How do you map strings in the database to enums in your model without introducing a second property? - entity-framework

My database has a table like this:
- CatId INT PK
- Name VARCHAR(100)
- FavoriteToy VARCHAR(100)
And my code looks like this:
public int CatId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Toy FavoriteToy {get; set; }
public enum Toy { Box, Ball, StuffedAnimal }
In a normalized database I would use a lookup table in the database to store all the toys and then the Cats table would just store a ToyId. But for this situation it's a lot easier to just store the FavoriteToy as a string even though it will be redundant.
The problem is I don't know how to convert a string in the database to an enum in code without creating a second FavoriteToyString property and having FavoriteToy just be a computed that returns the enum derived from FavoriteToyString.
I've heard this might be possible in the current version of entity framework. Is that true? Can you please show me how to do this?

You may use DTO class and automapper to solve your issue :)

Generally, yes a lookup table reference is a better option since your data can comply with referential integrity. That is, No cat records with toys that your Enum hopefully doesn't contain. (Though your Enum would need to be kept in sync with the Toys table.) You can configure EF to store enumerations as a string using a bit of a trick with the mapping:
public class Cat
public int CatId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string FavoriteToyMapped { get; set; }
public Toy FavoriteToy
get { return (Toy)Enum.Parse(typeof(Toy), FavoriteToyMapped); }
set { FavoriteToyMapped = value.ToString(); }
The caveat of this approach is that where you might use Linq to Entity to filter on your cat's favorite toy, you need to reference the FavoriteToyMapped value in the query expression because EF/DB won't know what FavoriteToy is.
Cats with a favorite toy of "Yarn"
var catsThatLoveYarn = context.Cats.Where(c => c.FavoriteToyMapped == Toys.Yarn.ToString()).ToList();
// not
var catsThatLoveYarn = context.Cats.Where(c => c.FavoriteToy == Toys.Yarn).ToList();
// Will error because EF doesn't map that property.
Once you are working with instances of entities, that the set of entities has been pulled back from the database, you can further access/refine queries with FavoriteToy. Just be cautious and prepared for the unknown field if you use it too early and EF goes and tries to compose a query.
var threeYearOldCats = context.Cats.Where(c => c.Age == 3).ToList();
var threeYearOldCatsThatLoveYarn = threeYearOldCats.Where(c => c.FavoriteToy == Toys.Yarn).ToList();
This is Ok because the .ToList() in the first query executed the EF-to-SQL, so threeYearOldCats is now a local List<Cat> of cat entities, not an IQueryable<Cat>.


EF Core - unincluding binrary fields

I have an EF Core model that has a binary field
class SomeModel {
string Id;
string otherProperty;
byte[] blob;
Usually, when I query the DB, I want to return a list of this Model - and then, on subsequent calls, query just a single entity, but return the blob.
I can't see a way in either data or code first to prevent EF Core paying the cost of retrieving the blob field always.
I really want to be able to say something like:
var list = await Context.SomeModels.ToListAsync();
// later
var item = await Context.SomeModels
I think I might have to put the blobs into a 2nd table so I can force a optional join.
The only way you could get a separate loading is to move the data to a separate entity with one-to-one relationship.
It doesn't need to be a separate table though. Although the most natural choice looks to be owned entity, since owned entities are always loaded with the owners, it has to be a regular entity, but configured with table splitting - in simple words, share the same table with the principal entity.
Applying it to your sample:
public class SomeModel
public string Id { get; set; }
public string OtherProperty { get; set; }
public SomeModelBlob Blob { get; set; }
public class SomeModelBlob
public string Id { get; set; }
public byte[] Data { get; set; }
modelBuilder.Entity<SomeModelBlob>(builder =>
builder.HasOne<SomeModel>().WithOne(e => e.Blob)
.HasForeignKey<SomeModelBlob>(e => e.Id);
builder.Property(e => e.Data).HasColumnName("Blob");
var test = context.Set<SomeModel>().ToList();
SELECT [s].[Id], [s].[OtherProperty]
FROM [SomeModel] AS [s]
var test = context.Set<SomeModel>().Include(e => e.Blob).ToList();
SELECT [e].[Id], [e].[OtherProperty], [e].[Id], [e].[Blob]
FROM [SomeModel] AS [e]
(the second e.Id in the select looks strange, but I guess we can live with that)

