How to display date on a separate line - tableau-api

I used the custom date format(e.g., 4/22 11:00), and display these dates on the horizontal axis, however I want to split the date format( 4/22 11:00) into two lines,for instance,
Why do I want this
Date( 4/22 ) and time(11:00) are displayed at the distinct lines, which can easily differentiate date from time.
What did I try
I found an item "Wrap" in "Alignment", but it can't work.

Better late than ever, if you're still interested, there's a way.
You need to create a new calculated field, to generate the labels as you wish. If the field you're working if is called Date (for instance), you should do:
STR(DAY([Date])) + '/' + STR(MONTH([Date])) + '/' + STR(YEAR([Date]))
IF LEN(STR(DATEPART('hour',[Date]))) == 1
THEN '0' + STR(DATEPART('hour',[Date]))
ELSE STR(DATEPART('hour',[Date]))
IF LEN(STR(DATEPART('minute',[Date]))) == 1
THEN '0' + STR(DATEPART('minute',[Date]))
ELSE STR(DATEPART('minute',[Date]))
First line is just to get the date on a d/m/y format. Then the trick is to add + '' separated by blank space (tried \n, but it prints "\n" instead of breaking the line)
The second part is to generate the hh:mm (you can use the same logic to get a dd/mm/yyyy format for the date). Basically it adds a zero if the hour or minute is a one digit number.


Access, How can I change lowercase letter of first letter in last name to uppercase

I would like to change lowercase letter of first letter in last name to uppercase by using code
my code from form is :
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Text19_Click()
Text19 = UCase(Text19)
End Sub
but there is no change to my table!
Furthermore, how can I find last name with a space, comma or period and make it without a space, comma and period.
such as
[space] Moon
change them to just
If there is no change to your table, maybe your field is not bound to the recordset? Maybe you need to 'Refresh' your form.
Also, it looks like you are trying to use this code on a TextBox?
Code would be as follows:
Private Sub Text19_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Text19 = Trim(Text19) ' Get rid of leading and trailing spaces.
If right(Text19, 1) = "." Or right(Text19, 1) = "," Then ' Remove comma, period
Text19 = left(Text19, Len(Text19) - 1)
End If
Text19 = UCase(left(Text19, 1)) & Mid(Text19, 2)
End Sub

Access custom date/time format and input mask error

I have a database that I need to store a bunch of times and do calculations based on the times, however, the times can be over different days so using just a time format wont calculate the correct difference between the two. For ease of use I wanted to limit how much of the date they have to input because there is a bunch of times and I dont want to have to type the full date each time. I created the following custom format: 16-Jan 15:00 (d-mmm h:nn)
I also created a custom input mask to go with this: 90-LLL\ 90:00
My form fields have the same format and input masks to match. The initial input of the field works right, the issue comes when I try to edit a field and change one digit. It pops up with the error that it doesnt match the input mask, even though it does. In order to change the field I have to delete everything, remove focus from the textbox and then click back in. Is there anyway to fix that? Or is there another option to calculate the difference between the times without having to use the date when it could be over 24hrs long (not longer than 48 though)
Yes, you can have a checkbox, NextDay, to mark if the end time is of the following day.
Then your timespan will be:
Dim Timespan As Date
Timespan = CDate([EndTime] - [StartTime] + Abs([NextDay]))
To input the time, you can use the method here: Entering 24-hour time
To format and display your timespan, also for values above 24 hours, use a function like this:
Public Function FormatHourMinute( _
ByVal datTime As Date, _
Optional ByVal strSeparator As String = ":") _
As String
' Returns count of days, hours and minutes of datTime
' converted to hours and minutes as a formatted string
' with an optional choice of time separator.
' Example:
' datTime: #10:03# + #20:01#
' returns: 30:04
' 2005-02-05. Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Dim strHour As String
Dim strMinute As String
Dim strHourMinute As String
strHour = CStr(Fix(datTime) * 24 + Hour(datTime))
' Add leading zero to minute count when needed.
strMinute = Right("0" & CStr(Minute(datTime)), 2)
strHourMinute = strHour & strSeparator & strMinute
FormatHourMinute = strHourMinute
End Function

