An alternative way of implemening navigation properties in Entity Framework - entity-framework

The official approach to defining navigation properties for complex entities is:
public class SuperEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
//Other properties
public class LowerEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public int SuperEntityId { get; set; }
public virtual SuperEntity SuperEntity { get; set; }
//Other properties
The main thing here is that a class that references (allows navigation to linked super entity) has both public SuperEntity SuperEntity { get; set; } property, as well as it's Id in public int SuperEntityId { get; set; }.
I have gone a few days into my entities design ommiting the public int SuperEntityId { get; set; } property in the "lower entities". So I am navigating only by virtual SuperEntity property. And everything works fine! But I had people on SO telling me that it creates an excessive tables in the DB. I've checked, and that is not true. When I use my approach, the DB tables has the SuperEntityId column and just populates it with the referenced entity Id automatically. What's the point in this public int SuperEntityId { get; set; } field then?
Or, perhaps, what I am doing became available in a "fresh" versions of EF like 4.3?

The point of SuperEntityId is that it is sometimes easier to use a foreign key property in apps where your context isn't alive the entire time, e.g. a webapp.
In such a situation, it's a lot easier to just use a foreign key property, than to try to attach object B to object A.
As far as I know, with nav properties, EF uses an object to track the relation between 2 objects. So if you want to couple object B to object A, in a disconnected app, it's not enough to just set the property on object A, you also have to fiddle with the entry of object A in the changetracker to register the relation between B and A.
Setting a foreign key property is the equivalent of this fiddling.
When we were just beginning with EF and didn't know about all of this, every time we wanted to connect 2 objects, e.g. B to A, and B already existed in the DB, the context thought that B was a new object instead of an existing one, and duplicated the record in the DB.

It won't create excessive tables, but it will probably generate extra, or longer, queries on that database. But that depends on how you're using these entities.


EntityFramework DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity accepts and saves data instead of generating new one

Assuming this test model:
public class TestEntity
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
When I generate a new instance of it, Id is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.
Saving such an instance in the database as a new row, results in a Guid being generated (which is different from the empty one).
However, if I provide a valid Guid in TestEntity.Id, the new row is created with the provided Guid instead of a newly computed one.
I would like this behavior to exists only when editing a row, not when creating it. This is to ensure a database-layer protection from attacks where a user normally shouldn't get to choose which data to input.
Off course this protection is present in other layers, but I want it in the database too. Is this possible? How can I tell EF to ignore model data when creating a new row?
DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed descriptions says
the database generates a value when a row is inserted or updated
So clearely that's not an option. I don't want to change Id when updating a row. I only want to be sure no one can create a row and choose the Id.
I'd try to keep things simple. Make your set method protected, then you have two ways to generate Ids, You can generate it by yourself inside a constructor:
public class TestEntity
// no need to decorate with `DatabasGenerated`, since it won't be generated by database...
public Guid Id { get; protected set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public TestEntity()
this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
...or you can let the database generate it for you. At least for SQL Server, it will be able to generate for int and Guid as well:
public class TestEntity
public Guid Id { get; protected set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
// no need to generate a Guid by yourself....
This will avoid people from setting a value to Id outside the class (therefore no one can choose a Guid for new rows, or modify from existing ones).
Of course, your team could use reflection to by-pass class definitions, but if that's the case, you need to have a talk with your team.
If you still want to make sure they won't cheat, then you'd have to do check before saving changes to database, maybe overriding SaveChanges() in your DbContext.
As a side note, for both int and Guid, values are not generated by Entity Framework. Decorating the property with [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] will tell Entity Framework to generate a column with a default value coming from the own database provider.

