Entity Framework Code First Foreign Key Problems - entity-framework

I am trying to use EF Code First on an existing database. I first tried some of the reverse-engineering tools, but I ran into problems with that, so at the moment I am trying to hand-code some of the classes. I am having some trouble getting some of the foreign key relationships set up. Consider two tables. The first is called LocaleValueLookup:
public class LocaleValueLookup
public int Id { get; set; }
public Guid Guid { get; set; }
This table provides an Id for multi-language text held in a different table (that other table is not important for the purposes of this question). The second table is called SectionType, and it has an optional FK to LocaleValueLookup:
public class SectionType
public int EnumId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int? DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookupId { get; set; }
// Navigation property
public LocaleValueLookup DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup { get; set; }
I have tried various things, including adding a [ForeignKey] attribute to the SectionType.LocaleValueLookup property, and various incantations in the DbContext.OnModelCreating() override, but when I query the DbContext, I can't get the DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup to be anything but null. I can retrieve other objects from the context just fine, and I have verified that DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookupId is not null at least some of the time.
My OnModelBuilding() contains the following:
.HasKey(lvl => lvl.Id);
modelBuilder.Entity<LocaleValueLookup>().Property(lvl => lvl.Id).IsRequired();
.HasKey(st => st.EnumId);
modelBuilder.Entity<SectionType>().Property(st => st.EnumId).IsRequired();
A couple of other points:
I would prefer not to have a SectionType collection on the LocaleValueLookup object. LocaleValueLookup is a low-level class that a lot of other classes depend on, so to include a collection property on LocaleValueLookup for every other class that references it will make for an unwieldy class with a lot of collections on it that I don't need from a domain perspective.
I would prefer to do the mapping setup in DbContext.OnModelCreating() rather than using attributes on my model objects
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

It looks like your foreign key is nullable so that means an optional -> many relationship.
Could you try something like this:
.HasOptional(opt => opt.DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup)
.WithMany() // no navigation on the other side
.HasForeignKey(fk => fk.DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookupId);
If you were to write a query like this you should get a value back:
var query =
from st in db.SectionTypes
where st.EnumId == 12345
select new
SectionType = st,
LocaleValue = st.DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup
It will only be non-null if the foreign key has a value, obviously.


How do you map strings in the database to enums in your model without introducing a second property?

My database has a table like this:
- CatId INT PK
- Name VARCHAR(100)
- FavoriteToy VARCHAR(100)
And my code looks like this:
public int CatId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Toy FavoriteToy {get; set; }
public enum Toy { Box, Ball, StuffedAnimal }
In a normalized database I would use a lookup table in the database to store all the toys and then the Cats table would just store a ToyId. But for this situation it's a lot easier to just store the FavoriteToy as a string even though it will be redundant.
The problem is I don't know how to convert a string in the database to an enum in code without creating a second FavoriteToyString property and having FavoriteToy just be a computed that returns the enum derived from FavoriteToyString.
I've heard this might be possible in the current version of entity framework. Is that true? Can you please show me how to do this?
You may use DTO class and automapper to solve your issue :)
Generally, yes a lookup table reference is a better option since your data can comply with referential integrity. That is, No cat records with toys that your Enum hopefully doesn't contain. (Though your Enum would need to be kept in sync with the Toys table.) You can configure EF to store enumerations as a string using a bit of a trick with the mapping:
public class Cat
public int CatId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string FavoriteToyMapped { get; set; }
public Toy FavoriteToy
get { return (Toy)Enum.Parse(typeof(Toy), FavoriteToyMapped); }
set { FavoriteToyMapped = value.ToString(); }
The caveat of this approach is that where you might use Linq to Entity to filter on your cat's favorite toy, you need to reference the FavoriteToyMapped value in the query expression because EF/DB won't know what FavoriteToy is.
Cats with a favorite toy of "Yarn"
var catsThatLoveYarn = context.Cats.Where(c => c.FavoriteToyMapped == Toys.Yarn.ToString()).ToList();
// not
var catsThatLoveYarn = context.Cats.Where(c => c.FavoriteToy == Toys.Yarn).ToList();
// Will error because EF doesn't map that property.
Once you are working with instances of entities, that the set of entities has been pulled back from the database, you can further access/refine queries with FavoriteToy. Just be cautious and prepared for the unknown field if you use it too early and EF goes and tries to compose a query.
var threeYearOldCats = context.Cats.Where(c => c.Age == 3).ToList();
var threeYearOldCatsThatLoveYarn = threeYearOldCats.Where(c => c.FavoriteToy == Toys.Yarn).ToList();
This is Ok because the .ToList() in the first query executed the EF-to-SQL, so threeYearOldCats is now a local List<Cat> of cat entities, not an IQueryable<Cat>.

