return inside a switch block yields "unreachable code" warning - unity3d

I'm writing UnityScript code and at one point in my program, I want to terminate a function from within a switch block. This is a boiled down version of my code:
function Move(target: int) {
var targetTransform : Transform;
switch (target) {
case 0:
// do something including assigning targetTransform
case 1:
// do something including actually moving my object
return; // since I moved already, I want the function to terminate here
// do something including assigning targetTransform
object.Move(targetTransform); // object is locally available
Now for whatever reason, the Compiler gives me a
Assets/Scripts/GameMaster.js(490,9): BCW0015: WARNING: Unreachable code detected.
The line is the one containing the switch.
From my previous research, I found many similar problems, but all of them had actually unreachable code, like for example break statements after the returns or a return at the end even though each and every case returned at some point. This is not the case here, I just want one of my cases to return out of the function altogether, while the others shall break out of the switch and go on from there.
Is there a way to get rid of this warning? What is causing it in the first place, is this just a bug?
If at all possible, I'd prefer not to use a boolean and check for it after the switch block... This just seems like overkill only to terminate one case early.

This bug exists at least since 2010. Although it's perfectly legal to use a return statement instead of a break, the compiler will complain about unreachable code.
You have basically two options
ignore the warning and keep your code nice and clean
work around the warning by replacing the return with a boolean + break and check for the boolean after the switch block
As far as I know you can't even disable or suppress the warning. It's possible in C# but UnityScript seems to lack this feature. So this would result in a third possible solution: convert your code to C# :-)


Swift - understanding return types in recursion: when should return the function vs. just return on its own

This may be a little too general for this forum, but hoping someone can explain this in a way that makes sense to my brain. I've tried reading and researching and have found lots of examples - but I still don't understand the "why" which means that I am not understanding exactly how a program comes back from a function return.
Here is a very simple function I wrote that solves a puzzle using backwards recursion. It works well.
func solver(grid: [[Int]])->[[Int]] {
var returnGrid = constraintPropogation(grid: grid)
if contradictionCheck(grid: returnGrid) == false {
return returnGrid
} else {
if returnGrid.flatMap({$0}).filter({$0 == 3}).count == 0 {
gridPrint(grid: returnGrid)
stopFlag = true
stopAnswer = returnGrid
return returnGrid
} else {
let randStart = getRandomStart(grid: returnGrid)
returnGrid[randStart.x][randStart.y] = 0
solver(grid: returnGrid)
returnGrid[randStart.x][randStart.y] = 1
solver(grid: returnGrid)
if stopFlag == true {return stopAnswer}
return solver(grid: returnGrid)
My issue is understanding the returns. In the third line of the function if a contradiction check fails this means that we've gone down a path that would not be possible. Therefore we return. That makes sense. The second return in the middle of the function occurs when the puzzle is solved, so it makes sense to return there. But the last one at the end "return solver(grid: returnGrid)" is challenging to my understanding. Here we are returning but also calling this same function again. This is not going deeper into the potential solution path (that happens in the "else" section where the function is called). Why do we need to call the function again rather than just returning? What is happening under the hood? Does the return happen first where we "pop back up a level" and then we are calling the function again effectively one rung higher on the stack? When I write these words I realize that I have a vague understanding - but somehow it is not all clicking together for me.
Am at the point now that when I'm writing functions that involve recursion I just try both returning on own or returning and calling function again to see which one achieves what I want. But I'd really like to understand it rather than just guessing. If anyone had a simple explanation I would appreciate it.
Your function solver takes an array of arrays, and returns an array of arrays. Any call to return(something) returns that something to the caller.
Saying return(someArrayOfArrays) means you are done, and have a result.
Saying return(solver(someArrayOfArrays)) says "call this function again, passing in a new value. Return whatever the result is as the function result." The current call to solver() is done doing work, and passes its intermediate results to another call to the function. That's the recursion. You can think of this as nesting a function call inside a function call inside a function call, or stacking function calls on top of each other.
The call to solver(grid: returnGrid) does not make any sense. That is a recursive call, but you ignore the result. Thus, that call does nothing useful. If your remove that line, it won't make any difference to the outcome. That line is saying "Go do a bunch of work and find an answer for me, but I will throw away your answer". The compiler should give you a "function result ignored" warning at that line.
Beyond that, I can't tell what your code is doing. It appears to be modifying at least one global variable, "stopAnswer". That suggests it's not a pure recursive function.

