Open source Mac video streaming server solutions? - iphone

In my application, I want to stream videos shot on an iPhone, *.movie files, from a server running on a Mac desktop to an iPhone or iPad client. What are some possible open source servers that do this that are small enough to be shipped or embedded with a downloadable Mac app? There is a product StreamToMe by Matt Gallagher that does this. I noticed a lot of open source alternatives like ffmpeg, VideoLan, and the like but I not sure which one would be good for the Mac.

There is an app called iPhone Remote. It is under Apache license, and should do what you need.
Here is a little rundown on its features. While it may be an overkill,
it's free, open source and has the streaming feature you may be able to extract.
Here is the official page


Force download mp3 for mobile site on iPhone

I'm working on a little mobile site for a musician and they want to be able to let users download a song for free on their mobile device. The problem I'm running into is that in Safari for iPhone the song plays in the browser no matter what and does not get added to the music library.
On Android I've been able to force a download which the user can then add to their music application of choice. I was hoping there was some way to get the song into the iPhone music library with out requiring some additional application or going through iTunes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It is not possible to have Mobile Safari download a media file from your site to a device's library. That and many other parts of the iOS filesystem are protected from external access.
Safari on iOS 13 and up finally supports file downloads, just like Android and Chrome.
According to a senior level Apple Support Rep, Apple has coded their OS to specifically prevent any audio file that does not have DRM protection, to be downloaded. This means Apple products will force a file to stream as opposed to downloading the entire file. Finding an official statement from Apple is difficult so the closest I could get was talking to a senior rep. You can, of course, call apple for free support with ANY apple product (including I-tunes on windows lol) by calling 1-800 My Apple. Most likely you can get additional confirmation there.
I actually created a site where if you click on a link with a windows or android device, it forces the download. This doesn't work on Apple devices, it still will only stream. The only real fix for this is to offer the file as a compressed file. (ie. zip) then they could download the compressed file but then they would have to open the .zip up and extract the audio.
Ironically, I'm currently looking into how I can use PHP to "zip" a file up on the server side per client request and then deliver them the file in the compressed format. I stumbled across this post because I was attempting to see if there was a way to fool a system into believing a file was in fact protected when it was not.
Hope this helps.

iPhone: How to Share/Move Files from App Directories to Other Devices

I have an app which generates some files in the app directories
I need users to be able to access the files from another device/computer via file sharing over wifi, using a web browser, a ftp client or some similar method.
Can the iPhone act as a http server and ftp server by itself or do I need to do some programing to make the http server and ftp server by myself?
The code examples for Erica Sadun's rather excellent 3.0 edition of the iPhone Developer's Cookbook are downloadable at github. She has two chapters on various modes of networking including an example HTTP server.
The iPhone has no built-in web or ftp server. So if you want this functionality to be part of your application then you will have to include one in your code.
CocoaHTTPServer is an excellent library for this purpose, widely used also in iPhone apps. It has a good documentation and working example projects, even for iPhone.

iPhone code browser?

I want to be able to read code on my iPhone in the bus every day. Ideally, I'd like to be able to download a package, extract it to a folder, put it on the iPhone, and be able to just browse through the code (folders & files and all). Don't need to be able to edit, just read.
Is there a good solution for this? If there is not, could it be a good first project to teach myself iPhone development? or would it be too big a chunk for a first bite? (right now I mainly just do python web app development)
Check out the Airsharing app. When you run the app, it creates a server on your network (when sharing is enabled) and provides you an ip address you punch into a browser. You then upload files to the device via an ajax interface. Later on, you just open up the app and click the file you want to read and it displays on the screen. I've fiddled with it and it does preserve code highlighting.
You might also check out the new MobileMe iDisk app that just got released today. It looks like a slick way to share files between the iPhone and a Mac (and the cloud). You need to be a MobileMe subscriber, though.