Get related columns from FK table in a one-to-one related table - EF Core (2)

This should be fairly easy but I am struggling quite a bit.
My situation is as follows:
I have a table (Commodity) with a foreign key to another table (CommodityMaterial). In my GET endpoint I want to retrieve all the column data from Commodity and all the columns from CommodityMaterial as well.
I have set it up as follows:
public class Commodity
public long CommodityID { get; set; }
public long CommodityMaterialID { get; set; }
public decimal? SpecficWeight { get; set; }
public OmsCommodityMaterial OmsCommodityMaterial { get; set; }
public ICollection<OmsCommodityMaterial> OmsCommodityMaterials { get; set; }
The Foreign key table:
public class CommodityMaterial
public long? CommodityMaterialID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public long? SortOrder { get; set; }
public Commodity Commodity { get; set; }
modelBuilder.Entity<Commodity>(entity =>
entity.Property(e => e.CommodityID)
entity.Property(e => e.CommodityMaterialID)
entity.Property(e => e.SpecficWeight)
.HasColumnType("decimal(18, 2)");
entity.HasOne(a => a.OmsCommodityMaterial)
.WithOne(b => b.Commodity)
.HasForeignKey<Commodity>(b => b.CommodityMaterialID);
This creates the proper relationship, a CommodityMaterial (ID) is needed when creating a Commodity.
Now I want to get all values / columns of the Commodity table, but also the related columns of the CommodityMaterial table (CommodityMaterialID, Name and SortOrder). After reading some other posts i found out I should/could use Include to get related data, my GET operation looks as follow:
public async Task<IEnumerable<Commodity>> GetTest()
return await Context.Commodity.Include(x => x.OmsCommodityMaterials).ToListAsync();
However, this still only returns the 3 columns of the Commodity table (CommodityID, CommodityMaterialID, SpecficWeight)
Anyone has a clue what I am doing wrong?
Ok, I am a bit ashamed, the problem was the fact that I was using a DataContract annotation in my Commodity POCO class, which was omitted in the code above, the OmsCommodityMaterial reference was missing a DataMember attribute thus making it's fields invisible...
Although not an answer per se maybe you would find it yourself here.
Include()/ThenInclude() (Eager loading) is one of three possible solutions. I suggest you explore the other two as well - Explicit and Lazy.
EDIT: Further investigating your code it seems a bit strange to have a collection of entities in a one-to-one relationship. Maybe you would want to use just the class and (this is important!) specify class names in < and > when calling HasOne(). If you use ReSharper, or something similar, such tool suggest name simplification, that is to get rid of explicitly specifying the types when templating fluent methods. This is the next special place when EF gives slightly different meaning to known C# features. The first one is the very well-known virtuals.
I am a bit ashamed by this, the problem was the fact that I was using a DataContract annotation in my Commodity POCO class, which was omitted in the code above, the OmsCommodityMaterial reference was missing a DataMember attribute thus making it's fields invisible...

EF Code first and optional:optional relationship

According to msdn article, the following should create an optional:optional relationship, but instead it creates optional:many relationship. Is the article wrong?
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasKey(o1 => o1.id1);
.HasKey(o2 => o2.id2);
.HasOptional(o1 => o1.Dependent)
.WithOptionalPrincipal(o2 => o2.Principal);
public class Optional_1
public int id1 { get; set; }
public Optional_2 Dependent { get; set; }
public class Optional_2
public int id2 { get; set; }
public Optional_1 Principal { get; set; }
thank you
The table might look like one to many, but Entity Framework will enforce it as optional:optional because of the navigation properties. Since the navigation property is only a single object and not a collection, there is no way to add multiple.
If you look at the generated tables, it creates a nullable foreign key to your principal table (Optional_1). This allows you to create an Optional_2 that is not associated with an Optional_1.
If you were to insert multiple rows into Optional_2 that have the same foreign key to Optional_1 outside of EF, there wouldn't be anything preventing it from going through. If you were to try and load these entities you would get an error. You can't add a unique index to the column because it needs to allow NULL since it is optional.

