creation of a button in RTC GUI - plugins

When I create a snapshot in rtc I would like this to be able to be verified before saving it. So I would like to include a "verify" button in the GUI so that I can verify some characteristics of the snapshot such as whether the snapshot is scoped to the project or that it meets a particular naming convention.
How can I do this?
Do I need to create a plugin to do this? Do you have any suggestion to make my job easier?
i would like to do this for RTC version 6.0.6, what kind of sdk should i install? client side?
thanks in advance


Full build of modernizr3?

I'm using modernizr in my MVC application, and I'd like to use the inputformaction detect added in Modernizr v3. The latest version available on nuget is 2.8.3. So that means I need to add it independently from nuget. There doesn't seem to be any official full build.
The only thing I can find on their website is Download, which prompts me to create a custom build. If I select the features I'm using now, then I'll need to come back to this website every time I want a new detect, and remember all the options I chose last time. That's not really practical. I've also found that you can make custom builds using a node package and a .json definition file. I don't really feel like installing node just for this if I can avoid it.
All I want is a complete build of modernizr. Is there any way to do it other than writing a script to check all the checkboxes on their download page?
There is no such thing as a "complete" build of Modernizr. While it may be a minor inconvenience for you to rebuild when you need new detects, it can cost your users tons of time and money downloading and running javascript that is completely unneeded. There are a bunch of tools that will automate the custom build for you (bower, npm, grunt-modernizr, gulp-modernizr).
If you want a build that contains all of the options - which again is huge and horrible on perf, you can use

To invoke code before loading eclipse splash screen

I have created a eclipse product using product configuration (.product) file. I want to display a dialog before the eclipse splash screen(the product screen) appears for some validation.Since am launching the product from the configuration(.product) file,i dont have an IApplication implementation to do the same.
Usage of startup extension is not useful as the control is given to startup extension only after loading the workbench.How this usecase can be supported ? Any help is appreciated.
The startup extension is the earliest place you could get control because, for performance reasons, your plugin won't be started until the user explicitly requests some action that requires your plugin. If you have to run some validation earlier, your two choices are to modify the base Eclipse code and deliver a modified Eclipse platform with your product or perform the validation when you install your plugin.
For completeness, I'll also note that some repackagers of the Eclipse platform (IBM Rational comes to mind. Others have done this, too) have at times included a licensing component that you might be able to plug in to.
This blog describes how to add a login-dialog as part of the splash-screen. Is this what you want to accomplish?

Extend Idea Ultimate database plugin

Is it posible to extend database plugin from ultimate version of idea (13.1)? I want add some functionality (button with appropriate action) to SQL Console editor.
You can not change the code, as database plugin is closed source.
You can however try to develop your own plugin and create a new action in an appropriate place. I wouldn't know how to communicate with the database plugin itself though.

Show the history of a State Machine/Workflow

I'm trying to find a way to represent graphically the history of an operation inside an state machine. So if the operation has gone through state_1>state_2>state_3>state_2>state_4>end I would like to see that path visually.
We are using a Web-UI and a Java Backend, so any HTML-JS or Java library (that creates image files or something like this) should be ok for us. We are using JBMN for parts of the state machine, my initial approach was to find something related with it, but I haven't found anything
Any ideas?
Do you want to do some crazy animations? or just highlight the states that were already executed?
If you want to do that, you can use the jbpm designer that already provide that functionality.

How can I do "Version control" of a entire site in Liferay?

I am a member of a team who try to build several sites using Liferay. We have difficulty sharing updates between us using LAR files and we have the same problem building the test and QA version of the site. We like to use something like traditional version control where each one download a version of the site, do some changes and update the repository. Is there a way to do something like this? We suspect that we are using the LARs in the wrong way or maybe it is not meant to be used like this. Any solution? Thanks in advance.
Back up your database, check that in to your version control, The restore the database.
All the information required for a Liferay site is in the database (and the custom plugins if you're using them).
So I'd use backing up and restoring the database as your solution.