Custom project type with Eclipse plugin - eclipse

I'm looking to make a custom project type with an Eclipse plugin where the files for the project are actually stored on a remote server but displayed to the user as normal.
I can handle connecting to the server to fetch the files and all of that kind of business, but I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of how to display these sorts of things to the user in a project.

It sounds like you want to implement a file system rather than a new project type.
Have a look at the extension point org.eclipse.core.filesystem.filesystems.


Create plug-in that creates a snapshot of the source code currently opened on editor - Eclipse CDT

I need to create a plug-in for Eclipse CDT that sends a "snapshot" of the source code of the currently opened editor each time the code is "built".
I am already capable of doing it each time the user presses a custom button created by me, but it would be great if it could be done when the "standard" "build" action is performed.
Do i need no create a plug-in of the type "builder"?
I am using Eclipse 4.4.0...
Can someone help me?! (Sorry for some english mistakes... :( )
One solution would be to create your own custom "Builder". Instead of actually building the code, it would invoke the functionality you already have.
For information on how to use the eclipse build system, please have a look here:
Also, this website goes into more details about building in eclipse: However, I think that the first one should do.
As a side note, this works with any kind of eclipse project (JDT and CDT). The build described there is common to all flavours.
Hope it helps,

How to know that MPP published to the server is not created using a template available in Microsoft Project Server?

Just stumbled upon this question today:
"Is there a way to know that MPP published to the project server is not created using a template available on the server?"
Basically this comes from the point that how to find out compliance of the project plans to the standard templates.
I am not aware how it can be done?
Actually there is no way to identify by one field that this project was created using that template.
You may assume that by Enterprise Project Type, but again there is a way to change EPT for existing project.
The only way I know is to compare a template and a project by tasks, by structure, etc. it works like finger print recognition: you select several points which the most probably tell that the project was created from the template.
The worst case I can imagine: a user creates a project by a template and after that removes everything from the project. Formally the project was created by the template but in real there is nothing from the template left in the project.

Mapping between resource file and model object in Eclipse plugin app

Please anyone help me understand and use IDE.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage, IFile).
I have a resource file (xml format), it contains my model objects. I'm writing a wizard to create it, save it into workspace, view it inside a tree view (I use CommonNavigator) and open it in an editor. I need to know the control flow of this all. How to map between resource file and model objects, how the navigator can show that objects and how to open editor that associated with my resource file.
I'm sorry, I'm a newbie in Eclipse field. I know I need too much, but please give me at least an idea.
Thanks a lot.
A great character once said... "You have much to learn young padawan".
Here's a great place to start your journey though the basics of Eclipse plug-in / RCP development...
If you really want to get down and dirty into the bowels of Eclipse, you can use Eclipse itself to teach you the dirty details about what's really going on.
Figure out how to view Eclipse source code inside of Eclipse.
Set break points at interesting points in Eclipse source code that you want to know more about.
Use the 'Eclipse Application' run configuration to run an instance of Eclipse from within your main Eclipse.
Use your newly launched Eclipse to preform the tasks you want to mimic and hopefully, you'll hit one of your break points and see how the Eclipse developers did what you want to do.

Auto upload files in included path using Netbeans

I have a NetBeans javascript project with several included paths for plugins. I do not want to include the plugins in my core repository, so I have created separate, external folders for each and am including them via an include path. Because I test across many devices, I need my changes to upload on save and this works fine for the main code base, however, I would like to be able to edit a plugin via the include path and see those changes auto uploaded as well. Is this possible?
As of right now, the only alternative I see is to create separate projects for each plugin, which I am willing to do if this is the only option. The single project workflow is very preferable to me and I might be willing to switch IDE's if this is possible in another environment.
I would be happy to elaborate if my intentions are unclear.
I don't think it's possible. What about creating one single "umbrella" project for all plugins and simply manage it the same way you do the main project?
Personal note: What you have is basically several projects and the uploading is focused always on single project. So what you want is like "I want to treat them as projects but not to at the same time" :) Btw, how do you edit a plugin? I guess open it as a project in NetBeans or use some text editor. So again you basically treat it as a project.

Easy way to add a context action to Eclipse

I'm trying to add a very simple action to the context menu of Eclipse: clicking with right button over a folder object, this action should call an external tool (configured in the "External Tools") using the path of the folder as the only parameter.
I've found a tutorial on how to add a context menu, but it's more complex than what I need -- I don't really want to create a plugin, I don't even want to create classes to do what I want. My only purpose is to call an external tool.
How can I do it?
If you want to extend Eclipse with functionality such as editing context menu's, the only way to go is by writing a plug-in. However, this can be very light-weight and targeted to your needs, so the tutorial you found might be a good way to do it.
Check out StartExplorer. It's very handy. It's the equivalent of the IntelliJ "Neighborhood" plugin.
It comes with the basics of explore, command shell, open, and copy path for Windows, Mac and Linux. It also supports custom commands. And can be installed through a normal Eclipse repository.