How to run postgresql command from GCE shell? - postgresql

Installing PostgreSQL on GCE requires root password to run sudo -u postgresql. This prompts for a password, which I was never given.
How do I get this pass, or any way to run postgresql commands from the shell in a different way?

Your system user postgresql doesn't have a password (I state with no proof... but I think you'll find this to be true.)
Normally you should use commands like these:
# Test that YOU can use psql (as postgres) to run a query:
psql -U postgres -c 'select * from pg_catalog.pg_user;'
# Test an interactive session:
psql -U postgres my_database
my_database=# select 42 as the_answer;
# Create a new database
psql -U postgres my_database
my_database=# create database mydb;
Alternatively, it's probably possible to login like this (it usually is):
sudo su postgres
And you could probably use this to run createdb. But running psql as yourself is probably better.

If you want to run commands against your postgresql server you should not need to use sudo, just use this syntax to enter the Postgresql Interactive Shell:
psql -U username database_name
psql -U username hostname database_name
Replacing username with your postgresql usename, hostname (if not running on the same server) with the servers host name and database_name with the name of your database. For example:
psql -U postgressql customers

Normally sudo requires your user account password. So assuming that the account you are running the command from is listed in the sudoers file, the password it is prompting you for should be your own. Have you tried that, as opposed to the root or the postgresql password, which you don't appear to have (or might not even be set).


Postgres `createuser` command not working [duplicate]

I'm trying to set up Postgres for the first time, and I need to create a user with permissions to read and create databases. However, when I use:
createuser username
in my terminal I get the following message:
createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: role "tom" does not exist
Tom is my Ubuntu user account that I'm logged into right now. I'm trying to create a username of "postgres" then do a psql -U psql template1 so I can create a database and assign an owner to it for my Rails app.
You mentioned Ubuntu so I'm going to guess you installed the PostgreSQL packages from Ubuntu through apt.
If so, the postgres PostgreSQL user account already exists and is configured to be accessible via peer authentication for unix sockets in pg_hba.conf. You get to it by running commands as the postgres unix user, eg:
sudo -u postgres createuser owning_user
sudo -u postgres createdb -O owning_user dbname
This is all in the Ubuntu PostgreSQL documentation that's the first Google hit for "Ubuntu PostgreSQL" and is covered in numerous Stack Overflow questions.
(You've made this question a lot harder to answer by omitting details like the OS and version you're on, how you installed PostgreSQL, etc.)
See git gist with instructions here
Run this:
sudo -u postgres psql
psql -U postgres
in your terminal to get into postgres
NB: If you're on a Mac and both of the commands above failed jump to the section about Mac below
CREATE USER new_username;
Note: Replace new_username with the user you want to create, in your case that will be tom.
postgres=# CREATE USER new_username;
Since you want that user to be able to create a DB, you need to alter the role to superuser
postgres=# ALTER USER new_username SUPERUSER CREATEDB;
To confirm, everything was successful,
postgres=# \du
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
new_username | Superuser, Create DB | {}
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}
root | Superuser, Create role, Create DB | {}
Update/Modification (For Mac):
I recently encountered a similar error on my Mac:
psql: FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
This was because my installation was setup with a database superuser whose role name is the same as your login (short) name.
But some linux scripts assume the superuser has the traditional role name of postgres
How did I resolve this?
If you installed with homebrew run:
/usr/local/opt/postgres/bin/createuser -s postgres
If you're using a specific version of postgres, say 10.5 then run:
/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/10.5/bin/createuser -s postgres
/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/10.5/bin/createuser -s new_username
/usr/local/opt/postgresql#11/bin/createuser -s postgres
If you installed with for Mac run:
/Applications/ -s postgres
P.S: replace 10.5 with your PostgreSQL version
sudo -u postgres createuser -s tom
this should help you as this will happen if the administrator has not created a PostgreSQL user account for you. It could also be that you were assigned a PostgreSQL user name that is different from your operating system user name, in that case you need to use the -U switch.
Your error is posted in the official documentation. You can read this article.
I have copied the reason for you (and hyperlinked the URLs) from that article:
This will happen if the administrator has not created a PostgreSQL user account for you. (PostgreSQL user accounts are distinct from operating system user accounts.) If you are the administrator, see Chapter 20 for help creating accounts. You will need to become the operating system user under which PostgreSQL was installed (usually postgres) to create the first user account. It could also be that you were assigned a PostgreSQL user name that is different from your operating system user name; in that case you need to use the -U switch or set the PGUSER environment variable to specify your PostgreSQL user name
For your purposes, you can do:
1) Create a PostgreSQL user account:
sudo -u postgres createuser tom -d -P
(the -P option to set a password; the -d option for allowing the creation of database for your username 'tom'. Note that 'tom' is your operating system username. That way, you can execute PostgreSQL commands without sudoing.)
2) Now you should be able to execute createdb and other PostgreSQL commands.
1- Login as default PostgreSQL user (postgres)
sudo -u postgres -i
2- As postgres user. Add a new database user using the createuser command
[postgres]$ createuser --interactive
[postgres]$ exit
If you don't want to change the authentication method (ident) and mess with pg_hba.conf use this:
First login as the default user
sudo su - postgres
then access psql and create a user with the same name as the one you are login in
you can verify your user with the corresponding roles with
postgres=# \du
Afer this you can create your database and verify it with
psql -d dbName
I had the same issue, i just do this
sudo su - postgres
createuser odoo -U postgres -dRSP #P for password
(odoo or user name that you want o give the postgres access)
On Windows use:
C:\PostgreSQL\pg10\bin>createuser -U postgres --pwprompt <USER>
Add --superuser or --createdb as appropriate.
See for further options.
For Linux, you can activate SUPERUSER to enable to create databases like this:
Go to terminal/shell
Enter inside postgres using
sudo -u postgres -i
Now your terminal will be like "postgres#anish-Latitude-E7450:~$"
Enter postgres terminal using
Now your terminal will be like "postgres=#"
Enter alter user [postgres_user_name] createdb;
Now the user will be having access to create db.
Exit psql using '\q'
Logout postgres using exit
Hope this helps you.
You need to first run initdb. It will create the database cluster and the initial setup
See How to configure postgresql for the first time? and