An alternative way of implemening navigation properties in Entity Framework

The official approach to defining navigation properties for complex entities is:
public class SuperEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
//Other properties
public class LowerEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public int SuperEntityId { get; set; }
public virtual SuperEntity SuperEntity { get; set; }
//Other properties
The main thing here is that a class that references (allows navigation to linked super entity) has both public SuperEntity SuperEntity { get; set; } property, as well as it's Id in public int SuperEntityId { get; set; }.
I have gone a few days into my entities design ommiting the public int SuperEntityId { get; set; } property in the "lower entities". So I am navigating only by virtual SuperEntity property. And everything works fine! But I had people on SO telling me that it creates an excessive tables in the DB. I've checked, and that is not true. When I use my approach, the DB tables has the SuperEntityId column and just populates it with the referenced entity Id automatically. What's the point in this public int SuperEntityId { get; set; } field then?
Or, perhaps, what I am doing became available in a "fresh" versions of EF like 4.3?
The point of SuperEntityId is that it is sometimes easier to use a foreign key property in apps where your context isn't alive the entire time, e.g. a webapp.
In such a situation, it's a lot easier to just use a foreign key property, than to try to attach object B to object A.
As far as I know, with nav properties, EF uses an object to track the relation between 2 objects. So if you want to couple object B to object A, in a disconnected app, it's not enough to just set the property on object A, you also have to fiddle with the entry of object A in the changetracker to register the relation between B and A.
Setting a foreign key property is the equivalent of this fiddling.
When we were just beginning with EF and didn't know about all of this, every time we wanted to connect 2 objects, e.g. B to A, and B already existed in the DB, the context thought that B was a new object instead of an existing one, and duplicated the record in the DB.
It won't create excessive tables, but it will probably generate extra, or longer, queries on that database. But that depends on how you're using these entities.

