I'm making android app what communicate with atmega128 and hc-06.
but I couldn't find a widget that supports Bluetooth. so, Is there any custom widget that supports Bluetooth?
At the time of writing, FlutterFLow does not have a built in Bluetooth widget. You can use a custom widget from https://pub.dev/packages?q=bluetooth
(Look for the widget with the function you need)
Guide to create custom widget in FlutterFlow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM2gwA2VHyc
As I was told, I believe that flutter wont use native components. But sometimes I came to see flutter app using native components like, back button in iOS, device font style from android.
Why these happening if flutter don't use native components?
We can set device orientation for flutter apps by using SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations([.....]) . But this doesn't work in case of flutter web. so how to set the device orientation in flutter web apps.
After reseach I found that the most effective way to handle the issue is to use
RotatedBox https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/RotatedBox-class.html
You should use it with MediaQuery.of(context).orientation to check whether the rotation is needed.
Use RotatedBox on highest level in build method:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RotatedBox(...);
Like we have sprite to add/render images in flutter flame. Is their any widget or any way to show ads(admob) in flutter flame project.
Since Flame is just another Flutter widget you can use the firebase_admob just like it would have been used in any other Flutter app. There is good documentation of how to use the admob flutter widgets in their readme.
If you want to display an ad on top of the game I suggest that you either use a Stack widget or use the overlays system in Flame.
I am trying to find out how to use the HTML5 widget and control the panning of the audio. Is this possible using the Widget? Or do I need to use the oembed code?
I did not see any panning capabilities with the widget but you can look into the pan feature of soundmanager2 which is used when streaming
streaming info:
panning info:
I need to extend Marmalade for UI component. Find below my requirement:
I need to user WebView component or TextView component of iOS in my app for iPad. I want to know how to achieve this using EDK? I need to show particular UI component at specific location in my app and also need to retrieve data (in case of TextView or TextField).
Let me know whether above functionality is possible or not using EDK. Give me steps and code template for same if possible.
Let me know of further detail is required.
There're inbuilt UI component in Marmalade such as s3eWebView for WebView and IwUITextView for TextView. You can check official documentation which comes with every version of marmalade SDK, for more such UI components.
You can use EDK instead to use native UI component for iOS or Android using objective C (iOS) or Java (Android) too. If you want to learn the use of EDK, you can watch the video tutorial here on Official Marmalade Youtube channel.