Modifying postgresql.conf through shell? - postgresql

I want to modify a postgresql.conf parameter through the shell. From the documentation I can see that I can use the postgres command with the -c flag.
However, on my attempt, for example,
postgres -c autovacuum=off
postgres returns:
Execution of PostgreSQL by a user with administrative permissions is not permitted.
The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to prevent possible system security compromises. See the documentation for more information on how to properly start the server.
How can I overcome this or what is the correct procedure? Also, I don't really mind for security compromises.

Given the differences on the underlying OS, I usually prefer to do this via PostgreSQL itself, which comes handy when you're dealing with a managed service that do not give you filesystem access, like so:
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d database_name -c "alter system set postgresql_parameter = 'new_value';"
As an example when I have to install TimeScaleDB extension, I can do:
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d database_name -c "alter system set shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb';"
sudo service postgresql restart
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d database_name -c "create extension if not exists timescaledb;"


executing a .sql file through ubuntu command line for postgres

I have installed postgresql on ubuntu using:
$ sudo apt install postgresql
Now, I have a series of sql queries I would like to fire to create schemas and users and tables etc. I have put those queries in a .sql file as below:
$ sudo nano postgressetup.sql
This file has all the queries. I tried something like:
$ psql -U postgres -d postgres -a -f postgressetup.sql
and received error:
psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"
I want to know the way I can execute this .sql file.
Note: I've just installed postgres and no further operation is done on it. Any help is appreciated.
You can use the following command explicitly providing db context user
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d postgres -a -f postgressetup.sql

Restore Postgres database using pg_restore over SSH

I have a database server without much disk space, so I took a backup of the entire db (let's just call it redblue) and saved it locally using the following command (I don't have pg running on my computer):
ssh admin#w.x.y.z "pg_dump -U postgres redblue -h localhost " \
>> db_backup_redblue.sql
I'd like to now restore it to another server ( which contains an older version of "redblue" database - however wanted to ask if this is right before I try it:
ssh admin# "pg_restore -U postgres -C redblue" \
<< db_backup_redblue.sql
I wasn't sure if I need to do -C with the name of the db or not?
Will the above command overwrite/restore the remote database with the file I have locally?
No, that will do nothing good.
You have to start pg_restore on the machine where the dump is. Actually, since this is a plain format dump, you have to use psql rather than pg_restore:
psql -h -U postgres -d redblue -f db_backup_redblue.sql
That requires that there is already an empty database redblue on the target system.
If you want to replace an existing database, you have to use the --clean and --create options with pg_dump.
If you want to use SSL, you'll have to configure the PostgreSQL server to accept SSL connections, see the documentation.
I'd recommend the “custom” format of pg_dump.
Of course, you can do this :) Assuming you use ssh keys to authorize user from source host to destination host.
On the source host you do the pg_dump, then pipe through ssh to destination host like this:
pg_dump -C nextcloud | ssh -i .ssh/pg_nextcloud_key postgres# psql -d template1
Hope that helps ;)

Create database from command line

I am trying to create a database from command line.
My OS is centos and postgres version is 10.9.
sudo -u postgres psql createdb test
Password for user test:
Why is it prompting me for the password?
Change the user to postgres :
su - postgres
Create User for Postgres (in the shell and NOT with psql)
$ createuser testuser
Create Database (same)
$ createdb testdb
Acces the postgres Shell
psql ( enter the password for postgressql)
Provide the privileges to the postgres user
$ alter user testuser with encrypted password 'qwerty';
$ grant all privileges on database testdb to testuser;
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'create database test;'
createdb is a command line utility which you can run from bash and not from psql. To create a database from psql, use the create database statement like so:
create database [databasename];
Note: be sure to always end your SQL statements with ;
As some of the answers point out, createdb is a command line utility that could be used to create database.
Assuming you have a user named dbuser, the following command could be used to create a database and provide access to dbuser:
createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U dbuser testdb
Replace localhost with your correct DB host name, 5432 with correct DB port, and testdb with the database name you want to create.
Now psql could be used to connect to this newly created database:
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U dbuser -d testdb
Tested with createdb and psql versions 9.4.15.
As the default configuration of Postgres, a user called postgres is made and the user postgres has full super admin access to entire PostgreSQL instance running on your OS.
sudo -u postgres psql
The above command gets you the psql command line interface in admin mode.
Creating user
sudo -u postgres createuser <username>
Creating Database
sudo -u postgres createdb <dbname>
NOTE: < > are not to be used while writing command, they are used just to signify the variables
PostgreSQL Create Database - Steps to create database in Postgres.
Login to server using postgres - postgres
Connect to postgresql database.
bash-4.1$ psql
psql (12.1)
Type "help" for help.
Execute below command to create database.
CREATE DATABASE database_name;
Check for detailed information below:
createdb -h $PGHOST -p $PGPORT -U $PGUSER $PGDB
With a single command line:
su -c "createuser dbuser;createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -E UTF8 -O dbuser dbname;" - postgres
It is pretty simple but sometimes I find the answers tricky.
[For windows users]
Open Windows cmd
psql -U <username>
Once connected to psql, enter the following command to create a new database: CREATE DATABASE <database_name>;
To verify that the database has been created, you can run the \l command to list all available databases. Your new database should be listed in the output.------[Additional]------
You can now connect to the new database using the \c command followed by the database name, like this: \c <database_name>
You can now run SQL commands on the new database to create tables, insert data, and so on.
Note: Make sure to replace <username>, <database_name> with your actual Postgres username and database name.
If you are using pgAdmin:
In query editor you can try like this :
CREATE DATABASE <databasename>
OWNER = <dbowner>
ENCODING = <encoding>
CONNECTION LIMIT = <numberofsimulaneousconnections>;
an example snippet :
OWNER = postgres

