Updating using subqueries sql server 2008 - sql-server-2008-r2

There are two update queries and 1st update query execute successfully but 2nd update query is not execute and show the following message:
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. The statement has been terminated.
1st update query:
update dbo.TblPrePostApproval
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedDate = (select dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppRefDate
from dbo.TblMasterInfo
Where dbo.TblMasterInfo.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedTenor = '36',
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedAmt = (select dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppReqeustAmt
from dbo.TblMasterInfo
where dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid = dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppID),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PADisbBr = (select dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppSourceBrName
from dbo.TblMasterInfo
where dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid = dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppID)
2nd update query
update dbo.TblPrePostApproval
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedDate = (select dbo.TestPost.PADate
from dbo.TestPost
Where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedTenor = (select dbo.TestPost.PATenor
from dbo.TestPost
Where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedAmt = (select dbo.TestPost.PAAmt
from dbo.TestPost
where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.AppID),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PADisbBr = (select dbo.TestPost.PABr
from dbo.TestPost
where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.AppID)
Where is my problem? Pls any one suggest me.

One of your subqueries (I guess on line 10) is returning more than one row, so it can't check to see if it equals anything, because it's a set, not a value. Just change your query to be more specific. Try adding LIMIT 0, 1 to the end of the subqueries, or TOP (1) after the the SELECT in each subquery.

Why don't you use JOINs for your update? Much easier to read and understand!
Query #1:
PAApprovedDate = info.AppRefDate,
PAApprovedTenor = '36',
PAApprovedAmt = info.AppReqeustAmt,
PADisbBr = info.AppSourceBrName
dbo.TblPrePostApproval ppa
dbo.TblMasterInfo.TblMasterInfo info ON info.Appid = ppa.Appid
Query #2:
PAApprovedDate = tp.PADate,
PAApprovedTenor = tp.PATenor,
PAApprovedAmt = tp.PAAmt,
PADisbBr = tp.PABr
dbo.TblPrePostApproval ppa
dbo.TestPost tp ON tp.Appid = ppa.AppID


Postgresql Update & Inner Join

I am trying to update data in Table: local.import_payments from Table: local.payments based on update and Inner Join queries. The query I used:
Update local.import_payments
Set local.import_payments.client_id = local.payments.payment_for_client__record_id,
local.import_payments.client_name = local.payments.payment_for_client__company_name,
local.import_payments.customer_id = local.payments.customer__record_id,
local.import_payments.customer_name = local.payment_from_customer,
local.import_payments.payment_id = local.payments.payment_id
From local.import_payments
Inner Join local.payments
Where local.payments.copy_to_imported_payments = 'true'
The client_id, client_name, customer_id, customer_name in the local.import_payments need to get updated with the values from the table local.payments based on the condition that the field copy_to_imported_payments is checked.
I am getting a syntax error while executing the query. I tried a couple of things, but they did not work. Can anyone look over the queries and let me know where the issue is
Try the following
UPDATE local.import_payments
Set local.import_payments.client_id =
local.import_payments.client_name =
local.import_payments.customer_id = local.payments.customer__record_id,
local.import_payments.customer_name = local.payment_from_customer,
local.import_payments.payment_id = local.payments.payment_id
FROM local.payments as lpay
WHERE lpay.<<field>> = local.import_payments.<<field>>
AND local.payments.copy_to_imported_payments = 'true'
You shouldn't to specify the schema/table for updated columns, only column names:
Do not include the table's name in the specification of a target column — for example, UPDATE table_name SET table_name.col = 1 is invalid.
from the doc
You shouldn't to use the updating table in the from clause except of the case of self-join.
You can to make your query shorter using "column-list syntax".
update local.import_payments as target
set (
payment_id) = (
from local.payments as source
<join condition> and
source.copy_to_imported_payments = 'true'

Optimizing Postgres query with timestamp filter

I have a query:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (analytics_staging_v2s.event_type, sent_email_v2s.recipient, sent_email_v2s.sent) sent_email_v2s.id, sent_email_v2s.user_id, analytics_staging_v2s.event_type, sent_email_v2s.campaign_id, sent_email_v2s.recipient, sent_email_v2s.sent, sent_email_v2s.stage, sent_email_v2s.sequence_id, people.role, people.company, people.first_name, people.last_name, sequences.name as sequence_name
FROM "sent_email_v2s"
LEFT JOIN analytics_staging_v2s ON sent_email_v2s.id = analytics_staging_v2s.sent_email_v2_id
JOIN people ON sent_email_v2s.person_id = people.id
JOIN sequences on sent_email_v2s.sequence_id = sequences.id
JOIN users ON sent_email_v2s.user_id = users.id
WHERE "sent_email_v2s"."status" = 1
AND "people"."person_type" = 0
AND (sent_email_v2s.sequence_id = 1888) AND (sent_email_v2s.sent >= '2016-03-18')
AND "users"."team_id" = 1
When I run EXPLAIN ANALYZE on it, I get:
Then, if I change that to the following (Just removing the (sent_email_v2s.sent >= '2016-03-18')) as follows:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (analytics_staging_v2s.event_type, sent_email_v2s.recipient, sent_email_v2s.sent) sent_email_v2s.id, sent_email_v2s.user_id, analytics_staging_v2s.event_type, sent_email_v2s.campaign_id, sent_email_v2s.recipient, sent_email_v2s.sent, sent_email_v2s.stage, sent_email_v2s.sequence_id, people.role, people.company, people.first_name, people.last_name, sequences.name as sequence_name
FROM "sent_email_v2s"
LEFT JOIN analytics_staging_v2s ON sent_email_v2s.id = analytics_staging_v2s.sent_email_v2_id
JOIN people ON sent_email_v2s.person_id = people.id
JOIN sequences on sent_email_v2s.sequence_id = sequences.id
JOIN users ON sent_email_v2s.user_id = users.id
WHERE "sent_email_v2s"."status" = 1
AND "people"."person_type" = 0
AND (sent_email_v2s.sequence_id = 1888) AND "users"."team_id" = 1
when I run EXPLAIN ANALYZE on this query, the results are:
The results above from today are about as I expected. When I ran this last night, however, the difference created by including the timestamp filter was about 100x slower (0.5s -> 59s). The EXPLAIN ANALYZE from last night showed all of the time increase to be attributed to the first unique/sort operation in the query plan above.
Could there be some kind of caching issue here? I am worried now that there might be something else going on (transiently) that might make this query take 100x longer since it happened at least once.
Any thoughts are appreciated!