Optionals vs Throwing functions

Consider the following lookup function that I wrote, which is using optionals and optional binding, reports a message if key is not found in the dictionary
func lookUp<T:Equatable>(key:T , dictionary:[T:T]) -> T? {
for i in dictionary.keys {
if i == key{
return dictionary[i]
return nil
let dict = ["JO":"Jordan",
"UAE":"United Arab Emirates",
"USA":"United States Of America"
if let a = lookUp( "JO",dictionary:dict ) {
print(a) // prints Jordan
} else {
print("cant find value")
I have rewritten the following code, but this time, using error handling, guard statement, removing -> T? and writing an enum which conforms to ErrorType:
enum lookUpErrors : ErrorType {
case noSuchKeyInDictionary
func lookUpThrows<T:Equatable>(key:T , dic:[T:T])throws {
for i in dic.keys{
guard i == key else {
throw lookUpErrors.noSuchKeyInDictionary
do {
try lookUpThrows("UAE" , dic:dict) // prints united arab emirates
catch lookUpErrors.noSuchKeyInDictionary{
print("cant find value")
Both functions work well but:
which function grants better performance
which function is "safer"
which function is recommended (based on pros and cons)
The two approaches should have comparable performance. Under the hood they are both doing very similar things: returning a value with a flag that is checked, and only if the flag shows the result is valid, proceeding. With optionals, that flag is the enum (.None vs .Some), with throws that flag is an implicit one that triggers the jump to the catch block.
It's worth noting your two functions don't do the same thing (one returns nil if no key matches, the other throws if the first key doesn’t match).
If performance is critical, then you can write this to run much faster by eliminating the unnecessary key-subscript lookup like so:
func lookUp<T:Equatable>(key:T , dictionary:[T:T]) -> T? {
for (k,v) in dictionary where k == key {
return v
return nil
func lookUpThrows<T:Equatable>(key:T , dictionary:[T:T]) throws -> T {
for (k,v) in dic where k == key {
return v
throw lookUpErrors.noSuchKeyInDictionary
If you benchmark both of these with valid values in a tight loop, they perform identically. If you benchmark them with invalid values, the optional version performs about twice the speed, so presumably actually throwing has a small bit of overhead. But probably not anything noticeable unless you really are calling this function in a very tight loop and anticipating a lot of failures.
Which is safer?
They're both identically safe. In neither case can you call the function and then accidentally use an invalid result. The compiler forces you to either unwrap the optional, or catch the error.
In both cases, you can bypass the safety checks:
// force-unwrap the optional
let name = lookUp( "JO", dictionary: dict)!
// force-ignore the throw
let name = try! lookUpThrows("JO" , dic:dict)
It really comes down to which style of forcing the caller to handle possible failure is preferable.
Which function is recommended?
While this is more subjective, I think the answer’s pretty clear. You should use the optional one and not the throwing one.
For language style guidance, we need only look at the standard library. Dictionary already has a key-based lookup (which this function duplicates), and it returns an optional.
The big reason optional is a better choice is that in this function, there is only one thing that can go wrong. When nil is returned, it is for one reason only and that is that the key is not present in the dictionary. There is no circumstance where the function needs to indicate which reason of several that it threw, and the reason nil is returned should be completely obvious to the caller.
If on the other hand there were multiple reasons, and maybe the function needs to return an explanation (for example, a function that does a network call, that might fail because of network failure, or because of corrupt data), then an error classifying the failure and maybe including some error text would be a better choice.
The other reason optional is better in this case is that failure might even be expected/common. Errors are more for unusual/unexpected failures. The benefit of returning an optional is it’s very easy to use other optional features to handle it - for example optional chaining (lookUp("JO", dic:dict)?.uppercaseString) or defaulting using nil-coalescing (lookUp("JO", dic:dict) ?? "Team not found"). By contrast, try/catch is a bit of a pain to set up and use, unless the caller really wants "exceptional" error handling i.e. is going to do a bunch of stuff, some of which can fail, but wants to collect that failure handling down at the bottom.