Entity Framework Code First Foreign Key Problems

I am trying to use EF Code First on an existing database. I first tried some of the reverse-engineering tools, but I ran into problems with that, so at the moment I am trying to hand-code some of the classes. I am having some trouble getting some of the foreign key relationships set up. Consider two tables. The first is called LocaleValueLookup:
public class LocaleValueLookup
public int Id { get; set; }
public Guid Guid { get; set; }
This table provides an Id for multi-language text held in a different table (that other table is not important for the purposes of this question). The second table is called SectionType, and it has an optional FK to LocaleValueLookup:
public class SectionType
public int EnumId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int? DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookupId { get; set; }
// Navigation property
public LocaleValueLookup DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup { get; set; }
I have tried various things, including adding a [ForeignKey] attribute to the SectionType.LocaleValueLookup property, and various incantations in the DbContext.OnModelCreating() override, but when I query the DbContext, I can't get the DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup to be anything but null. I can retrieve other objects from the context just fine, and I have verified that DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookupId is not null at least some of the time.
My OnModelBuilding() contains the following:
.HasKey(lvl => lvl.Id);
modelBuilder.Entity<LocaleValueLookup>().Property(lvl => lvl.Id).IsRequired();
.HasKey(st => st.EnumId);
modelBuilder.Entity<SectionType>().Property(st => st.EnumId).IsRequired();
A couple of other points:
I would prefer not to have a SectionType collection on the LocaleValueLookup object. LocaleValueLookup is a low-level class that a lot of other classes depend on, so to include a collection property on LocaleValueLookup for every other class that references it will make for an unwieldy class with a lot of collections on it that I don't need from a domain perspective.
I would prefer to do the mapping setup in DbContext.OnModelCreating() rather than using attributes on my model objects
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It looks like your foreign key is nullable so that means an optional -> many relationship.
Could you try something like this:
.HasOptional(opt => opt.DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup)
.WithMany() // no navigation on the other side
.HasForeignKey(fk => fk.DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookupId);
If you were to write a query like this you should get a value back:
var query =
from st in db.SectionTypes
where st.EnumId == 12345
select new
SectionType = st,
LocaleValue = st.DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup
It will only be non-null if the foreign key has a value, obviously.

Searching the Entity Framework domain model utilising Code First

Got a very difficult EntityFramework Code First question. I'll keep this as simple as possible.
Imagine we have n number of classes, lets start with 2 for now
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Address
public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }
public string AddressLine2 { get; set; }
Now then, what I want to do is be able to search the domain model with a single string, i.e. something like DbContext.Search( "Foo" ). The call would search both the person and address tables for a string match and would return a list populated with both Person and Address entities.
Have to say I am not entirely clear how to go about it but I am considering using DataAnnotations to do something like this
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Address
public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }
public string AddressLine2 { get; set; }
Am I on the right track?
Should I use the Fluent API instead?
Any and all thoughts massively appreciated.
the Find method searches only in the Primary Key column. If we don't make any column explicitly primary key column then find method will throw error. Generally EF convention takes propertyName+id as the primary key in the class. But if you want to search with Name then Make add [Key] to the property. it will become primary key and u will be able to find properties.
Create a new object type onto which you'll project 2 types of search results:
public class Result
public string MainField { get; set; }
// you may have other properties in here.
Then find entities of each type that match your criteria, projecting them onto this type:
var personResults = DbContext.Persons
.Where(p => p.Name == "Foo")
.Select(p => new Result{MainField = p.Name});
// don't forget to map to any other properties you have in Result as well
var addressResults = DbContext.Adresses
.Where(a =>
a.AddressLine1 == "Foo" ||
a.AddressLine2 == "Foo"
.Select(a => new Result{MainField = a.AddressLine1 + ", " + a.AddressLine2 });
// again, don't forget to map to any other properties in Result
Then merge the lists:
var allResults = personResults.Union(addressResults).ToList(); which point you can sort the list however you like.
"Result" and "MainField", are rather generic; just using them because I am not thoroughly aware of your domain model.

