SSRS 2008 R2 - Axes with Format M 25, T 26, etc - charts

I'm using SSRS to produce a Gantt Chart. In my header I have a chart with the axis visible, but no series data, then each row has an embedded chart showing it's timeline
The last image on this page shows it:
the horizontal axes is date and my users want it to display
M 21, T 22, W 23, T 24, etc.
Normally I could just cast to a string and get the parts I want (e.g. LEFT(FORMAT(Field..., "ddd"),1) or something like that) and then concat the bits I need; however, I have no field in an axes number format. I managed to get following using a format of dd ddd
Mon 21, Tues 22, Wed 23, etc.
Anyone got any ideas?

Well, you're not going to be able to accomplish this using only the Chart dialog, because it will only accept numeric entries for the label. However, if you assign numeric labels (such as the day of the month) that will line up the data in the desired order, you can then add labels outside of the chart area (such as inside a tablix) that will populate right below the chart and look like they're in the exact right spot. Here are the steps as I see them to accomplish your desired solution:
In the dataset where you are returning all of the data for the chart, add an additional field named "Label". The Label field should contain whatever text you would like to display in the label field (e.g., "T 22").
Hide the chart's labels and the corresponding Axis Title. This puts the bottom of the chart's horizontal axis several points from the bottom of the Chart area.
Create a tablix with a column group that is grouped on the Label field.
Then, in the details column of this new tablix, have it insert the Label field.
Set the WritingMode property for each cell to "Vertical" and adjust the spacing to line up with where the true labels should be residing on the chart.
Align the tablix with the chart, leaving 0pts of space between the two, that way the tablix will always be rendered directly below the chart.
There will end up being a small gap between the axis and the labels, but most end-users would never question it.
Hopefully, this makes sense to you. If any part of it doesn't, please reply with a comment asking your question.


Merging Percentage Lines with The Bars in Tableau Desktop

I have a graph that shows the ratio (count) of payable vs. processed words among the total words on stacked bars. I would also like to display the same ratio in percentages in lines overlapping the bars.
At the moment I have them in two separate graphs, but I want to merge them so that it takes less space in my dashboard view. I am unable to select the dual combination view as it requires two measures and even though I keep trying to cmd+click+drag the percentage measure pill to my marks, it's only changing the calculations in the bars but not allowing me to select the dual combination view.
Since the percentages are basically the ratio of the green/total in the bars, I don't think I need any complicated configurations for displaying it, however, I am also failing to achieve what I want.
Could you please tell me how to do this visualization?
Edit: I noticed that the reason I couldn't generate the dual combination view was that I had three date pills (year, quarter, month), and by removing two of them, I'm able to generate the dual combination view, but it's far from what I'm looking for as it's only splitting the stacked bar into bar+line.
Neeku, I certainly understand the desire to minimize "real estate" in your dashboard. If I understand your needs correctly, I believe that overlaying a transparent-background chart over the first chart might meet your needs, if a dual-axis chart doesn't work for you (for example, if you wanted to overlay a line chart on a column chart that is itself already dual axis).
By way of example, here is a simple Sample Superstore dashboard with a line chart on top and a stacked column at the bottom.
simple dashboard
Change the line chart to "Floating"
Size it to fit over your column chart and change the background to transparent by clicking anywhere in the line chart and select "Format"
...Format Shading
...and "None" for the color selection
Your line chart is now an overlay, but it's pretty messy.
Click on the line chart and hide field labels,
...turn off "Show Header" for each pill in the line chart
Clean things up and it should look better:
Note: one big issue with this approach is that you will not be able to click to select chart elements of the underlying chart.

