Extend Idea Ultimate database plugin - plugins

Is it posible to extend database plugin from ultimate version of idea (13.1)? I want add some functionality (button with appropriate action) to SQL Console editor.

You can not change the code, as database plugin is closed source.
You can however try to develop your own plugin and create a new action in an appropriate place. I wouldn't know how to communicate with the database plugin itself though.


creation of a button in RTC GUI

When I create a snapshot in rtc I would like this to be able to be verified before saving it. So I would like to include a "verify" button in the GUI so that I can verify some characteristics of the snapshot such as whether the snapshot is scoped to the project or that it meets a particular naming convention.
How can I do this?
Do I need to create a plugin to do this? Do you have any suggestion to make my job easier?
i would like to do this for RTC version 6.0.6, what kind of sdk should i install? client side?
thanks in advance

Create plug-in that creates a snapshot of the source code currently opened on editor - Eclipse CDT

I need to create a plug-in for Eclipse CDT that sends a "snapshot" of the source code of the currently opened editor each time the code is "built".
I am already capable of doing it each time the user presses a custom button created by me, but it would be great if it could be done when the "standard" "build" action is performed.
Do i need no create a plug-in of the type "builder"?
I am using Eclipse 4.4.0...
Can someone help me?! (Sorry for some english mistakes... :( )
One solution would be to create your own custom "Builder". Instead of actually building the code, it would invoke the functionality you already have.
For information on how to use the eclipse build system, please have a look here: https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse/FAQ/How_do_I_implement_an_Eclipse_builder%3F.
Also, this website goes into more details about building in eclipse: https://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Builders/builders.htm. However, I think that the first one should do.
As a side note, this works with any kind of eclipse project (JDT and CDT). The build described there is common to all flavours.
Hope it helps,

Custom project type with Eclipse plugin

I'm looking to make a custom project type with an Eclipse plugin where the files for the project are actually stored on a remote server but displayed to the user as normal.
I can handle connecting to the server to fetch the files and all of that kind of business, but I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of how to display these sorts of things to the user in a project.
It sounds like you want to implement a file system rather than a new project type.
Have a look at the extension point org.eclipse.core.filesystem.filesystems.

cant find the create custom widget in the new project

i am new to vaadin and i have installed vaadin eclipse plugin and i cannot find the create custom widget in the File->New project->vaadin
and i cant find create themes etc ..as i see these things in the tutorial video and i cant find the visual editor also in the eclipse and i am using linux (operating system)
Check that you have installed the experimental visual editor like described on http://vaadin.com/eclipse. You can first create a Vaadin project from File->New project -> Vaadin project. You could also try to install the unstable version of the plugin from http://vaadin.com/eclipse/experimental (open URL with Eclipse plugin installer) if the stable one does not work.
Then you can check out the manual on http://vaadin.com/book/-/page/gwt.eclipse.html to get an idea of how to create a custom client side widget using GWT. This is practical if you wish to get some new client side behaviour not found in any existing widget(s).
However, if you just wish to have a new component without any new client side behaviour, you could extend the CustomComponent on the server side (in plain Vaadin, without making GWT components), add some custom logic and perhaps combine a number of existing components to be included. This composite CustomComponent can then be used in code as any other Vaadin component.

Cairngorm Code Generator

I was wondering if there's a code generator for Cairngorm that can be installed as a plugin in Eclipse? No code generator like in WebORB, FluorineFX that inspects the DataBase and generates a whole lot of code. I just want a plugin for eclipse where I can give in some options and properties. Then the plugin generates the appropriate event, command and delegate. If the Delegate for instance would allready exist, the new remote call would have to be appended to the Delegate.
There is a basic eclipse plugin on the adobe open source site