Modifying postgresql.conf through shell?

I want to modify a postgresql.conf parameter through the shell. From the documentation I can see that I can use the postgres command with the -c flag.
However, on my attempt, for example,
postgres -c autovacuum=off
postgres returns:
Execution of PostgreSQL by a user with administrative permissions is not permitted.
The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to prevent possible system security compromises. See the documentation for more information on how to properly start the server.
How can I overcome this or what is the correct procedure? Also, I don't really mind for security compromises.
Given the differences on the underlying OS, I usually prefer to do this via PostgreSQL itself, which comes handy when you're dealing with a managed service that do not give you filesystem access, like so:
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d database_name -c "alter system set postgresql_parameter = 'new_value';"
As an example when I have to install TimeScaleDB extension, I can do:
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d database_name -c "alter system set shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb';"
sudo service postgresql restart
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d database_name -c "create extension if not exists timescaledb;"

createuser command for postgres failing on windows

I installed postgresql on Windows. When I run createuser in the DOS prompt, it fails with the following error:
createuser testuser
could not connect to database postgres : FTAL: role testuser does not exist
I have tried switching the pg_hba file from md5 to trust, but that has not solved the issue. Any thoughts? The database server itself is running- I was able to connect to it using another tool. Also, the path has a reference to the postgres/bin directory.
you need to specify a super user account in order to create a user
createuser -U pgsql testuser
if you plan on using a password for this user you can use -P or --pwprompt
createuser -P -U pgsql testuser
and it will prompt you for the password.
replace pgsql with a superuser account.