#AirspeedVelocity already has a great answer, but I think it's worth going a bit further into why to use optionals vs errors.
There are basically four ways for something to go wrong:
Simple error: it fails in only one way, so you don't need to care about why something went wrong. The problem may come either from programmer logic or user data, so you need to be able to handle it at run time and design around it when coding.
This is the case for things like initializing an Int from a String (either the string is parseable as an integer or it's not) or dictionary-style lookups (either there's a value for the key or there's not). Optionals work really well for this in Swift.
Logic error: this is the kind of error that (in theory) comes up only during development, as a result of Doing It Wrong — for example, indexing beyond the bounds of an array.
In ObjC, NSException covers these kinds of cases. In Swift, we have functions like fatalError. I'd assume that part of why NSException isn't surfaced in Swift is that once your program encounters a logic error, it's not really safe to assume anything about its further operation. Logic errors should either be caught during development or cause a (nicely debuggable) crash rather than letting the program continue in an undefined (and thus unsafe) state.
Universal error: there are loads of ways to fail, but they aren't very connected to programmer logic or user action. You might run out of memory to allocate, get a low-level interrupt, or (wait for it...) overflow the stack, but those can happen with almost anything you do and not really because of any specific thing you do.
You see universal errors getting surfaced as exceptions in some other languages, but that means that you have to code around the possibility of any and every call you make being able to fail. And at that point you're writing more error handling than you are actual code.
Recoverable error: This is for when there are lots of ways to go wrong, but not in ways that preclude further operation, and what a program does upon encountering an error might change depending on what kind of error it is. Filesystems and networking are the common examples here: if you can't load a file, it might be because the user got the name wrong (so you should tell the user that) or because the wifi momentarily dropped and will be back shortly (so you might forego the alert and just try again).
In Cocoa, historically, this is what NSError parameters are for. Swift's error handling makes this pattern part of the language.
So, when you're writing new API (for yourself or someone else to call) in Swift, or using new ObjC annotations to make an existing API easier to use from Swift, think about what kind of errors you're dealing with.
Is there only one clear way to fail that isn't a result of API misuse? Use an Optional return type.
Can something fail only if a client doesn't follow your API contract — say, if you're writing a container class that has a subscript and a count, or requiring that some specific sequence of calls be made? Don't burden every bit of code that uses your API with error handling or optional unwrapping — just fatalError or assert (or throw NSException if your Swift API is a front to ObjC code) and document what the right way is for people to use your API.
Okay, so your ObjC init method returns nil iff [super init] returns nil. So should you mark your initializer as failable for Swift or add an error out-parpameter? Think about when that really happens — if -[NSObject init] is returning nil, it's because you chained it off of an alloc call that returned nil. If alloc fails, it's already The End Times for your process, so it's not worth handling that case.
Do you have multiple failure cases, some or all of which might be worth reporting to a user? Or that a client calling your API might want to ignore some but not all of? Write a Swift function that throws and a corresponding set of ErrorType values, or an ObjC method that returns an NSError out-parameter.
If you are using Swift 2.0 you could use both versions. The second version uses try/catch (introduced with 2.0) and is thus not backwards compatible which might be a disadvantage to consider.
If there is any performance difference then it will be neglectable.
My personal favorite is the first one as it is straight forward and well readable. If I had to do maintenance of the second version I would ask myself why the author took a try/catch approach for such a simple case. So I would rather be confused...
If you had many complex conditions with many exit points (throws) then I would go for the second one. But as I said, this is not the case here.