Postgres on Docker. How can I create a database and a user?

I'm trying to create simple postgres server with docker. I use the official postgres image as a base for my container.
My Dockerfile contains these commands:
FROM postgres
USER postgres
RUN /etc/init.d/postgresql start &&\
psql --command "CREATE USER user WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'user';" &&\
createdb -O user app
And when I try to run it I have an error:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
What I'm doing wrong?
It's possible that it takes some time for postgres to start accepting connections. The way you've written it, it will call CREATE USER immediately after the start function returns. Try putting a sleep in there and see if it's still a problem.
Use pg_ctl with the -w flag so the command will finish when the server has started. No more wondering about whether we have waited long enough. And we can actually stop the server the same way
sudo -u postgres pg_ctl start -w -D ${PGDATA}
sudo -u postgres psql --command "CREATE USER user WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'user';" &&\
sudo -u postgres createdb -O user app
sudo -u postgres pg_ctl stop -w
Had the same problem inside a script in entry point. Following is my Dockerfile excerpt
# init execution
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/sbin/"]
with following commands inside the script
su postgres -c "pg_ctl start -l /var/lib/postgresql/logpostgres"
su postgres -c "createuser -s $OPENERPUSER"
adding sleep 1 before the createuser command per #seanmcl suggested correction worked for me :
su postgres -c "pg_ctl start -l /var/lib/postgresql/logpostgres"
sleep 1
su postgres -c "createuser -s $OPENERPUSER"
The problem seems to be that the postgres unix socket is not on your host machine. You can fix this by running the following command.
docker run -p 5432:5432 --volume="/run/postgresql:/run/postgresql" -d --name postgres postgres
The essential part is the --volume flag. It links the folder that includes the unix socket file .s.PGSQL.5432 to the host machine in order to be read by other processes.
This seems like a duplicate question of Installing PostgreSQL within a docker container, is that right OP?

How to run postgresql command from GCE shell?

Installing PostgreSQL on GCE requires root password to run sudo -u postgresql. This prompts for a password, which I was never given.
How do I get this pass, or any way to run postgresql commands from the shell in a different way?
Your system user postgresql doesn't have a password (I state with no proof... but I think you'll find this to be true.)
Normally you should use commands like these:
# Test that YOU can use psql (as postgres) to run a query:
psql -U postgres -c 'select * from pg_catalog.pg_user;'
# Test an interactive session:
psql -U postgres my_database
my_database=# select 42 as the_answer;
# Create a new database
psql -U postgres my_database
my_database=# create database mydb;
Alternatively, it's probably possible to login like this (it usually is):
sudo su postgres
And you could probably use this to run createdb. But running psql as yourself is probably better.
If you want to run commands against your postgresql server you should not need to use sudo, just use this syntax to enter the Postgresql Interactive Shell:
psql -U username database_name
psql -U username hostname database_name
Replacing username with your postgresql usename, hostname (if not running on the same server) with the servers host name and database_name with the name of your database. For example:
psql -U postgressql customers
Normally sudo requires your user account password. So assuming that the account you are running the command from is listed in the sudoers file, the password it is prompting you for should be your own. Have you tried that, as opposed to the root or the postgresql password, which you don't appear to have (or might not even be set).