Is there a way to make Eclipse 3.8 dark? - eclipse

I have to use 3.8, because of Ubuntu and Nvidia. I changed the editor theme to be dark, but the rest (project explorer, the menus, etc) are still bright white. I looked around, but every dark Eclipse plugin that I can find requires Eclipse 4+, and those won't work on mine (I tried :( ).
I am on Ubuntu 13.04 (old because of Nvidia Nsight support). Anything I can do?

Eclipse prior to 4.x used native OS widgets and colors for much of its UI. To change the appearance of those things (e.g., the Explorer views, toolbars, etc) you have to update your operating system colors. To control the Eclipse-specific things (like editor colors), you can install the Eclipse Color Theme plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace.


Eclipse IDE for (Embedded C/C++) Developers 2020-12: Classic dark theme deep black color background and text in menu

Problem with dark classic theme in Eclipse 2020-12 (4.18) for C/C++. Menu have all black color:
Top panel has the same problem:
That's a bug of Eclipse TMF which is contained by default in the
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers and the
Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developers
in Eclipse 2020-12 (4.18) that has already been fixed:
Eclipse bug 569790 - [dark] Dark mode issue when Trace Compass is installed
Unfortunately, this bug was detected and fixed only shortly after the 2020-12 release. So I created the following (unofficial) update site that can be used to get the patched Eclipse TMF (via Help > Install New Software...):
Update: the official update site has been published in the meantime:
Alternatively, you can use another dark theme instead of the built-in dark theme, such as one of the following (do not use the Darkest Dark Theme with DevStyle since it might slow down Eclipse and can cause issues):
Eclipse Spectrum Dark Theme
Planet Themes
Please note, a dark theme is a bit more stressful for your eyes compared to a light theme (the human eye can adapt well to dark, but works best with more light).
See also: My GitHub project to create the update site to patch TMF

eclipse STS 4.7 with devstyle explorer browser folder arrows are dark/black and can't be seen in dark mode

installed eclipse STS 4.7. then installed dev style plugin from marketplace. Set it to dark mode with intelliJ dark theme. Now I can't see the side arrows.
STS 4.7 is based on Eclipse 2020-06 and there are known issues with Dark themes in this version of Eclipse. The good news is that we already have a fix for it in DevStyle. The update will be available early next week but you can try a patch and see if the fix will work for you. To try it you can follow the instructions in my last comment here

Eclipse 4.4 Luna pinning editor tabs

I've found this question: Eclipse - How to pin editor tabs? and I've installed "Extended VS Presentation plugin for Eclipse", but it's not working.
How it should look (from
How it actually looks on my Eclipse 4.4 (on Ubuntu):
As you can see, "Current presentation" setting is missing.
When I've installed this plugin (via eclipse), it was in "Eclipse 3.6 - 3.8 plugins", so maybe it's incompatible with 4.4 Luna? However, it was possible to install it, so it should work, right?
Also, if you know any plugin that would allow pinning tabs in eclipse, feel free to post your answer and describe it.
Support eclipse versions for this plugins:
Eclipse Versions:
Juno (4.2, 3.8), Previous to Juno (<=4.1)
This plugin NOT works(See this) in eclipse 3.x on Linux.(But here author says it support Linux platform. Contact author for more details)
This plugin NOT works in eclipse 4.x on any platform.
Please note, that the skin, tab actions and lists are available for Eclipse 3.x only! Eclipse 4.x is not supported.
That first Appearance dialog is how it looks in Eclipse 3.x. The appearance code was completely rewritten for Eclipse 4.x.
The fact the plugin installs may just mean the install is not careful enough about specifying the versions of Eclipse it supports.
You should try and contact the plugin author to see if it supports Eclipse Luna.
In my point of view, everything is fine.
As you can see in the images below, (Check bottom (console) ).
The above page is updated on 06-25-2014
But the screenshot in that page is taken on 06-02-2008 , (Check bottom (console) ).
The screenshot given in that page is a screenshot of very very old version. The plugin is updated, but the screenshot in the page is not yet updated.
The new plugin will work as shown in the image in the question
In Eclipse 4.4.0 there You'll find a pin symbol in the default toolbar of Eclipse on the right side. After clicking it, the Java Editor Tab symbol gets changed indicating this editor is pinned now. Unfortunatelly I could not find a corresponding entry in the popup menu. But it is easy to assign e.g. the keys Ctrl-P to "Pin Editor" in the key bindings of Eclipse. (Don't forget to unbind Ctr-P = Print).
In Eclipse Neon 4.6.0 Pin is not functioning.

Eclipse Kepler window drawing problems in Ubuntu

Eclipse Juno (from the Ubuntu repo) (3.8.1) looks fine:
Eclipse Kepler (download from Eclipse website) looks broken:
How do I fix my Window drawing for Kepler (and preferably make it look as compact as Juno)?
Simply change the appearance in Windows > Preferences > General > Appearance.
Restart eclipse.
You can also use colour theme plug-in. It only changes the text in editors i.e syntax highlighter.
Look at these links for new themes.
How can I change Eclipse theme?
Creating eclipse themes

Aptana UI themes

I just started using Aptana and I'm enjoying it. I like the dark theme that comes on default.
There's just one thing. Notice how the editors are nice and dark, but the UI is not? Obviously, Aptana is Eclipse based, so I've been browsing around the net for dark themes for Eclipse's UI.
I found this question with a suitable answer: Eclipse IDE for Java - Full Dark Theme
When I try to install one of the themes suggested, I get an error:
Missing requirement: Eclipse Darker Theme
requires 3.3.100' but it could not be found
Of course, I could just install the dependency, but I have no idea where to look.
I just want my Aptana to be dark, entirely. What must I do?
I just ran into a similar issue a couple hours ago with a Magento plugin I wanted to install.
In Aptana, click the "Install new software..." item under the Help menu. Then you'll want to add in the repository url for one the eclipse releases. Juno seems to be the most recent release.
Then use type osgi into the filter to see what's available. I would guess the one that isn't "incubating" is your best bet.