stuck in iPhone. Wowza Media Server is being used for streaming, it is integrated with Windows Server.
I am using this URL for android
and this URL for iphone
I am using following tools
1-- AIR SDK 4.0 OR 13.0 beta from adobe lab with Flash Builder 4.6
2-- Adobe open source Strobe player code to run live DVR.
3-- Streaming using Wowza Media Server deployed on Windows Server 2008.

There's not enough info here to answer why thus isn't working. I suggest contacting wowza's support folks and they can look at your conf and logs. You can contact them either through the Wowza forums or the email support.
Otherwise, I would dig into your logs and see if there is some warning or error in there that might give you a clue.

If you contact wowza's support, it is simply matter of days until they resolve the issue.
But if you have no time for it, you could simply install wireshark and start investigating what is different in the headers between Flash Media Server and wowza regarding iPhone. Also make sure it works fine that specific video on Flash Media Server. It could be problem with the video or most likely something specific in the headers or the encoding for the iphone.


Debug Version of Flash Player for Google TV

I was wondering if it is possible to obtain a Debug version of the Flash Player Chrome plugin for Google TV? I would like to remotely debug Flash applications running on a Google TV device, but as I understand it this requires a debug version of the player, and also a mechanism for entering the host name for the remote host where the debugger (e.g. Flash Builder) is running.
I did find an article regarding Chrome on the Adobe web site, but there's no mention of Google TV.
It's not available. Google TV is based on Android - Flash support for android has been deprecated. As of this writing Google TV is based on Android 3.2 and continues to support Flash - Flash support is not expected for future versions.
Note that it's not possible for users to update Flash in the current Chrome on Google TV so there is no way to go to a debug version of Flash. Developers have to implement debugging code in your Action script. Given the fact that Flash support will eventually be phased out, it makes more sense to look into other solutions more compatible with future versions of Android/Chrome on Google TV.

iPhone Browser emulator with orientation detection

I'm looking for an iPhone browser emulator like iBBDemo2 for Windows. But since iBBDemo doesn't seem to support orientation (yes, its rotatable but this information is not send to the server as the iPhone does, to use this information in the Website's JavaScript), I'm looking for an alternative.
Or are there any windows based full iPhone emulators like the ones for Android without commercial Apple Developer registration?
There's a free tool (Chrome Extension) called Ripple (which was bought by RIM):
Test and debug your HTML5 mobile applications for multiple platforms.
All from within your browser and in a fraction of the time.
Not sure how well it works in emulator device quirks. But it does have the rotation change option.
There is a new emulator from Electric Plum (free light version). It's pro version seems to support rotation events in JavaScript.

Force download mp3 for mobile site on iPhone

I'm working on a little mobile site for a musician and they want to be able to let users download a song for free on their mobile device. The problem I'm running into is that in Safari for iPhone the song plays in the browser no matter what and does not get added to the music library.
On Android I've been able to force a download which the user can then add to their music application of choice. I was hoping there was some way to get the song into the iPhone music library with out requiring some additional application or going through iTunes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It is not possible to have Mobile Safari download a media file from your site to a device's library. That and many other parts of the iOS filesystem are protected from external access.
Safari on iOS 13 and up finally supports file downloads, just like Android and Chrome.
According to a senior level Apple Support Rep, Apple has coded their OS to specifically prevent any audio file that does not have DRM protection, to be downloaded. This means Apple products will force a file to stream as opposed to downloading the entire file. Finding an official statement from Apple is difficult so the closest I could get was talking to a senior rep. You can, of course, call apple for free support with ANY apple product (including I-tunes on windows lol) by calling 1-800 My Apple. Most likely you can get additional confirmation there.
I actually created a site where if you click on a link with a windows or android device, it forces the download. This doesn't work on Apple devices, it still will only stream. The only real fix for this is to offer the file as a compressed file. (ie. zip) then they could download the compressed file but then they would have to open the .zip up and extract the audio.
Ironically, I'm currently looking into how I can use PHP to "zip" a file up on the server side per client request and then deliver them the file in the compressed format. I stumbled across this post because I was attempting to see if there was a way to fool a system into believing a file was in fact protected when it was not.
Hope this helps.

Can we Integrate flash in iPhone application?

I want to integrate flash in my iPhone application so is it possible to integrate?
You can write apps in Flash that will run on the iPhone by using the Packager for iPhone. It only works with Flash and not Flash Builder. Adobe just released a revision after Apple changed its SDK license again so that it can run. Note that to run on the iPhone your app has to be compiled by Flash to a native iPhone app. You can't run just any SWF.
Also yesterday Adobe announced AIR 2.5 which claims to let you program for one runtime (AIR) and target multiple platforms including iPhone and iPad. The release notes explain that they will be updating their Packager to work with AIR 2.5 for feature parity with AIR 2.5 for Android.
There is an application called Packager for iPhone from Adobe, which can be used to make iPhone app from Flash. I never used it though, but I think you should give it a try.
Adobe Packager appears to only be able to create entire apps, not library code that will integrate inside a larger app. There also is no complete Flash interpreter in a form that you might be able to bundle with your app (although there appear to be a few open source projects that claim to run a limited subset of Flash). Thus there is no way to integrate Flash into a larger iPhone application that will run offline.
Online, you might be able to run a Flash application remotely on a server, and serve the graphic results to an iPhone app using something like the VNC protocol.
A new parser called hiramkei will soon be available for adding Flash animation SWF files into Xcode projects for iPhone. Here is the site

Open source Mac video streaming server solutions?

In my application, I want to stream videos shot on an iPhone, *.movie files, from a server running on a Mac desktop to an iPhone or iPad client. What are some possible open source servers that do this that are small enough to be shipped or embedded with a downloadable Mac app? There is a product StreamToMe by Matt Gallagher that does this. I noticed a lot of open source alternatives like ffmpeg, VideoLan, and the like but I not sure which one would be good for the Mac.
There is an app called iPhone Remote. It is under Apache license, and should do what you need.
Here is a little rundown on its features. While it may be an overkill,
it's free, open source and has the streaming feature you may be able to extract.
Here is the official page