EF 4 Code First - Combine Views and Tables

I researched this question for days and cannot seem to find an option I feel good about; however, here is a link to a very similar question:
Add Calculated field to Model
Ultimately, I have the same question, but I am hoping for a better solution.
Consider the following DB Tables:
[ContactName] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
[Email] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
[Title] [varchar](120) NOT NULL,
[Address1] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
[Address2] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
[City] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
[State_Province] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[ZIP_PostalCode] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,
[Country] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[OfficePhone] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,
[MobilePhone] [varchar](30) NOT NULL)
[BlogName] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
[CreatedByID] [int] NOT NULL, -- FK to ContactTable
[ModifiedByID] [int] NOT NULL -- FK to ContactTable
[BlogID] [int] NOT NULL, -- FK to BlogTable
[Entry] [varchar](8000) NOT NULL,
[CreatedByID] [int] NOT NULL, -- FK to ContactTable
[ModifiedByID] [int] NOT NULL -- FK to ContactTable
I now would like to use views for loading "common" lookup/calculated info. Every time we display a post on the site, we want to know the name of the person who created the post and who last modified it. These are two fields that are stored in separate tables from the post table. I could easily use the following syntax (assuming Lazy/eager loading was applied and CreatedBy was a property, of type Contact, based on CreatedByID): currentPost.CreatedBy.Name;
The problem with that approach is the number of Db calls and also the large record retrieved for contact, but we are only using Name 99% in this situation. I realize the DB schema above is tiny, but this is just a simplified example and the real contact table has about 50 fields.
To manage this type of situation in the past (prior to using EF), I have typically built out "detail" views for the tables I will use. The "detail" views contain common lookup/calculated fields so that it only takes 1 call to the DB to efficiently get all the info I need (NOTE: We also use indexing on our SQL views to make this extremely efficient for reading) Here is a list of views that I will commonly use (as they will contain "look up" fields from related tables):
ALTER VIEW [icoprod].[BlogDetail]
CREATEDBY.[ContactName] AS CreatedByName,
MODIFIEDBY.[ContactName] AS ModifiedByName,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Post P WHERE P.BlogID = B.BlogID) AS PostCount
ALTER VIEW [icoprod].[PostDetail]
CREATEDBY.[ContactName] AS CreatedByName,
MODIFIEDBY.[ContactName] AS ModifiedByName,
B.Name AS BlogName
JOIN Blog AS B ON B.BlogID = P.BlogID
Here is an overview of my "POCO" objects:
public class Blog
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int CreatedByID { get; set; }
public DateTime ModifiedByID { get; set; }
public class Post
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int CreatedByID { get; set; }
public DateTime ModifiedByID { get; set; }
public class Contact
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string MobilePhone { get; set; }
public class BlogDetails : Blog
public string CreatedByName { get; set; }
public string ModifiedByName { get; set; }
public int PostsCount { get; set; }
public class PostDetails : Post
public string CreatedByName { get; set; }
public string ModifiedByName { get; set; }
public string BlogName { get; set; }
The reason I like this approach is that it allows me to retrieve information from the database based on tables or views AND if I load a view, the view contains all the "table" information which would allow me to load from a view but save to a table. IMO, this gives me the best of both worlds.
I have used this approach in the past, but typically, I just loaded information from the DB using datarows or info from stored procs or even used subsonic activerecord pattern and mapped fields after loading from the DB. I am really hoping I can do something in EF that lets me load these objects without creating another layer of abstraction.
Here is what I have tried to use for configuration (using Fluent API and code-first EF):
public class PostConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Post>
public PostConfiguration()
: base()
HasKey(obj => obj.ID);
Property(obj => obj.ID).
Map(m =>
public class BlogConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Blog>
public BlogConfiguration()
: base()
HasKey(obj => obj.ID);
Property(obj => obj.ID).
Map(m =>
public class ContactConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Contact>
public ContactConfiguration()
: base()
HasKey(obj => obj.ID);
Property(obj => obj.ID).
Map(m =>
public class PostDetailsConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<PostDetails>
public PostDetailsConfiguration()
: base()
Map(m =>
public class BlogDetailsConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<BlogDetails>
public BlogDetailsConfiguration()
: base()
Map(m =>
At this point, I have tried to use a view containing all of the information from the table with "extended" information and when I try this I get the dreaded 3032 error (error sample here). Then I tried to have the view ONLY contain the Primary key of the table and the "extended" properties (e.g. [Entry] is not in PostDetails view). When I try this, I get the following error:
All objects in the EntitySet 'DBContext.Post' must have unique primary keys. However, an instance of type 'PostDetails' and an instance of type 'Post' both have the same primary key value, 'EntitySet=Post;ID=1'.
So I have played with leaving off MapInheritedProperties a bit, but with no luck. I continue to get a similar error.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to "extend" a base/table object and load info from a view? Again, I believe there is a big performance gain by doing this. The article I referenced at the beginning of this question has 2 potential solutions, but 1 requires too many DB hits (just to get some common lookup info) and the other requires an additional layer of abstraction (and I would really like to go directly to my POCO's from the DB, without writing any mapping).
Lastly, thank you to everyone who answers these types of questions. I applaud everyone who has contributed to responses over the years. I think too many of us developers take this information for granted!!
Loading record from view and saving it to table will not work with code mapping - Blog entity will always be loaded from table and saved to table and BlogDetail entity will always be loaded from view and saved to view - so you must have updatable view or instead of trigger to support this scenario. If you use EDMX you can also map custom SQL / Stored procedure executed for insert, update and delete to force saving to table but this feature is not available in code mapping. Anyway it is not your biggest problem.
You can use your view and you can map it to class as you did but you must not map the inheritance. The reason is the way how inheritance works. Inheritance says that entity is either parent or child (which can act as parent). There can never be database record which can be be both parent (I mean only parent) or child. It is even not possible in .NET because to support this scenario you need two instances - on of parent type and one of child type. These two instances are not equivalent because pure parent cannot be cast to child (it is not a child). And here comes the biggest problem. Once you map inheritance the key must be unique in the whole inheritance hierarchy. So you can never have two instances (one for parent and one for child) with the same key.
As a workaround don't derive BlogDetail from mapped entity (Blog). Either use third not mapped class as parent for both or interface. Also don't use MapInheritedProperties to make your BlogDetail completely unrelated to Blog.
Another workaround is not mapping BlogDetail at all. In such case you can use your code as is and instead of using a view create simple reusable query with projection:
var blogDetails = from b in context.Blogs
where ...
select new BlogDetail
Name = b.Name,
CreatedByID = b.CreatedByID,
CreatedByName = b.CreatedBy.Name // You need navigation property
In both cases if you need to save Blog you must create new instance and fill it from BlogDetail. After that you attach it to context, set it to modified state and save changes.