Breaking when a method returns null in the Eclipse debugger

I'm working on an expression evaluator. There is an evaluate() function which is called many times depending on the complexity of the expression processed.
I need to break and investigate when this method returns null. There are many paths and return statements.
It is possible to break on exit method event but I can't find how to put a condition about the value returned.
I got stuck in that frustration too. One can inspect (and write conditions) on named variables, but not on something unnamed like a return value. Here are some ideas (for whoever might be interested):
One could include something like evaluate() == null in the breakpoint's condition. Tests performed (Eclipse 4.4) show that in such a case, the function will be performed again for the breakpoint purposes, but this time with the breakpoint disabled. So you will avoid a stack overflow situation, at least. Whether this would be useful, depends on the nature of the function under consideration - will it return the same value at breakpoint time as at run time? (Some s[a|i]mple code to test:)
class TestBreakpoint {
int counter = 0;
boolean eval() { /* <== breakpoint here, [x]on exit, [x]condition: eval()==false */
System.out.println("Iteration " + ++counter);
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestBreakpoint app = new TestBreakpoint();
// Normal run: shows 1 iteration of eval()
// Debug run: shows 2 iterations of eval(), no stack overflow, no stop on breakpoint
Another way to make it easier (to potentially do debugging in future) would be to have coding conventions (or personal coding style) that require one to declare a local variable that is set inside the function, and returned only once at the end. E.g.:
public MyType evaluate() {
MyType result = null;
if (conditionA) result = new MyType('A');
else if (conditionB) result = new MyType ('B');
return result;
Then you can at least do an exit breakpoint with a condition like result == null. However, I agree that this is unnecessarily verbose for simple functions, is a bit contrary to flow that the language allows, and can only be enforced manually. (Personally, I do use this convention sometimes for more complex functions (the name result 'reserved' just for this use), where it may make things clearer, but not for simple functions. But it's difficult to draw the line; just this morning had to step through a simple function to see which of 3 possible cases was the one fired. For today's complex systems, one wants to avoid stepping.)
Barring the above, you would need to modify your code on a case by case basis as in the previous point for the single function to assign your return value to some variable, which you can test. If some work policy disallows you to make such non-functional changes, one is quite stuck... It is of course also possible that such a rewrite could result in a bug inadvertently being resolved, if the original code was a bit convoluted, so beware of reverting to the original after debugging, only to find that the bug is now back.
You didn't say what language you were working in. If it's Java or C++ you can set a condition on a Method (or Function) breakpoint using the breakpoint properties. Here are images showing both cases.
In the Java example you would unclik Entry and put a check in Exit.
Java Method Breakpoint Properties Dialog
C++ Function Breakpoint Properties Dialog
This is not yet supported by the Eclipse debugger and added as an enhancement request. I'd appreciate if you vote for it.

