How to get the total count from each date in postgresql? - postgresql

How to get the total count for particular date by selecting different dates.
For Example:
Record contains from '2014-04-01' to till date. Each date contains multiple records with different IST time.
How to get the total count from each date?

depending on your table structure and result you want, Query should look somewhat like this
SELECT DATE(date_column), COUNT(*)
FROM tablename
WHERE date_column IN (your_date_list)
GROUP BY date(date_column);

Have a look at the following sql (I have not tested)
SELECT date_column, COUNT(*)
FROM tablename
WHERE date_column BETWEEN date_column AND current_date
GROUP BY to_date(date_column::text,'YYYY-MM-DD')


Add dates ranges to a table for individual values using a cursor

I have a calendar table called CalendarInformation that gives me a list of dates from 2015 to 2025. This table has a column called BusinessDay that shows what dates are weekends or holidays. I have another table called OpenProblemtimeDiffTable with a column called number for my problem number and a date for when the problem was opened called ProblemNew and another date for the current column called Now. What I want to do is for each problem number grab its date ranges and find the dates between and then sum them up to give me the number of business days. Then I want to insert these values in another table with the problem number associated with the business day.
Thanks in advance and I hope I was clear.
TRUNCATE TABLE ProblemsMoreThan7BusinessDays
DECLARE #date AS date
DECLARE #businessday AS INT
DECLARE #Startdate as DATE, #EndDate as DATE
SELECT date, businessday
FROM CalendarInformation
OPEN contact_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM Contact_cursor INTO #date, #businessday
SELECT #enddate= now FROM OpenProblemtimeDiffTable
SELECT #Startdate= problemnew FROM OpenProblemtimeDiffTable
SET #Date=#Startdate
PRINT #enddate
PRINT #startdate
SELECT #businessday= SUM (businessday) FROM CalendarInformation WHERE date > #startdate AND date <= #Enddate
INSERT INTO ProblemsMoreThan7BusinessDays (businessdays, number)
SELECT #businessday, number
FROM OpenProblemtimeDiffTable
I tried this code using a cursor and I'm close, but I cannot get the date ranges to change for each row.
So if I have a problemnumber with date ranges between 02-07-2018 and 05-20-2019, I would want in my new table the sum of business days from the calendar along with the problem number. So my output would be column number PROB0421 businessdays (with the correct sum). Then the next problem PRB0422 with date ranges of 11-6-18 to 5-20-19. So my output would be PROB0422 with the correct sum of business days.
Rather than doing this in with a cursor, you should approach this in a set based manner. That you already have a calendar table makes this a lot easier. The basic approach is to select from your data table and join into your calendar table to return all the rows in the calendar table that sit within your date range. From here you can then aggregate as you require.
This would look something like the below, though apply it to your situation and adjust as required:
select p.ProblemNow
,sum(c.BusinessDay) as BusinessDays
from dbo.Problems as p
join dbo.calendar as c
on c.CalendarDate between p.ProblemNow and p.Now
and c.BusinessDay = 1
group by p.ProblemNow
I think you can do this without a cursor. Should only require a single statement.
I assume your "businessday" column is just a bit or flag-type field that is 1 if the date is a business day and 0 if not? If so, this should work (or something close to it if I'm not understanding your environment properly).:
insert ProblemsMoreThan7BusinessDays
, number
, sum( businessday ) -- or count(*)
from OpenProblemtimeDiffTable op
inner join CalendarInformation ci on op.problem_new >= ci.[date]
and op.[now] <= ci.[date]
and ci.businessday = 1
group by
I usually try to avoid the use of cursors and working with data in a procedural manner, especially if I can handle the task as above. Dont think of the data as 1000's of individual rows, but think of the data as only two sets of data. How do they relate?

Sum with aggregate date postgresql

I have a table that has a column date and value, what I need is to sum a value showing just one date column.
I have this:
date value
2018-01-01 150
2018-01-23 140
what I need:
date sum(value)
2018-01 290
Simple solution to get sums per month:
SELECT to_char(date, 'YYYY-MM') AS mon, sum(value) AS sum_value
FROM tbl
For large tables it's cheaper to group on date_trunc('month', date) instead.
Concatenate multiple result rows of one column into one, group by another column
Group and count events per time intervals, plus running total
How to get the date and time from timestamp in PostgreSQL select query?

Find rows which have different attribute value in ONE day for same product. (Postgresql)

can someone help me to write a query?
I have for example columns:
In one day I expect to have same category_code for one product, but I want to check this with SQL.
Thank you.
If you want to find the day, the product_key and the category_code that doubles, You should use query like this:
FROM your_table
GROUP BY date, product_key, category_code
HAVING count(1) > 1;
You can group your results by date and product, and use count and distinct to find if there is more than one category code for a product. You can then filter rows having more than 1 distinct category in the group.
Date, product_key, count(distinct category_code) AS categories
Date, product_key
count(distinct category_code) > 1

Counting the number of sales for each date in a date range, postgresql

I have a table with a row for each sale of a product. These rows include a date. I want to know the number of products sold for each distinct day in a range (user specifies the begin and end dates.) There is a distinct row for each sale, so on days where several products were sold, several rows with this date exist. I want to count the number of these rows, with the same date. How might this be done efficiently in postgresql?
2015-01-02: 0
2015-01-03: 7
2015-01-04: 2
Assuming the date column is stored as a datetime, something like this should get you in the right direction:
SELECT date_trunc('day', TIMESTAMP as day, COUNT(*)
FROM sales
WHERE day >= start and <= end
where start and end are filled in by the user.
More documentation for postgres's date features found here:
If they are not datetime, you can use the to_date function with the appropriate format string to convert to datetime and the use the solution above:
SELECT date_trunc('day', to_date('2015-01-02', 'YYYY-MM-DD'));

Getting a count of number of rows matching MAX() value in Postgres

I have a table called 'games' that has a column in it called 'week'. I am trying to find a single query that will give me the maximum value for 'week' along with a count of how many rows in that table have the maximum value for 'week'. I could split it up into two queries:
SELECT MAX(week) FROM games
// store value in a variable $maxWeek
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM games WHERE week = $maxWeek
// store that result in a variable
Is there a way to do this all in one query?
SELECT week, count(*) FROM games GROUP BY week ORDER BY week DESC LIMIT 1;
SELECT week, count(*) FROM games WHERE week = (SELECT max(week) FROM games) GROUP BY week;
(may be faster)