Create database from command line

I am trying to create a database from command line.
My OS is centos and postgres version is 10.9.
sudo -u postgres psql createdb test
Password for user test:
Why is it prompting me for the password?
Change the user to postgres :
su - postgres
Create User for Postgres (in the shell and NOT with psql)
$ createuser testuser
Create Database (same)
$ createdb testdb
Acces the postgres Shell
psql ( enter the password for postgressql)
Provide the privileges to the postgres user
$ alter user testuser with encrypted password 'qwerty';
$ grant all privileges on database testdb to testuser;
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'create database test;'
createdb is a command line utility which you can run from bash and not from psql. To create a database from psql, use the create database statement like so:
create database [databasename];
Note: be sure to always end your SQL statements with ;
As some of the answers point out, createdb is a command line utility that could be used to create database.
Assuming you have a user named dbuser, the following command could be used to create a database and provide access to dbuser:
createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U dbuser testdb
Replace localhost with your correct DB host name, 5432 with correct DB port, and testdb with the database name you want to create.
Now psql could be used to connect to this newly created database:
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U dbuser -d testdb
Tested with createdb and psql versions 9.4.15.
As the default configuration of Postgres, a user called postgres is made and the user postgres has full super admin access to entire PostgreSQL instance running on your OS.
sudo -u postgres psql
The above command gets you the psql command line interface in admin mode.
Creating user
sudo -u postgres createuser <username>
Creating Database
sudo -u postgres createdb <dbname>
NOTE: < > are not to be used while writing command, they are used just to signify the variables
PostgreSQL Create Database - Steps to create database in Postgres.
Login to server using postgres - postgres
Connect to postgresql database.
bash-4.1$ psql
psql (12.1)
Type "help" for help.
Execute below command to create database.
CREATE DATABASE database_name;
Check for detailed information below:
createdb -h $PGHOST -p $PGPORT -U $PGUSER $PGDB
With a single command line:
su -c "createuser dbuser;createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -E UTF8 -O dbuser dbname;" - postgres
It is pretty simple but sometimes I find the answers tricky.
[For windows users]
Open Windows cmd
psql -U <username>
Once connected to psql, enter the following command to create a new database: CREATE DATABASE <database_name>;
To verify that the database has been created, you can run the \l command to list all available databases. Your new database should be listed in the output.------[Additional]------
You can now connect to the new database using the \c command followed by the database name, like this: \c <database_name>
You can now run SQL commands on the new database to create tables, insert data, and so on.
Note: Make sure to replace <username>, <database_name> with your actual Postgres username and database name.
If you are using pgAdmin:
In query editor you can try like this :
CREATE DATABASE <databasename>
OWNER = <dbowner>
ENCODING = <encoding>
CONNECTION LIMIT = <numberofsimulaneousconnections>;
an example snippet :
OWNER = postgres

Can't I get to Postgres with plain psql

I always have to give the command like sudo -u postgres psql in order to login into Postgres console. What do I have to in order to login into postgres like sudo psql or psql
The environment I am working on is Ubuntu Linux 12.04
Thanks in advance.
It's normal that after the installation, only the postgres user is able to do anything with the database server. The installer can't assume that we'd want to open access to anyone else.
To give yourself access as a casual user, assuming as an example that your login name is joe (your normal, non-priviledged user), you just need to create a corresponding user and database:
Inside psql as the postgres administrator (with sudo -u postgres psql), issue:
After that, when issuing psql at the shell prompt, it will connect by default to your own database with your username. You no longer have to sudo to postgres until you need to issue other administrator commands.
Your psql is in /usr/bin/psql. You shouldn't need to use sudo unless your permissions are wrong, or unless your link is wrong. (In later versions of PostgreSQL, /usr/bin/psql is a symbolic link to the executable. I don't know whether that's true in 8.4. On my home computer, it links to /usr/share/postgresql-common/pg_wrapper.)
The full skeleton syntax for psql is
psql -U username -h hostname -p portnumber database_name
So, for example, when I connect to my scratch database (named "sandbox"), I do it like this.
$ psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 sandbox
You would substitute
your database username (which must already exist, and which isn't necessarily the same as your network/computer username),
your hostname (but "localhost" is probably right for a local install of PostgreSQL),
the port PostgreSQL is listening on (but 5432 is probably right; it's the default), and
your database name.
psql -U psql
work for you?
I though you would mind about sudo.
If your problem is rather typing -U <user>, you could also set the environment variable PGUSER. This could also be done in your shell's logon script, so that it will always be set.
The other enviroment variables of interest might be PGDATABASE, PGHOST, PGPORT.