Scala exception as a function argument design pattern

I am writing a web app where exceptions are used to handle error cases. Often, I find myself writing helpers like this:
def someHelper(...) : Boolean {...}
and then using it like this:
if (!someHelper(...)){
throw new SomeException()
These exceptions represent things like invalid parameters, and when handled they send a useful error message to the user, eg
try {
} catch {
case e: SomeException => "Bad user!"
Is this a reasonable approach? And how could I pass the exception into the helper function and have it thrown there? I have had trouble constructing a type for such a function.
I use Either most of the time, not exceptions. I generally use exceptions, as you have done or some similar way, when the control flow has to go way, way back to some distant point, and otherwise there's nothing sensible to do. However, when the exceptions can be handled fairly locally, I will instead
def myMethod(...): Either[String,ValidatedInputForm] = {
if (!someHelper(...)) Left("Agree button not checked")
else Right(whateverForm)
and then when I call this method, I can
myMethod(blah).fold({ err =>
}, { form =>
or match on Left(err) vs Right(form), or various other things.
If I don't want to handle the error right there, but instead want to process the return value, I
myMethod(blah){ form =>
and I'll get an Either with the error message unchanged as a Left, if it was an error message, or with the result of { foo(form); bar(form) } as a Right if it was okay. You can also chain your error processing using flatMap, e.g. if you wanted to perform an additional check on so-far-correct values and reject some of them, you could
myMethod(blah).right.flatMap{ form =>
if (!checkSomething(form)) Left("Something didn't check out.")
else Right(form)
It's this sort of processing that makes using Either more convenient (and usually better-performing, if exceptions are common) than exceptions, which is why I use them.
(In fact, in very many cases I don't care why something went wrong, only that it went wrong, in which case I just use an Option.)
There's nothing special about passing an exception instance to some method:
def someMethod(e: SomeException) {
throw e
someMethod(new SomeException)
But I have to say that I get a very distinct feeling that your whole idea just smells. If you want to validate a user input just write validators, e.g. UserValidator which will have some method like isValid to test a user input and return a boolean, you can implement some messaging there too. Exceptions are really intended for different purposes.
The two most common ways to approach what you're trying to do is to either just have the helper create and throw an exception itself, or exactly what you're doing: have the calling code check the results, and throw a meaningful exception, if needed.
I've never seen a library where you pass in the exception you expect the helper to throw. As I said on another answer, there's a surprisingly substantial cost to simply instantiating an exception, and if you followed this pattern throughout your code you could see an overall performance problem. This could be mitigated through the use of by-name parameters, but if you just forget to put => in a few key functions, you've got a performance problem that's difficult to track down.
At the end of the day, if you want the helper to throw an exception, it makes sense that the helper itself already knows what sort of exception it wants to throw. If I had to choose between A and B:
def helperA(...) { if (stuff) throw new InvalidStuff() }
def helperB(..., onError: => Exception) { if (stuff) throw onError }
I would choose A every time.
Now, if I had to choose between A and what you have now, that's a toss up. It really depends on context, what you're trying to accomplish with the helpers, how else they may be used, etc.
On a final note, naming is very important in these sorts of situations. If your go the return-code-helper route, your helpers should have question names, such as isValid. If you have exception-throwing-helpers, they should have action names, such as validate. Maybe even give it emphasis, like validate_!.
For an alternative approach you could check out scalaz Validators, which give a lot of flexibility for this kind of case (e.g. should I crash on error, accumulate the errors and report at the end or ignore them completely?). A few
examples might help you decide if this is the right approach for you.
If you find it hard to find a way in to the library, this answer gives some pointers to some introductory material; or check out .

scala 2.8 control Exception - what is the point?

