Using SoundManager2 along side the Soundcloud HTML5 widget - soundcloud

I am trying to find out how to use the HTML5 widget and control the panning of the audio. Is this possible using the Widget? Or do I need to use the oembed code?

I did not see any panning capabilities with the widget but you can look into the pan feature of soundmanager2 which is used when streaming
streaming info:
panning info:


How can I get more control on embedded video in Flutter?

I want to play videos on my Flutter application. So I have implemented flutter_inappwebview and gave it a initial URL like this:
initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(
url: Uri.parse(state.selectedOption!.url!)),
It does show video and play it well. But I have no control on this video. For example I want to implement "Skip Intro", "Continue Where i Left Off" features but I cannot do that because I dont have control on video player. Since I want to show embedded videos only, I cannot use video_player package. It doesn't support embedded videos (as far as I know). How can How can I get more control on embedded video?

Can i use bluetooth on FlutterFlow?

I'm making android app what communicate with atmega128 and hc-06.
but I couldn't find a widget that supports Bluetooth. so, Is there any custom widget that supports Bluetooth?
At the time of writing, FlutterFLow does not have a built in Bluetooth widget. You can use a custom widget from
(Look for the widget with the function you need)
Guide to create custom widget in FlutterFlow:

How to check the camera is auto focused in flutter?

I am using Camera plugin for my flutter app, how can I check the camera preview is focused or not?
Auto Focus will be provided in this milestone,
based on Future of the Camera Plugin (Refactor/Rework)
IOS part has pull request, please reference [camera] Expose auto exposure and auto focus point of interest functionality (iOS only)

ngcordova camera image overlay

I am building an app on Ionic and have integrated the ngcordova API. I'm wondering if there is a way to select an image from a gallery in my app and then open the camera and overlay, position, resize, screenshot etc the image on top of the camera view?
Yes, it is possible to do that.
You can wrap a <video> item and a <canvas> item in a <div> container, then attach camera to video (use getUserMedia() API).
You can capture screenshots from your camera: try using drawImage API of canvas/context (see for example
The <div> container can be used to keep (via CSS) video and canvas elements together and manage resize/position properly.
The <canvas> element can be used to draw pictures overlayed to the video (using a CSS opacity value).
GetUserMedia API (and other WebRTC APIs) are available on Android thanks to Crosswalk which is an alternative WebView in an Ionic/Cordova project.

JQTouch support for IPhone

I am building a website which provides support on Iphone also. I am using JQTouch jquery library( which provides multi-touch functionality like swipe, flip, back page.
It would be great to hear from you guys on how to extend zoom-in and zoom-out functionality for photos. Does JQTouch provide any readymade function for the same. Also I would like to hear more on the touch screen functionality that I could use more in my application.
Thanks in advance!
The JQTouch library specifically disables resizing the viewport, so you would not be able to use this for zooming in on photos. See this post which talks about performance, but also mentions that they disable the viewport resizing:
Normally this effect is achieved by using css techniques or a plugin like this.
You show a small version of an image and on mouse over and move, show a portion of a blown up version.
Here's a good jQTouch extension and demo for pinch, zoom, rotate and very flexible too:
Basically you get to combine these events however you want.