MS Access Date range filtering displaying no records only for a certain range

I Do have a form with a sub-form (continuous form) on which I would like to apply a date range filter. The thing is that it works partially.
I am using a simple piece of VBA that seem to be THE method. I am using two controls (start & End) and a button to apply the filter.
He is my code sample
With Me.Sub_Desi_Schedule.Form
.Filter = "[Task_End] " & " BETWEEN " & "#" & DateStart & "#" & " AND " & "#" & DateEnd & "#"
.FilterOn = True
And it works fine except when I pick a date range with a value in the last days of the month (as starting period) AND any values within the first week of the next month (as ending period).
Results are blanks even if there is values AND no error message of any kind to help me trouble shooting.
I thought that it could have been something with the date format. I tried to force it to DDMMYYY. No effect and It had the same strange behavior.
And for any other ranges picked later on the month, it works fine...
Does anyone here had this problem before? Is there something obvious I am missing?
I suspect you're right that the problem is due to date format.
Examine the completed filter string the code creates. Do that by using a variable to hold it. Then you can use Debug.Print to see it, and later assign the variable to the form's .Filter property.
Dim strFilter As String
With Me.Sub_Desi_Schedule.Form
strFilter = "[Task_End] BETWEEN #" & DateStart & "# AND #" & DateEnd & "#"
Debug.Print strFilter ' <- view this in Immediate window; Ctrl+g will take you there
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
End With
You can avoid problems due to date format by using the unambiguous yyyy-m-d format for those Date/Time values.
strFilter = "[Task_End] BETWEEN " & Format(DateStart, "\#yyyy-m-d\#") & " AND " & Format(DateEnd, "\#yyyy-m-d\#")
I added the # delimiters within the Format expressions. But you don't need to do it that way; I think this should work as well ...
strFilter = "[Task_End] BETWEEN #" & Format(DateStart, "yyyy-m-d") & "# AND #" & Format(DateEnd, "yyyy-m-d") & "#"

Data validator VBA excel- compare a value within a string in one cell to a value in another

Have not been able to find anything that fits my needs.
I have two columns of values (L and U). Column L contains a file names that includes a date in MM-DD-YYYY format (example yadayadayada thru (03-15-2015).pdf) column U contains a date. What I need to do is have a macro compare the date within the file name to the date in the column U. Other dates may appear within the text in column L but the date I need to compare against is always after "thru" and in parentheses followed by the file extension. If they do not match, I need the value in column U highlighted and replaced with the text "FAIL". I'm going to continue searching but any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Does it have to be VBA? This can be accomplished with Conditional Formatting.
Apply this conditional format formula to column U:
=AND(U1<>"",L1<>"",U1<>--TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(L1," ",REPT(" ",255)),255)),")",REPT(" ",255)),2,255)))
And set the number format to Custom "FAIL" with yellow (or the highlight color of your choice) fill.
If it has to be VBA, then this should work for you:
Sub tgr()
Const HeaderRow As Long = 1 'Change to your actual header row
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rngFail As Range
Dim rngFiles As Range
Dim FileCell As Range
Dim dDate As Double
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Set rngFiles = ws.Range("L" & HeaderRow + 1, ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "L").End(xlUp))
If rngFiles.Row < HeaderRow + 1 Then Exit Sub 'No data
For Each FileCell In rngFiles.Cells
If Len(Trim(FileCell.Text)) > 0 Then
dDate = 0
On Error Resume Next
dDate = CDbl(CDate(Trim(Mid(Replace(Trim(Right(Replace(FileCell.Text, " ", String(255, " ")), 255)), ")", String(255, " ")), 2, 255))))
On Error GoTo 0
If dDate <> ws.Cells(FileCell.Row, "U").Value2 Then
Select Case (rngFail Is Nothing)
Case True: Set rngFail = ws.Cells(FileCell.Row, "U")
Case Else: Set rngFail = Union(rngFail, ws.Cells(FileCell.Row, "U"))
End Select
End If
End If
Next FileCell
If Not rngFail Is Nothing Then
rngFail.Value = "FAIL"
rngFail.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
End If
End Sub

Format a variable in iReport in a string with multiple fields

I have a text field that has the following expression:
$F{casNo} + " Total " + $P{chosenUom} + ": " + $V{total_COUNT}
casNo is a string, chosenUom is a string. total_COUNT is a sum variable of doubles. The total_COUNT variable displays, but it's got 8 - 10 decimal places (1.34324255234), all I need is something along the lines of 1.34.
Here's what I tried already:
$F{casNo} + " Total " + $P{chosenUom} + ": " + new DecimalFormat("0.00").format($V{total_COUNT}).toString()
Any help would be appreciated
For now I'm just doing basic math, but I'm hoping for a real solution, not a workaround
You can format the in lline numbers by using:
new DecimalFormat("###0.00").format(YOUR NUMBER)
You might split the text field into two, one containing everything but the $V{total_COUNT}, and the second containing only $V{total_COUNT}, but with the Pattern property set to something like "#0.00".
You'd have to get a bit creative with layout, though, to prevent unwanted word-wrapping and spacing; for example, first text field could be wide and right-aligned, while text field containing the count could be left-aligned and wide enough to accommodate the formatted number.