In the upcoming scala 2.8, a util.control package has been added which includes a break library and a construct for handling exceptions so that code which looks like:
type NFE = NumberFormatException
val arg = "1"
val maybeInt = try { Some(arg.toInt) } catch { case e: NFE => None }
Can be replaced with code like:
import util.control.Exception._
val maybeInt = catching(classOf[NFE]) opt arg.toInt
My question is why? What does this add to the language other than providing another (and radically different) way to express the same thing? Is there anything which can be expressed using the new control but not via try-catch? Is it a DSL supposed to make exception-handling in Scala look like some other language (and if so, which one)?
There are two ways to think about exceptions. One way is to think of them as flow control: an exception changes the flow of execution of the program, making the execution jump from one place to another. A second way is to think of them as data: an exception is an information about the execution of the program, which can then be used as input to other parts of the program.
The try/catch paradigm used in C++ and Java is very much of the first kind(*).
If, however, if you prefer to deal with exceptions as data, then you'll have to resort to code such as the one shown. For the simple case, that's rather easy. However, when it comes to the functional style where composition is king, things start to get complicated. You either have to duplicate code all around, or you roll your own library to deal with it.
Therefore, in a language which purports to support both functional and OO style, one shouldn't be surprised to see library support for treating exceptions as data.
And note that there is oh-so-many other possibilities provided by Exception to handle things. You can, for instance, chain catch handlers, much in the way that Lift chain partial functions to make it easy to delegate responsibility over the handling of web page requests.
Here is one example of what can be done, since automatic resource management is in vogue these days:
def arm[T <:,R](resource: T)(body: T => R)(handlers: Catch[R]):R = (
andFinally (ignoring(classOf[Any]) { resource.close() })
apply body(resource)
Which gives you a safe closing of the resource (note the use of ignoring), and still applies any catching logic you may want to use.
(*) Curiously, Forth's exception control, catch&throw, is a mix of them. The flow jumps from throw to catch, but then that information is treated as data.
Ok, ok, I yield. I'll give an example. ONE example, and that's it! I hope this isn't too contrived, but there's no way around it. This kind of thing would be most useful in large frameworks, not in small samples.
At any rate, let's first define something to do with the resource. I decided on printing lines and returning the number of lines printed, and here is the code:
def linePrinter(lnr: = arm(lnr) { lnr =>
var lineNumber = 0
var lineText = lnr.readLine()
while (null != lineText) {
lineNumber += 1
println("%4d: %s" format (lineNumber, lineText))
lineText = lnr.readLine()
} _
Here is the type of this function:
linePrinter: (lnr:[Int]) => Int
So, arm received a generic Closeable, but I need a LineNumberReader, so when I call this function I need to pass that. What I return, however, is a function Catch[Int] => Int, which means I need to pass two parameters to linePrinter to get it to work. Let's come up with a Reader, now:
val functionText = """def linePrinter(lnr: = arm(lnr) { lnr =>
var lineNumber = 1
var lineText = lnr.readLine()
while (null != lineText) {
println("%4d: %s" format (lineNumber, lineText))
lineNumber += 1
lineText = lnr.readLine()
} _"""
val reader = new
So, now, let's use it. First, a simple example:
scala> linePrinter(new
1: def linePrinter(lnr: = arm(lnr) { lnr =>
2: var lineNumber = 1
3: var lineText = lnr.readLine()
4: while (null != lineText) {
5: println("%4d: %s" format (lineNumber, lineText))
6: lineNumber += 1
7: lineText = lnr.readLine()
8: }
9: lineNumber
10: } _
res6: Int = 10
And if I try it again, I get this:
scala> linePrinter(new Stream closed
Now suppose I want to return 0 if any exception happens. I can do it like this:
linePrinter(new withApply (_ => 0))
What's interesting here is that I completely decoupled the exception handling (the catch part of try/catch) from the closing of the resource, which is done through finally. Also, the error handling is a value I can pass on to the function. At the very least, it makes mocking of try/catch/finally statements much easier. :-)
Also, I can combine multiple Catch using the or method, so that different layers of my code might choose to add different handlers for different exceptions. Which really is my main point, but I couldn't find an exception-rich interface (in the brief time I looked :).
I'll finish with a remark about the definition of arm I gave. It is not a good one. Particularly, I can't use Catch methods such as toEither or toOption to change the result from R to something else, which seriously decreases the value of using Catch in it. I'm not sure how to go about changing that, though.
As the guy who wrote it, the reasons are composition and encapsulation. The scala compiler (and I am betting most decent sized source bases) is littered with places which swallow all exceptions -- you can see these with -Ywarn-catches -- because the programmer is too lazy to enumerate the relevant ones, which is understandable because it's annoying. By making it possible to define, re-use, and compose catch and finally blocks independently of the try logic, I hoped to lower the barrier to writing sensible blocks.
And, it's not exactly finished, and I'm working on a million other areas too. If you look through the actors code you can see examples of huge cut-and-pasted multiply-nested try/catch/finally blocks. I was/am unwilling to settle for try { catch { try { catch { try { catch ...
My eventual plan is to have catch take an actual PartialFunction rather than require a literal list of case statements, which presents a whole new level of opportunity, i.e. try foo() catch getPF()
I'd say it's foremost a matter of style of expression.
Beyond being shorter than its equivalent, the new catching() method offers a more functional way to express the same behavior. Try ... catch statements are generally considered imperative style and exceptions are considered side-effects. Catching() puts a blanket on this imperative code to hide it from view.
More importantly, now that we have a function then it can be more easily composed with other things; it can be passed to other higher-order functions to create more sophisticated behavior. (You cannot pass a try .. catch statement with a parametrized exception type directly).
Another way to look at this is if Scala didn't offer this catching() function. Then most likely people would 're-invent' it independently and that would cause code duplication, and lead to more non-standard code. So I think the Scala designers believe this function is common enough to warrant including it in the standard Scala library. (And I agree)