Deploy WebObjects applications on Mavericks - deployment

Has anyone done it? If so, can you please direct me to some instructions. I was able to deploy on Lion but had no luck on Mavericks. Thanks for your help.

There is no real difference in Mavericks or any of the other OS X versions. The only Gotcha was making sure you were editing the correct httpd.conf file. Apple did a good job of obfuscating the file locations.
Here is a good start:
then follow the instruction at:
i would leave another link, but stack overflow is complaining that I don't have that privilege.
check the


Is it possible to install Weblogic on Apple M1 computers?

I've been looking for information about this, but I don't find anything. I think there's no version available at Oracle site for installing Weblogic 12.2.1.X on Apple M1 devices, but maybe it's possible to do it using Rosetta 2.
Has somebody tried it? I cannot because I don't have an M1 device yet, but I'm wondering because I still develop soft that runs on Weblogic.
I could, but i had to add an argument -ignoreSysPrereqs (for example java -jar fmw_12. -ignoreSysPrereqs), because throwed me a error
The error:
Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz. Actual unknown. Failed <<<<
I used this documentation:
I currently use different versions (10.3.6,..)
I just copy the folder installed in an old mac with intel, an then they work 99%, was necessary fix the folders resource like java.
But just realize have an issue on ServiceConnector, for remote calls ..

Not able to install software on macOS using installer

I just bought a new MacBook Pro 2016 Edition about 2 weeks ago.
I installed a bunch of applications and software so far by copying them into Applications Folder as well as by following installer wizard.
Now today I tried to install Wireshark using installer wizard. I tried to install teamviewer too later today which also uses installer wizard. And both give me the same error.
I really need to resolve this because I need TeamViewer soon and I'm not finding anyone else facing this issue online anywhere.
Please advise.
Thank you
I also encountered such an error before,to solve it dont copy the pakage to your app folder, but instead open it with admin powers and that should fix the issue.
If you have purchased this software then you can call the tech support, else dont call them it can put you in danger for installing pirated software.
I looked everywhere. Didn't find a viable solution. But then reinstalled the OS. Which didn't affect any of my data or installed application. I got the whole Operating System the same way I left it. But resolved the issue I was facing.

How to install PgBouncer on Windows 7 (x64)

I am attempting to install PgBouncer on my computer with no success. In the installation page, im told that PgBouncer has two dependencies GNU Make 3.81+ and libevent 2.0. Never having used or heard of these two software before, Im completely lost.
I have read a little on both but have yet to find or fully understand what they actually do and how they will help me set up PgBouncer. From what I've read, PgBouncer does not come compiled for windows and I need the other two to compile it. I have searched for tutorials online but it seems that im falling into a black hole of misunderstanding.
Im looking for a simple explanation on how to install PgBouncer or how these software work with one another. Thanks.
If anyone now searches the binaries because is offline now, check out my page under I have all the binaries from the Saito page but didn't yet succeed to build the project on my own. If anyone has ideas, don't hesitate to contact me here or on Github :)
EDIT: I'm now able to build pgbouncer for windows just having some issues with the pandoc thing (Follow I will provide binaries soon. The instructions are already online under the page listed above :)
Im looking for a simple explanation on how to install PgBouncer
A little late, but if you use the EDB installer for PostgreSQL, as linked on (, you can install Stack Builder. From inside Stack Builder, PgBouncer can be installed (EDB build).
Unfortunately, it's not the latest version. Now, PgBouncer 1.17.0 is available and Stack Builder provides 1.16.1.
Personally, I don't understand why the PgBouncer project doesn't just offer a Windows build. So everybody would be able to get the latest release.
I have not messed with pgbouncer in years but have had multiple comments on what I did to solve my problem.
In the link bellow is the pgbouncer build I last used on my project. From what I remember, all you would need to do is replace the users in the config/user.txt with yours and go into config/pgbouncer.ini and change the configuration to work with your set up. To start it, just run the run.bat file or pgbouncer.exe config/pgbouncer.iniin the cmd prompt. You want to download everything in the folder.

where can I report/get response on eclipse crashes caused by 14.02-14.04 upgrade?

Yes, I know. I got no rep on this site. But I have to ask this.
I upgraded my laptop, my main dev machine, from 14.02 LTS to 14.04 LTS and the plugins I use with eclipse (3.7) completely broke. I use WOLips ( with eclipse. WOLips is for working with WebObjects applications.
I was getting two crashes. One would occur when editing a java file, when auto-suggest kicked in. I fixed this by adding "-Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla" to the end of my eclipse.ini. I have no idea how I found that. It took a lot of random searching.
Now, I get an exception whenever I open a WOComponent:
Unhandled event loop exception
No more handles [Could not detect registered XULRunner to use]
Trying to define a XULRunnerPath just gives me even stranger errors.
I can file a bug with eclipse (which I did). I tried eclipse 4.2 and 4.4 and got other complicated integration issues. I can file a bug with mozilla (though I was not aware that they were involved). I can install a copy of xulrunner (outside of my copy of Firefox) and point to that (which I did). I can file a bug with ubuntu launchpad (which I did). None of these get you very much response.
So, I was going from one LTS to another LTS. 14.04 - 14.02 = 0.02. Not a huge deal, yes? Should I have expected problems? How can I file a bug with the people involved in just this upgrade and not the other twelve systems that this touches upon?
I had Apple laptops for a long time. I do not expect that amount of hand-holding. But I do wish someone would throw me a bone.
I can get work done if I go buy another hard disk, install 12.04 onto it and copy all of my data back. Is this really necessary? You know, I am willing to help integration testing of these releases. But the systems for finding the right place to put my oar in the water seem fairly impenetrable. Any suggestions? I do not mind working for a solution. If there is a solution.
Did you try Eclipse 4.4 and use the instructions on the wiki for compiling the new WOLips? the Eclipse 4.4 is acting just fine for me (but I'm on a Mac sorry :( )

Using HipHop VM on windows

I just read an article and learned about the HHVM which is built on the lines of JVM for Java. I went ahead and tried searching on the web, but found only articles about installing it on Ubuntu build 12 version.
I have been using a WAMP stack and would like to know if I can use the HHVM for any of my application. Also,I would like to understand if the HHVM can be integrated with our existing applications. Earlier an article suggested HipHop was what FB wrote to enhance their performance based on their requirements,and it may not suit yours. Is the same case with HHVM?
At present, HHVM does not support Windows. The HHVM team probably will not be adding Windows support in 2013, though they might pursue it at some point in the future. The team gladly accepts code contributions from developers who want to improve HHVM's support for different platforms at . You can also open a github issue at to ask about Windows support.
Just as an update, since this is still popular - there is an official compiling/installation guide here at their Wiki for windows.
Full installation run-through guide.