Entity Framework Code First Foreign Key Problems

I am trying to use EF Code First on an existing database. I first tried some of the reverse-engineering tools, but I ran into problems with that, so at the moment I am trying to hand-code some of the classes. I am having some trouble getting some of the foreign key relationships set up. Consider two tables. The first is called LocaleValueLookup:
public class LocaleValueLookup
public int Id { get; set; }
public Guid Guid { get; set; }
This table provides an Id for multi-language text held in a different table (that other table is not important for the purposes of this question). The second table is called SectionType, and it has an optional FK to LocaleValueLookup:
public class SectionType
public int EnumId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int? DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookupId { get; set; }
// Navigation property
public LocaleValueLookup DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup { get; set; }
I have tried various things, including adding a [ForeignKey] attribute to the SectionType.LocaleValueLookup property, and various incantations in the DbContext.OnModelCreating() override, but when I query the DbContext, I can't get the DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup to be anything but null. I can retrieve other objects from the context just fine, and I have verified that DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookupId is not null at least some of the time.
My OnModelBuilding() contains the following:
.HasKey(lvl => lvl.Id);
modelBuilder.Entity<LocaleValueLookup>().Property(lvl => lvl.Id).IsRequired();
.HasKey(st => st.EnumId);
modelBuilder.Entity<SectionType>().Property(st => st.EnumId).IsRequired();
A couple of other points:
I would prefer not to have a SectionType collection on the LocaleValueLookup object. LocaleValueLookup is a low-level class that a lot of other classes depend on, so to include a collection property on LocaleValueLookup for every other class that references it will make for an unwieldy class with a lot of collections on it that I don't need from a domain perspective.
I would prefer to do the mapping setup in DbContext.OnModelCreating() rather than using attributes on my model objects
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It looks like your foreign key is nullable so that means an optional -> many relationship.
Could you try something like this:
.HasOptional(opt => opt.DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup)
.WithMany() // no navigation on the other side
.HasForeignKey(fk => fk.DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookupId);
If you were to write a query like this you should get a value back:
var query =
from st in db.SectionTypes
where st.EnumId == 12345
select new
SectionType = st,
LocaleValue = st.DefaultSectionTextLocaleValueLookup
It will only be non-null if the foreign key has a value, obviously.

Entity Framework Code First One-to-One Required-Required Relationship

When using Entity Framework Code First 4.3.1 it is possible to create relationships with a multiplicity of 1-to-1. That is, one entity on each end of the relationship.
It is possible to configure 1-to-1 relationships to be required-required or required-optional ^. However, when I switch between the two I do not see any differences in:
The database schema generated. I am targeting SQL Server 2008.
The runtime behaviour of EF.
As such, I am able to create a RequiredPrincipalAs record without a corresponding RequiredDependentAs record, despite the relationship being configured as required-required. This seems to contradict the documentation for HasRequired(...):
Configures a required relationship from this entity type. Instances of the entity type will not be able to be saved to the database unless this relationship is specified. The foreign key in the database will be non-nullable.
The required-required relationship entities:
public class RequiredPrincipalA
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual RequiredDependentA DependentA { get; set; }
public class RequiredDependentA
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual RequiredPrincipalA PrincipalA { get; set; }
The required-optional relationship entities:
public class RequiredPrincipalB
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual OptionalDependentB DependentB { get; set; }
public class OptionalDependentB
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual RequiredPrincipalB PrincipalB { get; set; }
The DbContext and model configuration:
public class AppContext : DbContext
public DbSet<RequiredPrincipalA> PrincipalAs { get; set; }
public DbSet<RequiredDependentA> DependentAs { get; set; }
public DbSet<RequiredPrincipalB> PrincipalBs { get; set; }
public DbSet<OptionalDependentB> DependentBs { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasRequired(o => o.DependentA)
.WithRequiredPrincipal(o => o.PrincipalA);
.HasOptional(o => o.DependentB)
.WithRequired(o => o.PrincipalB);
The test code:
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<AppContext>());
using (var ctx = new AppContext())
ctx.Database.Initialize(force: false);
ctx.PrincipalAs.Add(new RequiredPrincipalA());
ctx.PrincipalBs.Add(new RequiredPrincipalB());
I am aware I could add a [Required] data attribute to the navigation properties of RequiredPrincipalA.DependentA and RequiredDependentA.PrincipalA. This would cause EF validation to prevent the scenario above. However, I do not want to do this because it also validates the navigation property is populated when updating an existing entity. This means the application has to pre-fetch the entity at the other end of the relationship for every update.
Why do I not see any difference in the behaviour of EF just when changing a relationship between required-required and required-optional?
^ Note that optional-optional is also supported but this doesn't form part of my question. There are obvious differences in the generated database schema and runtime behaviour when an optional-optional relationship is configured.
I don't know why required-required is allowed for this case but it cannot exist in the database because relation is build on primary keys. Required-required means that A cannot be inserted if related B doesn't exist and B cannot be inserted if related A doesn't exist => neither A or B can be inserted.
Database relation has always principal and dependent entity - principal can always exist without dependent.
Real required-required in EF can be achieved only when both A and B are mapped to the same table (table splitting) because in such case they are both inserted with single insert command.
Not really an answer but I have more to say than will fit in comments. But you know, I write 900 page's just how I roll. :)
Oddly I would expect the fluent configuration to behave the same way as the data annotation and am confused that it's not doing it. (I've pinged Rowan Miller with a link to this thread to get his feedback.) And the behavior I mean is: validating the constraint during SaveChanges.
On the database side, I'm with Ladislav.In the model, EF defines the 1:1 using the keys of the related entities. But in the database, you can't have FKs in both tables, so only the dependent table in the database will require that constraint that it's PK maps to an existing PK in the principal table.
And finally, I understand your reason for not wanting EF to enforce the relationship if you aren't going to always deal with teh full graph. I think 1:1 relationships are the most confusing of the EF relationship mappings and I always find myself having to go back for reminders of the rules and how things should work.
Old question. But since EF6 is still used and even available for .Net standard and this issue can be a real nuisance, I think it's worth mentioning something I couldn't find in other answers.
It is true that both HasRequired - WithRequiredPrincipal and HasOptional - WithRequired produce the same database schema and the same runtime behavior. That is, with both mappings it's possible to save a principal without a dependent entity and to remove the dependent later. So much for HasRequired.
But there is a way to make EF validate the required relationship when creating the entities, which is by simply adding a [Required] attribute:
public class RequiredPrincipalA
public int Id { get; set; }
[Required] // <== here
public virtual RequiredDependentA DependentA { get; set; }
public class RequiredDependentA
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual RequiredPrincipalA PrincipalA { get; set; }
As said, only when creating the entities. It's still possible to set RequiredPrincipalA.RequiredDependentA = null and save it successfully. But I think that, fortunately, the likelihood of that happening in code is far lower than forgetting to set the required dependent.