Can I store enums as strings in EF 5?

We have been using EF CF for a while in our solution. Big fans! Up to this point, we've been using a hack to support enums (creating an extra field on the model; ignore the enum durring mapping; and map the extra field to the column in the db that we would have used). Traditionally we have been storing our enums as strings(varchars) in the DB (makes it nice and readable). Now with enum support in EF 5 (Beta 2) it looks like it only supports mapping enums to int columns in the DB....Can we get EF 5 to store our enums as their string representation.
Where "Type" is an enum of type DocumentType
public enum DocumentType
I tried to map it using:
public class WorkflowMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Model.Workflow.Workflow>
public WorkflowMap()
ToTable("Workflow", "Workflow");
Property(wf => wf.Type).HasColumnType("varchar");
I thought was going to be the magic bullet but..
That just throws:
Schema specified is not valid. Errors: (571,12) : error 2019: Member
Mapping specified is not valid. The type
of member 'Type' in type
'Dodson.Data.DataAccess.EFRepositories.Workflow' is not compatible
of member 'Type' in type 'CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.Workflow'.
Your thoughts?
This is currently not possible. Enum in EF has same limitations as enums in CLR - they are just named set of integer values. Check this article for confirmation:
The EF enum type definitions live in conceptual layer. Similarly to
CLR enums the EF enums have underlying type which is one of Edm.SByte,
Edm.Byte, Edm.Int16, Edm.Int32 or Edm.Int64 with Edm.Int32 being the
default underlying type if none has been specified.
I posted article and related suggestion about this problem. If you want to see this feature in the future please vote for the suggestion.
I hit this problem a few weeks ago. The best I could come up with is a bit hacky.
I have a Gender enum on the class Person, and I use data annotations to map the string to the database and ignore the enum.
public class Person
public int PersonID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string GenderString
get { return Gender.ToString(); }
private set { Gender = value.ParseEnum<Gender>(); }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
And the extension method to get the correct enum from the string.
public static class StringExtensions
public static T ParseEnum<T>(this string value)
return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);
See this post for full details -

Using "custom data types" with entity framework

I'd like to know if it is possible to map some database columns to a custom data type (a custom class) instead of the basic data types like string, int, and so on. I'll try to explain it better with a concrete example:
Lets say I have a table where one column contains (text) data in a special format (e.g a number followed by a separator character and then some arbitrary string). E.g. the table looks like this:
Table "MyData":
ID |Title(NVARCHAR) |CustomData (NVARCHAR)
1 |Item1 |1:some text
2 |Item2 |333:another text
(Assume I am not allowed to change the database) In my domain model I'd like to have this table represented by two classes, e.g. something like this:
public class MyData
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public CustomData { get; set; }
public class CustomData
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public string SerializeToString()
// returns the string as it is stored in the DB
return string.Format("{0}:{1}", ID, Title);
public string DeserializeFromString(string value)
// sets properties from the string, e.g. "1:some text"
// ...
Does entity framework (V4) provide a way to create and use such "custom data types"?
No. Not like that, anyway.
However, you could work around this by:
Write a DB function to do the mapping and then use a defining query in SSDL.
Using one type for EF mapping and another type like you show above, and then projecting.
Add extension properties to your EF type to do this translation. You can't use these in L2E, but it may be convenient in other code.