creating a facebook app showing events in joomla - facebook

i'm searching the internet for a good howto concerning facebook developing, but can't find it. I created a facebook developer account, i also created an app (which is in developing mode).
But now i'm stuck...
I want to show the events of (my) facebook (fan) page in my Joomla website. I can find (joomla) modules for the website part, but they all say that i need a facebook app. Unfortunately nobody is explaining how you do this...
My question: what do i need to do in the facebook developer portal to create this functionality?
(if there is a representative example somewhere please refer me to it).
Thanks for the time and effort!
Kind regard,

When you integrate your blog or cms with an app that you admin, you don't need special permissions.
So just create a facebook developer account.
Go to Apps & create an new app.
Fill in the fields. This will create a standard app and provides you with an App ID and the App Secret. This should be enough.


facebook, twitter, youtube app creation and api integration help required... just a small answer required

I am working on PHP application which will be shipped to many users for their own.
App needs to integrate
Facebook api for auto post their web articles to their fb profile/page.
Twitter api for same purpose as above and to search for tweets/users.
Youtube api to upload videos to their user account.
I already have completed the software, Right now software has api settings menu for each of them. Where user create their own app on respective platform and setup app id/secrets etc... IT works fine...
But I am looking for a way where, we use our own app codes, and user only has to click on button which redirect them to their platform and they can allow access to our app. So they dont have to go through their own app creation.
Just like how login with social media things work...
I know thats possible and my question is not about how to do this...
My question is about IF I do that, will that create any App usage limitation issues for users ? For example, if I create my own Youtube app settings from and all users just authorise my app to their account, will it create any issues if all users (may be 2000 users) uploads upto 5 videos per day ? Will the usage limit counted per application or per user access assigned ?
I need the answer for facebook/twitter and youtube. I know some one how has already done this can answer this quickly and easily...
Thanks for reading my question...

Create local business application for Facebook

My wife is starting her local business, and I would like to develop a booking application that users can use to book appointments with. Is this feasible using the facebook development tools? I tried to overview the documentation at but I came out with no clear answer.
What is a Facebook app?
In layman terms, it's just a window to your actual app with a bonus that you can use Facebook's social data with it. So, yes! Basically, you can pretty much do anything with it. Plus, if you are looking forward to create an app for a local business, I would recommend taking a look at page tabs from here.
Here is how a Facebook app works:
You create an app on your server.
You give it's url to Facebook (called the canvas url).
You specify the dimensions.
And that's it! Your app is up and running!

Confused about App Dev process- Only trying to link to a website

I am trying to get Facebook features (like button, and login capabilities) on my website but I am having a tough time figuring out how to do it. I have a Facebook page for my website too, I do not have an app, but from what I've seen I'm supposed to create this App profile through Facebook in order to access all of these features. I am simply confused. I have a website, I have a Facebook page for that website, now I want to link the two. Again, I do not have an app for the site, yet, as it is in its early development stages. Please help me figure out what I must do to link my website to Facebook capabilities
Just "create an application" for the website. I think what you are most confused about is actually building an app.
"Create an application" provides a reference for your application to reside. All Facebook plugins currently must be processed through the JS SDK which needs an application (reference) to make requests. You will see the benefits of doing this when using
Also your Facebook fan page has nothing to do with your website, think of it separately, it will cause less confusion. There is no way to link them.
Summary: Just click the "Create app" button, set the domain to your website domain and supply the application id to the JS SDK.
Have you checked out their site?
All you need to do after registering with Facebook as a developer, you should have a control panel. After that you should have a dev key, so when you make an API call to Facebook that you can authentic yourself as a registered developer. You do need to enter the javascript file in the head section so that when you call the Facebook API your Javascript code knows to reference the calls.

How to add app for different Facebook page?

I've spent the past few hours trying to figure this out but can't find anything.
Basically I've setup a website for a music festival, I'm trying to integrate Facebook with the site and whenever I create an app it keeps creating it under my personal account.
I am setup as an admin under the music site's Facebook but I still can't figure out how to create an app just for that music site completely separate from my personal account.
Anytime I try to access the developer section using the account it gives me this error:
This is by design.
I'm assuming the music site is a Facebook page?
While you can log in and use Facebook as the page, rather than yourself, Facebook apps are always owned by a real Facebook user, not a page. So you either need to create the app yourself, or have someone else create the app and add you as a developer.
From what I understand, everything you do is associated with your personal account as the developer. However, you aren't supposed to be putting it on your personal page. As the developer, whenever I do anything it shows up in my personal account because I am set up as the developer and admin of all my pages. That's how Facebook wants it. Before, people were setting up different accounts for a business profile and it ended up with lots of businesses as personal accounts instead of business pages with an admin user.
Whenever I do anything with Facebook I have everything available to all the pages, but only one is actually using the app or whatever it is. Does anyone see anything different?

Facebook Page/App Testing Environment

I am trying to set up a test environment to test Facebook pages & apps... since I am new to Facebook development I am hoping to get advice from someone who's had more experience than I with building Facebook apps...
I was planning on setting up a test Facebook page that is private (only visible to admins). Then create & add sandbox apps to the private page.
I need the page & apps to NOT be visible to the public in this test environment at all. However, I need to be able to add more developers, admins, & testers to access the testing environment. I think I should be able to accomplish this by adding admins to the Facebook page & adding developers/testers to the Facebook apps. Unfortunately, it appears Facebook does not have a "full" sandbox feature for pages & apps. So, is this the best way to set up an environment for testing pages & apps within the Facebook environment?
#Brigette by default it is private. The app you create is only assessable to you or to people you want to assign in your development team. Your friends will not be able to see it nor will it be searchable. It will not be visible until you actually publish it. Have a read on Facebook Developer -
The docs are quite good and what you cant find have a snoop in the forums as most of the questions you may have are already answered. Hope that helps. :)