Entity Framework code first: DbSets and navigation properties

A little new to EF, so please bear with me if the answer to this is obvious. I'm doing a tutorial that uses EF, and two DbSets are defined like this:
public DbSet<BrokerageAccount> BrokerageAccounts { get; set; }
public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
The customer class looks like this-- it's a POCO (some code cut for brevity):
public class Customer
public Customer()
BrokerageAccounts = new HashSet<BrokerageAccount>();
// Primitive properties
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
// Navigation properties
public ICollection<BrokerageAccount> BrokerageAccounts { get; set; }
The BrokerageAccount class is a POCO as well, very similar in design to Customer.
So far so good. The code I have a question about is below. There is an association made in the main program between Customer and BrokerageAccount that I don't follow. The code reads like this:
public Customer GetCustomer(string custId)
using (var context = DataContext)
return context.Customers
.Include("BrokerageAccounts").SingleOrDefault(c => c.CustomerCode == custId);
I can't figure out how the association/join is made between Customer and BrokerageAccount. I don't see any config or other files in my VS 2010 project that tells what associates the two DbSets, what foreign key column to use, etc.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious or a mapping file of some sort, but just because Customer has an ICollection of BrokerageAccount along with a comment above that says "Navigation Properties", doesn't make it so. In EF, how are those associations established?
The normal way of setting up the navigation properties is to use the ModelBuilder, This gives you a fluent api to set up the associations, take a look at this for some in depth stuff about how you go about this.
Entity framework will guess at what you meant if you dont set up the nav properties manually, in the above case it will probably set up your nav properties as expected as you only have a single 1-* relationship between customer and BrokerageAccount which appears to be named sensibly.
There is also an attribute method that you can use to set up the navigation properties.

How can I have Entity Framework return related objects with some defaults?

Say I have Project and Task EF Code first classes
public class Project
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Task> Tasks { get; set; }
public class Task
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ProjectId { get; set; }
public bool IsDeleted {get; set;}
public virtual Project Project { get; set; }
Say I have
public void SomeAction()
Project p= repository.GetById(1);
var tasks = p.Tasks;
//var tasks = p.Tasks.Where(t=>t.IsDeleted==false);
I would like that my Tasks property on the Project class will always perform that filter on IsDeleted and just return that subset ... to avoid having to write that condition all over the place...
Any recommendations?
Im using EF Code First
Add a discriminator to your model in the OnModelCreating method
modelBuilder.Entity<TEntity>().Map(m => m.Requires("IsDeleted").HasValue(false));
You can no longer load deleted items (unless you map IsDeleted true to another entity, then you may lose your automatic filtering)
The poco class cannot have the IsDeleted property (discriminators cannot be mapped)
because the IsDeleted cannot be mapped you need to run raw SQL to delete the entity in the first place.
EF Code first = NO WAY. Just one from long list of features which is available in EDMX and it is completely missing in code first. Mapped condition from EDMX does this but it is still problematic because it is hardcoded and cannot be changed (= you will never be able to load deleted entities even if you want to unless you use another EDMX). The solution would be implementation of global filters in EF but EF doesn't have anything like that despite the fact that old Linq-to-entities have them at least for relations (DataLoadOptions.AssociateWith).
This is much more painful in relations where you cannot use eager or lazy loading without loading deleted entities to your application as well and do filtering in your application's memory.
In the Model Designer, select your Task entity, and bring up the Mapping Details window. This should show you the database table your entity is mapped to, and all the columns. Just under where it says "Maps to [YourTable]" you should see an option <Add a Condition>. This should let you set a condition like what you're looking for.