GreenDao query OR within AND - greendao

I would like to build the following query using GreenDao.
select * from luckydrawclick e where e.user = ? and ( = ? or = ? or = ? or = ? or = ?);
The following is what I have so far.
List<LuckyDrawClick> luckyDrawClicks = luckyDrawClickDao.queryBuilder().where(Properties.User.eq(currentUser)).and(**********).list();
What do I need to place where ********** is?

I have found the answer to my own question.
QueryBuilder<LuckyDrawClick> qb = luckyDrawClickDao.queryBuilder();
qb.where(, Properties.User.eq(currentUser));
List<LuckyDrawClick> luckyDrawClicks = qb.list();

QueryBuilder.and() and QueryBuilder.or() are used to combine WhereConditions.
The resulting WhereConditions have to be used inside QueryBuilder.where() (which will combine the conditions using AND) or QueryBuilder.whereOr().


Pyspark join on multiple aliased table columns

Python doesn't like the ampersand below.
I get the error: & is not a supported operation for types str and str. Please review your code.
Any idea how to get this right? I've never tried to join more than 1 column for aliased tables. Thx!!
df_initial_sample = df_crm.alias('crm').join(df_cngpt.alias('cng'), on= (("") & ("crm.cpid = cng.cpid")), how = "inner")
Try using as below -
df_initial_sample = df_crm.alias('crm').join(df_cngpt.alias('cng'), on= (["id"] and ["cpid"]), how = "inner")
Your join condition is overcomplicated. It can be as simple as this
df_initial_sample = df_crm.join(df_cngpt, on=['id', 'cpid'], how = 'inner')

EF core .any not filtering results

I have the following sql, which I'm trying to translate to linq:
FROM [Service] s
inner join vendor v on
inner join VendorLocation vl on
where and and vl.City = 'toronto' and vl.Active=1
I have a Service that belongs to a Vendor and the Vendor has Locations. I'm trying to filter the locations based on city, but the query returns results that don't satisfy the conditions in the ".Any" clause
var service = await _context.Service
.Where(s => s.Active && s.Vendor.Active)
.Include(s => s.Vendor)
.ThenInclude(s => s.VendorLocations)
.Where(s => s.Vendor.VendorLocations.Any(l => l.City == City && l.Active))
The sql statement returns the correct results but the linq is not.
Any help is appreciated, thanks! Ben
You can try with query notation:
var query = from v in _context.Vendors
join s in v.Services on v.Id equals s.VendorId
join l in v.ServiceLocations on v.Id equals l.VendorId
where v.Active && s.Active && l.City=="Toronto"
select new {v,s,l};
var result= await query.ToLinqAsync();
Hi your using EF Core now , But
I suggest Use LINQ because its simplest
Please read this page for more
and this is sample code
var innerGroupJoinQuery2 =
from category in categories
join prod in products on category.ID equals prod.CategoryID into prodGroup
from prod2 in prodGroup
where prod2.UnitPrice > 2.50M
select prod2;
the query returns results that don't satisfy the conditions in the ".Any" clause
Those queries just aren't the same. The SQL Query returns one row per VendorLocation with additional columns from joined tables, and projects all the columns.
FROM [Service] s
inner join vendor v on
inner join VendorLocation vl on
where and and vl.City = 'toronto' and vl.Active=1
In LINQ this would be something like
from vl in VendorLocation
where vl.Vendor.Active
&& vl.Vendor.Service.Active
&& vl.Active
&& vl.City = 'toronto'
select new
ServiceName = vl.Vendor.Service.Name,
ServiceDescription = vl.Vendor.Service.Description,
. . .
VendorName = vl.Vendor.Name,
VendorWhatever = vl.Vendor.Whatever,
. . .
. . .

