createuser command for postgres failing on windows - postgresql

I installed postgresql on Windows. When I run createuser in the DOS prompt, it fails with the following error:
createuser testuser
could not connect to database postgres : FTAL: role testuser does not exist
I have tried switching the pg_hba file from md5 to trust, but that has not solved the issue. Any thoughts? The database server itself is running- I was able to connect to it using another tool. Also, the path has a reference to the postgres/bin directory.

you need to specify a super user account in order to create a user
createuser -U pgsql testuser
if you plan on using a password for this user you can use -P or --pwprompt
createuser -P -U pgsql testuser
and it will prompt you for the password.
replace pgsql with a superuser account.


FATAL: role "user" does not exist [duplicate]

I'm setting up my PostgreSQL 9.1. I can't do anything with PostgreSQL: can't createdb, can't createuser; all operations return the error message
Fatal: role h9uest does not exist
h9uest is my account name, and I sudo apt-get install PostgreSQL 9.1 under this account.
Similar error persists for the root account.
Use the operating system user postgres to create your database - as long as you haven't set up a database role with the necessary privileges that corresponds to your operating system user of the same name (h9uest in your case):
sudo -u postgres -i
As recommended here or here.
Then try again. Type exit when done with operating as system user postgres.
Or execute the single command createuser as postgres with sudo, like demonstrated by drees in another answer.
The point is to use the operating system user matching the database role of the same name to be granted access via ident authentication. postgres is the default operating system user to have initialized the database cluster. The manual:
In order to bootstrap the database system, a freshly initialized
system always contains one predefined role. This role is always a
“superuser”, and by default (unless altered when running initdb) it
will have the same name as the operating system user that initialized
the database cluster. Customarily, this role will be named postgres.
In order to create more roles you first have to connect as this
initial role.
I have heard of odd setups with non-standard user names or where the operating system user does not exist. You'd need to adapt your strategy there.
Read about database roles and client authentication in the manual.
After trying many other people's solutions, and without success, this answer finally helped me.
In short, running
sudo -u postgres createuser owning_user
creates a role with name owning_user (in this case, h9uest). After that you can run rake db:create from the terminal under whatever account name you set up without having to enter into the Postgres environment.
sudo su - postgres
psql template1
creating role on pgsql with privilege as "superuser"
CREATE ROLE username superuser;
eg. CREATE ROLE demo superuser;
Then create user
CREATE USER username;
eg. CREATE USER demo;
Assign privilege to user
GRANT ROOT TO username;
And then enable login that user, so you can run e.g.: psql template1, from normal $ terminal:
This works for me:
psql -h localhost -U postgres
Installing postgres using apt-get does not create a user role or a database.
To create a superuser role and a database for your personal user account:
sudo -u postgres createuser -s $(whoami); createdb $(whoami)
psql postgres
postgres=# CREATE ROLE username superuser;
postgres=# ALTER ROLE username WITH LOGIN;
For version Postgres 9.5 use following comand:
psql -h localhost -U postgres
Hope this will help.
Working method,
vi /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
local all postgres peer
here change peer to trust
restart, sudo service postgresql restart
now try, psql -U postgres
For Windows users : psql -U postgres
You should see then the command-line interface to PostgreSQL: postgres=#
I did a healthcheck with docker-compose.
test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'pg_isready']
interval: 5s
timeout: 5s
retries: 5
If you also have that change the user:
test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'pg_isready -U postgres'] # <<<---
interval: 5s
timeout: 5s
retries: 5
In local user prompt, not root user prompt, type
sudo -u postgres createuser <local username>
Then enter password for local user.
Then enter the previous command that generated "role 'username' does not exist."
Above steps solved the problem for me.
If not, please send terminal messages for above steps.
I installed it on macOS and had to:
cd /Applications/
createuser -U postgres -s YOURUSERNAME
Here's the source:
Manually creating a DB cluster solved it in my case.
For some reason, when I installed postgres, the "initial DB" wasn't created. Executing initdb did the trick for me.
This solution is provided in the PostgreSQL Wiki - First steps:
Typically installing postgres to your OS creates an "initial DB" and starts the postgres server daemon running. If not then you'll need to run initdb
dump and restore with --no-owner --no-privileges flags
dump - pg_dump --no-owner --no-privileges --format=c --dbname=postgres://userpass:username#postgres:5432/schemaname > /tmp/full.dump
restore - pg_restore --no-owner --no-privileges --format=c --dbname=postgres://userpass:username#postgres:5432/schemaname /tmp/full.dump
sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER
sudo -u postgres createdb $USER
This should definitely work for you.
for those who using docker and correctly followed the instructions from official doc, if you still met this problem, RESTART windows and try again.
Follow These Steps and it Will Work For You :
run msfconsole
type db_console
some information will be shown to you chose the information who tell you to make: db_connect user:pass#host:port.../database sorry I don't remember it but it's like this one then replace the user and the password and the host and the database with the information included in the database.yml in the emplacement: /usr/share/metasploit-framework/config
you will see. rebuilding the model cache in the background.
Type apt-get update && apt-get upgrade after the update restart the terminal and lunch msfconsole and it works you can check that by typing in msfconsole: msf>db_status you will see that it's connected.
Follow these steps to get postgres working.
In your terminal, locate the Application Support folder with the following command.
/Users/[name of the user]/library/application support
Delete the application, Postgres.
Reinstall the app and it should work just fine.
Something as simple as changing port from 5432 to 5433 worked for me.