iPhone App Development on Ubuntu [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Starting iPhone app development in Linux?
Is there a way to use Ubuntu Linux for developing iPhone applications destined to be listed on Apples app store ?
Many of the other solutions will work, but they all make use of the open-toolchain for the iPhone SDK. So, yes, you can write software for the iPhone on other platforms... BUT...
Since you specify that you want your app to end up on the App Store, then, no, there's not really any way to do this. There's certainly no time effective way to do this. Even if you only value your own time at $20/hr, it will be far more efficient to buy a used intel Mac, and download the free SDK.
Not officially, no. It's just Objective-C though and the compiler's open source - you could probably get the headers and compile it and somehow get the binary on the device. Another option is compiling on the device. All these options will require jailbreaking though.
A Mac Mini is just $599...
There are two things I think you could try to develop iPhone applications.
You can try the Aptana mobile wep app plugin for eclipse which is nice, although still in early stage. It comes with a emulator for running the applications so this could be helpful
You can try cocoa
(Extra) Here is a nice guide I found of guy who managed to get the iPhone SDK running in ubuntu, hope this help -_-. iPhone on Ubuntu
I found one interesting site which seems pretty detailed on how you could setup a ubuntu for iPhone development. But it's a little old from November 2008 for the SDK 2.0.
Ubuntu 8.10 for iPhone open toolchain SDK2.0
The instructions also include something about the Android SDK/Emulator which you can leave out.
With some tweaking and lots of sweat, it's probably possible to get gcc to compile your Obj-C source on Ubuntu to a binary form that will be compatible with an iPhone ARM processor. But that can't really be considered "iPhone Application development" because you won't have access to all the proprietary APIs of the iPhone (all the Cocoa stuff).
Another real problem is you need to sign your apps so that they can be made available to the app store. I know of no other tool than XCode to achieve that.
Also, you won't be able to test your code, as they is no open source iPhone simulator... maybe you might pull something off with qemu, but again, lots of effort ahead for a small result.
So you might as well buy a used mac or a Mac mini as it has been mentioned previously, you'll save yourself a lot of effort.
Probably not. While I can't log into the Apple Development site, according to this post you need an intel mac platform.
It can be done!!!!!!
There is someone who did it.
Enjoy :)
There are several way to do it, may decide to go the native way by downloading a VM application for linux and the install Mac OS in your VM and then download the Xcode application for mac But the true is i tried this path but it was really long so i decide to get sencha touch and phonegap for mobile phone,here the sencha-touch is a javascript framework that will help you in developing the interfaces and the phonegap is also javascript library which will help to access the feature of your Iphone or any oher mobile platform
I'm using sencha-touch and phonegap ,its really work for me
Perhaps the best way would be to implement your app as a web app. I think you can also make web apps that run direct on the phone, without internet access or a remote server.
Web app, sounds lame? But a lot can be done with DHTML / HTML5 / JavaScript. It's a rare app that requires more power and couldn't be done as a web app. And you get pretty good cross platform with Web / JavaScript - the browsers vary a bit but a good web dev can write one web app that works pretty much everywhere.
Of course if you're writing a high-performance 3D game, the browser might not deliver what you need! maybe in a few years... Apparently some Google hackers ported Quake 2 to HTML5 already!

Add media from iphone (outside of iPod library) into iTunes

Is there a way for my iPhone app to add media (mp3s) not in its iPod library to iTunes once the user plugs/syncs to a desktop such that the media will get sync'd back into the iPhone's iPod library?
I know the question is rather general, but if it is indeed possible, can anyone nudge me in the right direction?
Who wants to write a sync app for mac and windows? Try serving a bonjour discoverable upload page from the iPhone. I got cocoahttpserver up and running in a few minutes.
No, it's not possible to do this using anything provided by the iPhone SDK. The only way to do something similar would be to store the media in your iPhone application's local storage, write an OS X application that discovered your iPhone via Bonjour, synced the content via WIFI, and then added it to iTunes.
Take a look at "Things" (an iPhone todo list application) if you'd like to see an example with sync-to-desktop functionality.
there is a way, i've done it through an app and it wasn't complicated. sadly I forgot and am currently looking for where I found the answer and thats how I stumbled upon this.