Column is not updating in postgresql

I tried to update my table like below:
$query = "select *
FROM sites s, companies c, tests t
WHERE t.test_siteid = s.site_id
AND c.company_id = s.site_companyid
AND t.test_typeid = '20' AND s.site_id = '1337'";
$queryrow = $db->query($query);
$results = $queryrow->as_array();
foreach($results as $key=>$val){
$update = "update tests set test_typeid = ? , test_testtype = ? where test_siteid = ?";
$queryrow = $db->query($update,array('10','Meter Calibration Semi Annual',$val->site_id));
The above code is working good. But in update query , The column test_typeid is not updated with '10'. Column test_typeid is updating with empty value. Other columns are updating good. I dont know why this column test_typeid is not updating? And the column test_typeid type is integer only. I am using postgreSql
And My table definition is:
What i did wrong with the code. Kindly advice me on this.
Thanks in advance.
First, learn to use proper JOIN syntax. Never use commas in the FROM clause; always use proper explicit JOIN syntax.
You can write the query in one statement:
update tests t
set test_typeid = '10',
test_testtype = 'Meter Calibration Semi Annual'
from sites s join
companies c
on c.company_id = s.site_companyid
where t.test_siteid = s.site_id and
t.test_typeid = 20 and s.site_id = 1337;
I assume the ids are numbers, so there is no need to use single quotes for the comparisons.

Updating using subqueries sql server 2008

There are two update queries and 1st update query execute successfully but 2nd update query is not execute and show the following message:
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. The statement has been terminated.
1st update query:
update dbo.TblPrePostApproval
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedDate = (select dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppRefDate
from dbo.TblMasterInfo
Where dbo.TblMasterInfo.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedTenor = '36',
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedAmt = (select dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppReqeustAmt
from dbo.TblMasterInfo
where dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid = dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppID),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PADisbBr = (select dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppSourceBrName
from dbo.TblMasterInfo
where dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid = dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppID)
2nd update query
update dbo.TblPrePostApproval
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedDate = (select dbo.TestPost.PADate
from dbo.TestPost
Where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedTenor = (select dbo.TestPost.PATenor
from dbo.TestPost
Where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedAmt = (select dbo.TestPost.PAAmt
from dbo.TestPost
where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.AppID),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PADisbBr = (select dbo.TestPost.PABr
from dbo.TestPost
where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.AppID)
Where is my problem? Pls any one suggest me.
One of your subqueries (I guess on line 10) is returning more than one row, so it can't check to see if it equals anything, because it's a set, not a value. Just change your query to be more specific. Try adding LIMIT 0, 1 to the end of the subqueries, or TOP (1) after the the SELECT in each subquery.
Why don't you use JOINs for your update? Much easier to read and understand!
Query #1:
PAApprovedDate = info.AppRefDate,
PAApprovedTenor = '36',
PAApprovedAmt = info.AppReqeustAmt,
PADisbBr = info.AppSourceBrName
dbo.TblPrePostApproval ppa
dbo.TblMasterInfo.TblMasterInfo info ON info.Appid = ppa.Appid
Query #2:
PAApprovedDate = tp.PADate,
PAApprovedTenor = tp.PATenor,
PAApprovedAmt = tp.PAAmt,
PADisbBr = tp.PABr
dbo.TblPrePostApproval ppa
dbo.TestPost tp ON tp.Appid = ppa.AppID

how can one table name used more than once in query of postgresql

I create view in the postgresql that for write query but error message display table name used more than once. How to solve this problem?
tbcitizen.firstname || '-' || tbcitizen.middlename || '-' || tbcitizen.familyname as firstname,
tbcontact ON tbcitizen.citizenidp = tbcontact.referenceidf AND tbcontact.referencetypeidf = 1 AND
tbcontact.isprimery = 1 INNER JOIN
tbaddress ON tbcitizen.citizenidf = tbaddress.referenceidf AND tbaddress.referencetypeidf = 1 AND
tbaddress.isprimery = 1 INNER JOIN
tbcity ON tbaddress.cityidf = tbcity.cityidp
tbaddress.referencetypeidf = tbcitizen.citizenidp AND
tbaddress.referenceidf = tbcitizen.citizenidp AND
tbaddress.cityidf = tbcity.cityidp
Error = table name "tbcontact" specified more than once
As the error states that - your table tbcontact used 2 times as the source table. So it creates ambiguity for the postgres database engine. So to resolve this issue you have to use table alias with different name.
Hope it'll help you.