Execute Dynamic Select into string in Teradata

This is the MySQL query, now I need this below dynamic query to execute in TERADATA SQL.
set l_sql=concat('SELECT max(',l_rid_col,'), MAX(cid) INTO #c2, #c3 FROM ',p_database,'.',p_table);
SET l_rid = #c2;
SET l_cid = #c3;
And this update query:
update table_a
set row = ifnull(l_rid, 0),
column = ifnull(l_cid, 0)
where databasename = p_database
and tablename = p_table;
But In Teradata I tried this way:
update table_a as a
from (select max(l_rid) TR, MAX(l_cid) TCC
from DEVP.employees) as b
set a.row = b.TR, a.column = b.TCC
where a.databasename = 'DEVP'
and a.tablename = 'employees';
Please remove the alias name from the LHS of the update statement.
a.colA=b.colname should be colA=b.colname
I got the answer:
update table_a from (select max(l_rid) TR, MAX(l_cid) TCC from DEVP.employees )as b
set row= b.TR , column=b.TCC where databasename='DEVP' and tablename='employees';
ISSUE: I just removed the alias name in UPDATE. finally got it.

Returning distinct columns from left outer join in db2

ON (
nzy.NZCNO1 = acn.ANCNO1
AND nzy.NZCNO2 = acn.ANCNO2
AND nzy.NZCNO3 = acn.ANCNO3
AND nzy.NZCNO4 = acn.ANCNO4
AND nzy.NZCNO5 = acn.ANCNO5
AND nzy.NZDLTM = ''
acn.ANDLTM = ''
AND acn.ANTKCD = '1029'
AND nzy.NZTXKB = 1
The problem here is it gives 2 rows result.I want to get one unique row from the result of left outer join .Any help?
If both rows are identical, try
If not, you can try to SUM(), CONCAT(), MAX() or whatever the column with different values.
Difficult to be more precise without a sample output.

How to determine the size of a Full-Text Index on SQL Server 2008 R2?

I have a SQL 2008 R2 database with some tables on it having some of those tables a Full-Text Index defined. I'd like to know how to determine the size of the index of a specific table, in order to control and predict it's growth.
Is there a way of doing this?
The catalog view sys.fulltext_index_fragments keeps track of the size of each fragment, regardless of catalog, so you can take the SUM this way. This assumes the limitation of one full-text index per table is going to remain the case. The following query will get you the size of each full-text index in the database, again regardless of catalog, but you could use the WHERE clause if you only care about a specific table.
[table] = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(table_id) + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(table_id),
size_in_KB = CONVERT(DECIMAL(12,2), SUM(data_size/1024.0))
FROM sys.fulltext_index_fragments
-- WHERE table_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.specific_table_name')
GROUP BY table_id;
Also note that if the count of fragments is high you might consider a reorganize.
If you are after a specific Catalogue
- Clik on [Database] and expand the objects
- Click on [Storage]
- Right Click on {Specific Catalogue}
- Choose Propertie and click.
IN General TAB.. You will find the Catalogue Size = 'nn'
I use something similar to this (which will also calculate the size of XML-indexes, ... if present)
SELECT S.name,
rows = CASE WHEN GROUPING(SIT.internal_type_desc) = 0 THEN SUM(SP.rows)
TotalSpaceGB = SUM(SAU.total_pages) * 8 / 1048576.0,
UsedSpaceGB = SUM(SAU.used_pages) * 8 / 1048576.0,
UnusedSpaceGB = SUM(SAU.total_pages - SAU.used_pages) * 8 / 1048576.0,
TotalSpaceKB = SUM(SAU.total_pages) * 8,
UsedSpaceKB = SUM(SAU.used_pages) * 8,
UnusedSpaceKB = SUM(SAU.total_pages - SAU.used_pages) * 8
FROM sys.objects SO
INNER JOIN sys.schemas S ON S.schema_id = SO.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.internal_tables SIT ON SIT.parent_object_id = SO.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.partitions SP ON SP.object_id = SIT.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units SAU ON (SAU.type IN (1, 3)
AND SAU.container_id = SP.hobt_id)
OR (SAU.type = 2
AND SAU.container_id = SP.partition_id)
WHERE S.name = 'schema'
--AND SO.name IN ('TableName')
(S.name, SO.name), (S.name), ())
ORDER BY S.name,
This will generally give numbers higher than sys.fulltext_index_fragments, but when combined with the sys.partitions of the table, it will add up to the numbers returned from EXEC sys.sp_spaceused #objname = N'schema.TableName';.
Tested with SQL Server 2016, but documentation says it should be present since 2008.