Create local Postgresql account

On OS X 10.11.2, I've installed and I'm running the local server. I'm trying to create a local account with a username and password so that I can develop a Rails app locally. However, running the following command:
sudo -u postgres createuser -s {USERNAME}
I receive sudo: unknown user: postgres error.
Any suggestions as to why this error occurs and how to resolve this?
sudo tells you there is no system user "postgres".
When you installed PostgreSQL, it should have created database user "postgres" and you can try use that:
$ psql -u postgres
postgres=# create user {username} password '{password}';
I managed to create a user with the following steps.
In the terminal:
createuser --superuser {USERNAME}
I then set a password in psql:
\password {USERNAME}

PostgreSQL error Fatal: role “username” does not exist

I'm setting up my PostgreSQL 9.1 in windows.
I can't do anything with PostgreSQL: can't createdb, can't createuser; all operations return the error message
Fatal: role root does not exist
root is my account name, which I created while installing Postgresql
But I am able to connect using:
username : postgres
How can I connect to postgres using role root?
There is a solution mentioned for linux platforms using su command here but not able to figure out solution for windows7
Thanks in Advance
If you want to login to Postgres using the username root you need to first create such a user.
You first need to login as the Postgres super user. This is typically postgres (and is specified during installation):
psql -U postgres <user-name>
Then you can create roles and databases:
psql (9.4.0)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# create user root with password 'verysecret';
postgres=# \q
c:\>psql -U root postgres
psql (9.4.0)
Type "help" for help.
Logged in as the superuser you can also grant the root user the necessary privileges.
All parameters for psql are documented in the manual.
Creating users and databases is also documented in the manual:
connecting to the database
create user
create database
In some cases, when you install postgres the initial DB is not created.
You need to execute initdb.
Same issue appeared while restoring DB/table on postgres docker container .
. When you connect to Postgres DB(psql shell) from inside the docker container, the default user would be a "root" (unless you specify psql -U "some-user-name")
[Manjunath-MacBook-Air:$ sudo docker exec -it a2ff6075344e bash
bash-5.0# psql -U postgres postgres < testdb_pg_dump
So, the issue gets resolved, by logging to psql shell with appropriate username
Here , -U postgres specifies that user connecting to DB is "postgres"

How to run postgresql command from GCE shell?

Installing PostgreSQL on GCE requires root password to run sudo -u postgresql. This prompts for a password, which I was never given.
How do I get this pass, or any way to run postgresql commands from the shell in a different way?
Your system user postgresql doesn't have a password (I state with no proof... but I think you'll find this to be true.)
Normally you should use commands like these:
# Test that YOU can use psql (as postgres) to run a query:
psql -U postgres -c 'select * from pg_catalog.pg_user;'
# Test an interactive session:
psql -U postgres my_database
my_database=# select 42 as the_answer;
# Create a new database
psql -U postgres my_database
my_database=# create database mydb;
Alternatively, it's probably possible to login like this (it usually is):
sudo su postgres
And you could probably use this to run createdb. But running psql as yourself is probably better.
If you want to run commands against your postgresql server you should not need to use sudo, just use this syntax to enter the Postgresql Interactive Shell:
psql -U username database_name
psql -U username hostname database_name
Replacing username with your postgresql usename, hostname (if not running on the same server) with the servers host name and database_name with the name of your database. For example:
psql -U postgressql customers
Normally sudo requires your user account password. So assuming that the account you are running the command from is listed in the sudoers file, the password it is prompting you for should be your own. Have you tried that, as opposed to the root or the postgresql password, which you don't appear to have (or might not even be set).

Local postgresql server and creating new user on linux

I installed postgresql via synaptic on ubuntu.
Now I dont know how to create new user, run server and create it in pgAdmin3.
Use this to create a postgres user called $USER:
sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER
Creating a DB with the same name as your user name makes things easier. It becomes your default DB.
createdb $USER
Use this to set a password for USER. This must be done for pgadmin3 to work.
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \password USER