Aligning BIRT charts regardless of the legend size

I have created a BIRT report with multiple charts.
All the charts include different data but for the same time span.
So i want to make the x axis of the charts align with each other so it is easy to read all the charts at once.
But the series names of these charts are different from each other.And some charts gets dynamic series names in which the length cannot be predicted.
Even though i align the charts with same width and height because of the series names the legend gets too lengthy and the alignment gets ruined.
According to the requirements given to me legend should be placed at the right side of the chart.
Is there a way to fix the size of the legend without truncating the series names.May be a way to wrap the series names so the size of the legend will be same for all the charts and the charts will be aligned nicely.
From your Eclipse designer:
Edit charts -> Format charts -> Legend -> Layout -> Wrapping width
Set a wrapping width value as expected, for example try 60.
You might also have to increase the bottom inset of legend entries to avoid overlapping:
Edit charts -> Format charts -> Legend -> Entries -> Bottom inset
From your Eclipse designer: set Format Chart->Legend->Entries->Ellipsis property to possible max length of your dynamic legends. and the problem will be solved.
As this property work as follows:
The default value is "1". Int attribute "Ellipsis" specifies the behavior of shortening the legend item's text with ellipsis if there is not enough space to display the whole text. Value 0 indicates that the feature is disabled, and the legend item will either be displayed with whole text or be dropped. A positive value n represents the minimal count of characters to be displayed before the ellipsis, which means the legend item will either be dropped or be displayed with at least n characters.
Hope this will solve your problem. It worked for me.

How to modify Chart legends in Excel 2013

I am trying to create a chart in Excel 2013 from a subset of data within a larger report. All the examples show using the headers to create the legend on the chart, but since I am just using select rows in the report, I can't utilize the headers. Is there any way to directly modify the legend, or even indirectly. I am open to any suggestions. Basically, I have a row with multiple data points that I want to graph. The title works out okay, but the legend just indicates 1 and 7 (the columns I am charting). Since I don't want to graph the entire report, I don't seem to be able to capture the column headings.
The words in the legend are sourced from the series name. You can point the series name to any cell in the spreadsheet. In the screenshot, the original series names were one, two and three. In the series definition, they got re-pointed to the cells that say blue, red and green.
Depending on your data and requirements this can be made dynamic.

SSRS overlapping column chart

currently i have the following chart:
It currently contains one column (blue one) and a range column (white one). But what i really need is a chart which looks like the following:
So the white column should be overlapped by the blue column. I tried to change the range column to a normal column and changed the "CustomAttribute" PointWidth but was not able to get my chart looking like the needed chart.
Does somebody knows how to do that? Thanks
#glh: I know that, it currently looks like this (changing the white range to column):
ANGEFALLEN = blue column
EINGEPLANTV1 = white column
Problem is that the white column is now right to the blue column.
If i change the order of the chart data the blue column ins right to the white column. But i need the white column to be behind the blue column like shown in the second picture of the main post / question.
Followup 25.04.2013:
The chart should look like this:
I need to move 1/3 of the white column behind the blue column so that 2/3 of the white column is still visible. The blue column has to be in the foreground and the white column in the background.
Overlapping Series:
Change the "overlapping" series to a "Range Column" chart type. This will allow you to layer the two series on top of each other.
Once you do this, you will notice that the series will get two value drop-downs:
Set the "Low" drop down to an expression with the value of 0.
Set the "High" drop down to the value you would like to represent.
Offset Series Position:
I am actually not sure if this is possible in SSRS. However, you can play with the widths of the layered series to achieve a similar effect.
Set the PointWidth propety of the series (under CustomAttributes) either larger or smaller than the default .08, depending on your desired effect.
Here is a quick mockup I put together. It isn't exactly what you were looking for, but maybe it'll get your creative brain juices flowing.
You should be able to drag the values around in the values box or there will be a blue up or down arrow to alter the order your data is displayed. See below for an example of what you will see when you select the charts data.

Crystal Reports format diagramm series axis

I'm using Crystal Reports Basic from Visual Studio. Now I want to create a 3D-Block Diagram but the series axis has the text from my columns of the dataset.
Here is how my chart preview looks like
and here is how it is configured in the diagram assistant
All the texts on the series axis should be formatted like Monday, Tuesday, etc. and not Sum of SimultaneousMissionsWeekDayTable.Monday, Sum of SimultaneousMissionsWeekDayTable.Tuesday.
Somebody any clue......
No worries, it's an easy fix:
Go to the Preview window
Right click on the label itself, and choose Edit Axis Label.
You'll see the Original Label and the Displayed Label. Change the Displayed Label to whatever you like.
Thanks for the pictures. Made it much easier to understand your question.